"Page stupid.cfm"

Inside a javascript function on this page is code akin to this:

var x = 'scramble';
window.location = 'stupid.cfm?dothis=' + x;
// page reloads and functions correctly, i.e., the URL parameter is present

<cfparam name="URL.dothis" default = "">

<cfdump var="#URL.dothis#">  <!--- when link is clicked this shows  empty 
string --->

<cfif URL.dothis EQ "scramble">


<a href="stupid.cfm?dothis=scramble">scramble</a>

<a href="smart.cfm?dothis=scramble">scramble</a>

"Page smart.cfm"

<cfdump var="#URL.dothis#"> <!--- when above link is clicked this shows  
scramble --->

What would cause the call back to the same page to lose the URL parameter?

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