I was curious as to whether the following code is the best way to handle 
updating datetime fields (SQL 2000).  I use the isdate() function to verify 
that my variable is indeed a date, and then update the db field with the 
CreateODBCDate() function......is there another way I should be doing this??

thanks in advance for any advice or confirmation.....

<cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="myDSN">
UPDATE myTable
SET     myField = <cfqueryparam value="#left(someValue,250)#" 
            <cfif isdate(trim(attributes.publishdate))>
               , publishdate = #CreateODBCDate(attributes.publishdate)#
           <cfif isdate(trim(attributes.unpublishdate))>
               , unpublishdate = #CreateODBCDate(attributes.unpublishdate)#
 WHERE myPKid = <cfqueryparam value=#val(id)# cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">

charlie hanlon
food service enablers, inc.

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