We already have a deployment process which works within our LAN environment,
which uses an ANT script to extract code from CVS and rsync this with the
target site on a web server.

We now have a remote site and have found that while it still works it takes
too long to copy the whole site prior to the rsync.

So we want to have a CVS sandbox on the target web server and then get ANT
to logon to the CVS server and perform a CVS UPDATE, (transfering far fewer
files) then rsync (ignoring the CVS folders).

PROBLEM is that we don't seem to be able to pass CVS the password within the
ANT script.

here is the ant script we are trying - but it just prompts for the password

<project name="deploy" default="deploy" basedir=".">
 <target name="deploy">

  <cvs command="update -d #Arguments.SysName#"

cvsRoot=":ext:#Arguments.User#:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:#Arguments.Repository#"

  <sync todir="#Arguments.SysRoot#">
   <fileset dir="#Arguments.TempDir#">
    <patternset id="output files">
     <exclude name="out"/>


Anyone know of a way to get the password to be passed to CVS via ANT with no


Mike T
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