RE: Opening PDF files

2001-07-08 Thread Dave Watts

 Our client needs a document tracking system, which allows authorized
 users to view PDF files. For legal reasons they want to track 
 the date, time and IP Address of who views these documents.
 This is the code I'm using
 cfquery datasource=theDB name=logDocView
   INSERT into docLog
   (documents_ID, dateViewed, ipAddress)
   (#DocID#, #CreateODBCDateTime(now())#, '#CGI.remote_addr#')
 cflocation url=documents/#docFilename#
 When we run this query, we end up with three records in the 
 database. If I do a CFLocation to a CFM file instead of a PDF 
 file I only get one record inserted. Plus if I remove the 
 CFLocation and replace it with a a href it also inserts just 
 one record. G!

I suspect that this is due to a peculiarity with PDF files, in that the
client may intentionally make multiple requests for the same file. A few
years ago, I ran into a problem with an application that used CFLOCATION to
redirect to PDF files, and depending on the version of Acrobat used to
create the files, various things might happen - the redirection might work
or might not work at all!

My workaround for this was to use client-side redirection for PDF files
using JavaScript and/or META tags.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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Opening PDF files

2001-06-22 Thread Dave Borgeest

Funny one that we've been scratching our heads over all afternoon.

Our client needs a document tracking system, which allows authorized
users to view PDF files. For legal reasons they want to track the date,
time and IP Address of who views these documents.

This is the code I'm using

cfquery datasource=theDB name=logDocView
  INSERT into docLog
  (documents_ID, dateViewed, ipAddress)
  (#DocID#, #CreateODBCDateTime(now())#, '#CGI.remote_addr#')

cflocation url=documents/#docFilename#

When we run this query, we end up with three records in the database. If
I do a CFLocation to a CFM file instead of a PDF file I only get one
record inserted. Plus if I remove the CFLocation and replace it with a
a href it also inserts just one record. G!

Anyone seen this one?


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