2003-12-17 Thread Matt Robertson
Thanks to Isaac, Matt and Barney for giving me stuff to think about.
I'd clean forgot about qforms and terraforms, and using a custom tag
never occurred to me.

Since I have to do this now and my 6.1 upgrade won't happen for at least
a month I can't use udf's on this project, unfortunately.While my 4.5
box is wonderfully stable I've about had it with all of the can'ts
that go with the older technology.

 Matt Robertson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.

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2003-12-16 Thread Barney Boisvert
Method 2 for sure.At the Java level, both the CFIF and the CFSWITCH are
both if statements, because the Java switch statement only works on numeric
types (byte, short, int, long and char).Then, factor in the extra
assignment overhead on method 1, count the number of extra lines in method
1, and then the vastly superior readability of method 2, and I think it's a
pretty clear-cut case.At least in my mind.;)

IMHO, 99.9% of the time, readable, easily maintainable code is way more
valuable than speed.If we're talking about the last fractions of a percent
of performace, than it's almost never worth it.Better to spend 10 minutes
optimizing some query, since that might actually result in several
milliseconds of speed.


 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:58 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: BIG Forms: CFSWITCH or CFIF?
 I'm going over old code that has pre-filled form fields based 
 on previous user entry.Many are select boxes or radio 
 groups with lots of options.The current coding method is 
 shown in Method 1 below.The common way I see recommended to 
 do this is in Method 2.Before I rewrite this code, I 
 thought I'd ask which y'all think is the better approach for 
 a big form.
 Method 1 is verbose, but its use of cfswitch might be faster?
 Method 2 is easier to code, but uses slower cfifs.Lots of 
 them on longer forms.
 So on a form with a couple of dozen fields like this, which 
 do you think is faster/a better approach?
 !---METHOD 1---
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA01 default= type=string
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA02 default= type=string
 cfswitch _expression_=#QName.AA#
 	cfcase value=A
 		cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 	cfcase value=B
 		cfset variables.LocalAA02= selected
 		cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 	OPTION value=A#variables.LocalAA01#Choice A
 	OPTION value=B#variables.LocalAA02#Choice B
 !---METHOD 2---
 	OPTION value=Acfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,A) 
 selected/cfifChoice A
 	OPTION value=Bcfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,B) 
 selected/cfifChoice B
Matt Robertson,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.

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2003-12-16 Thread Matt Robertson
Barney Boisvert wrote:
Method 2 for sure.At the Java level, both the CFIF and the CFSWITCH 
are both if statements

Very Interesting.I'm still running on CF 4.5 but I'll be upgrading to 6.1 shoertly.

IMHO, 99.9% of the time, readable, easily maintainable code is way more
valuable than speed

Absolutely.I've got about 50 of these forms, and some of them have up to 250 lines of this stuff at page top.On the other side, though,is this is part of a very complex insurance rating system, where the execution time for the process at hand is about 3000 (three thousand) ms.At that scale I'm really conscious of exec times.

-- Original Message --
From: Barney Boisvert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Tue, 16 Dec 2003 14:05:33 -0800

Method 2 for sure.At the Java level, both the CFIF and the CFSWITCH are
both if statements, because the Java switch statement only works on numeric
types (byte, short, int, long and char).Then, factor in the extra
assignment overhead on method 1, count the number of extra lines in method
1, and then the vastly superior readability of method 2, and I think it's a
pretty clear-cut case.At least in my mind.;)

IMHO, 99.9% of the time, readable, easily maintainable code is way more
valuable than speed.If we're talking about the last fractions of a percent
of performace, than it's almost never worth it.Better to spend 10 minutes
optimizing some query, since that might actually result in several
milliseconds of speed.


 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 1:58 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: BIG Forms: CFSWITCH or CFIF?
 I'm going over old code that has pre-filled form fields based 
 on previous user entry.Many are select boxes or radio 
 groups with lots of options.The current coding method is 
 shown in Method 1 below.The common way I see recommended to 
 do this is in Method 2.Before I rewrite this code, I 
 thought I'd ask which y'all think is the better approach for 
 a big form.
 Method 1 is verbose, but its use of cfswitch might be faster?
 Method 2 is easier to code, but uses slower cfifs.Lots of 
 them on longer forms.
 So on a form with a couple of dozen fields like this, which 
 do you think is faster/a better approach?
 !---METHOD 1---
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA01 default= type=string
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA02 default= type=string
 cfswitch _expression_=#QName.AA#
 	cfcase value=A
 		cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 	cfcase value=B
 		cfset variables.LocalAA02= selected
 		cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 	OPTION value=A#variables.LocalAA01#Choice A
 	OPTION value=B#variables.LocalAA02#Choice B
 !---METHOD 2---
 	OPTION value=Acfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,A) 
 selected/cfifChoice A
 	OPTION value=Bcfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,B) 
 selected/cfifChoice B
Matt Robertson,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.

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2003-12-16 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Personally I'd recommend neither ...

I doubt the cfswitch will save you any processing speed in this
particular case. However, I'd go for a function or custom tag to
handle your form elements and pass a structure to them to populate the
individual fields. Inside the tag, check the structure for the
appropriate key and use it if available to populate the field -- this
will cut down on your typing and improve consistency within the
application at the expense of a little processing time.

Matthew Walker produces a really nice form management tool that does
this ... I don't remember what he charges for it, but I'm sure he'd be
willing to discuss licensing for inclusion in other apps if you're
wanting to sell something.

Otherwise there's also the qForms _javascript_ API which is open-source
and pretty good in comparison to a lot of other OS projects that tend
to be tough to work with. ... Once you've
got it installed in your app, then you can populate your whole form
with something like this:

cfloop index=x list=#qname.columnlist#
cfparam name=form.#x# default=#qname[x][1]#/cfloop

script type=_javascript_
function temp() {
cfwddx action="" input=#form# toplevelvariable=myValues
myForm = new qForm(myformname);
} window.>

This cuts down all that cfif or cfswitch stuff... The onTap framework
now has a qForms library that makes this even easier, though I
scarcely see you plugging an existing app into the framework. :) In
any event, with the qForms library in an onTap application this whole
8 or so lines of code here can be condensed to one or two calls to a

 I'm going over old code that has pre-filled form fields
 based on previous user entry.Many are select boxes or
 radio groups with lots of options.The current coding
 method is shown in Method 1 below.The common way I see
 recommended to do this is in Method 2.Before I rewrite
 this code, I thought I'd ask which y'all think is the
 better approach for a big form.

 Method 1 is verbose, but its use of cfswitch might be

 Method 2 is easier to code, but uses slower cfifs.Lots
 of them on longer forms.

 So on a form with a couple of dozen fields like this,
 which do you think is faster/a better approach?

 !---METHOD 1---
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA01 default=
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA02 default=
 cfswitch _expression_=#QName.AA#
 	cfcase value=A
 		cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 	cfcase value=B
 		cfset variables.LocalAA02= selected
 		cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 	OPTION value=A#variables.LocalAA01#Choice A
 	OPTION value=B#variables.LocalAA02#Choice B

 !---METHOD 2---
 	OPTION value=Acfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,A)
 	selected/cfifChoice A
 	OPTION value=Bcfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,B)
 	selected/cfifChoice B

Matt Robertson,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.


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2003-12-16 Thread Matthew Walker
RE form management tool: if you
want to have a look. But it doesn't run on 4.5 as it relies heavily on UDFs.
Also you would basically need to rewrite your form. One advantage would be
that the resulting form is much more readable. Here's how I'd make yours
more readable:

cfset options = A,B



cfloop list=#options# index=option

OPTION value=#option# cfif not
CompareNoCase(QName.AA,option) selected/cfifChoice #option#/option




This doesn't look better, but you could make a custom tag:

cfparam name=attributes.options

cfparam name=attributes.value

cfparam name=attributes.field


SELECT name=#attributes.field#

cfloop list=# attributes.options# index=option

OPTION value=#option# cfif not
CompareNoCase(attributes.value,option) selected/cfifChoice




I guess you were asking about speed. The sad fact is that the fastest code
is often the ugliest and least elegant, and least maintainable -- the
fastest code is the code that is most similar to a static page. However the
speed gain is likely to be miniscule. To me both those code examples look
bad and I wouldn't want to be maintaining that code.

-Original Message-
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, 17 December 2003 3:21 p.m.
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: BIG Forms: CFSWITCH or CFIF?

Personally I'd recommend neither ...

I doubt the cfswitch will save you any processing speed in this
particular case. However, I'd go for a function or custom tag to
handle your form elements and pass a structure to them to populate the
individual fields. Inside the tag, check the structure for the
appropriate key and use it if available to populate the field -- this
will cut down on your typing and improve consistency within the
application at the expense of a little processing time.

Matthew Walker produces a really nice form management tool that does
this ... I don't remember what he charges for it, but I'm sure he'd be
willing to discuss licensing for inclusion in other apps if you're
wanting to sell something.

Otherwise there's also the qForms _javascript_ API which is open-source
and pretty good in comparison to a lot of other OS projects that tend
to be tough to work with. ... Once you've
got it installed in your app, then you can populate your whole form
with something like this:

cfloop index=x list=#qname.columnlist#
cfparam name=form.#x# default=#qname[x][1]#/cfloop

script type=_javascript_
function temp() {
cfwddx action="" input=#form# toplevelvariable=myValues
myForm = new qForm(myformname);
} window.>

This cuts down all that cfif or cfswitch stuff... The onTap framework
now has a qForms library that makes this even easier, though I
scarcely see you plugging an existing app into the framework. :) In
any event, with the qForms library in an onTap application this whole
8 or so lines of code here can be condensed to one or two calls to a

 I'm going over old code that has pre-filled form fields
 based on previous user entry.Many are select boxes or
 radio groups with lots of options.The current coding
 method is shown in Method 1 below.The common way I see
 recommended to do this is in Method 2.Before I rewrite
 this code, I thought I'd ask which y'all think is the
 better approach for a big form.

 Method 1 is verbose, but its use of cfswitch might be

 Method 2 is easier to code, but uses slower cfifs.Lots
 of them on longer forms.

 So on a form with a couple of dozen fields like this,
 which do you think is faster/a better approach?

 !---METHOD 1---
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA01 default=
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA02 default=
 cfswitch _expression_=#QName.AA#
 cfcase value=A
 cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 cfcase value=B
 cfset variables.LocalAA02= selected
 cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 OPTION value=A#variables.LocalAA01#Choice A
 OPTION value=B#variables.LocalAA02#Choice B

 !---METHOD 2---
 OPTION value=Acfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,A)
 selected/cfifChoice A
 OPTION value=Bcfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,B)
 selected/cfifChoice B

Matt Robertson,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.


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2003-12-16 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Thanks Matt -- I'd meant to provide a url for terraform and forgot --
I managed to include the one for qForms. :)

 RE form management tool: if you
 want to have a look. But it doesn't run on 4.5 as it
 relies heavily on UDFs.
 Also you would basically need to rewrite your form. One
 advantage would be
 that the resulting form is much more readable. Here's how
 I'd make yours
 more readable:

 cfset options = A,B



 cfloop list=#options# index=option

 value=#option# cfif
 CompareNoCase(QName.AA,option) selected/cfifChoice




 This doesn't look better, but you could make a custom tag:

 cfparam name=attributes.options

 cfparam name=attributes.value

 cfparam name=attributes.field


 SELECT name=#attributes.field#

 cfloop list=# attributes.options# index=option

 value=#option# cfif




 I guess you were asking about speed. The sad fact is that
 the fastest code
 is often the ugliest and least elegant, and least
 maintainable -- the
 fastest code is the code that is most similar to a static
 page. However the
 speed gain is likely to be miniscule. To me both those
 code examples look
 bad and I wouldn't want to be maintaining that code.

 -Original Message-
 From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 17 December 2003 3:21 p.m.
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: BIG Forms: CFSWITCH or CFIF?

 Personally I'd recommend neither ...

 I doubt the cfswitch will save you any processing speed in
 particular case. However, I'd go for a function or custom
 tag to
 handle your form elements and pass a structure to them to
 populate the
 individual fields. Inside the tag, check the structure for
 appropriate key and use it if available to populate the
 field -- this
 will cut down on your typing and improve consistency
 within the
 application at the expense of a little processing time.

 Matthew Walker produces a really nice form management tool
 that does
 this ... I don't remember what he charges for it, but I'm
 sure he'd be
 willing to discuss licensing for inclusion in other apps
 if you're
 wanting to sell something.

 Otherwise there's also the qForms _javascript_ API which is
 and pretty good in comparison to a lot of other OS
 projects that tend
 to be tough to work with. ...
 Once you've
 got it installed in your app, then you can populate your
 whole form
 with something like this:

 cfloop index=x list=#qname.columnlist#
 cfparam name=form.#x# default=#qname[x][1]#/cfloop

 script type=_javascript_
 function temp() {
cfwddx action="" input=#form#
myForm = new qForm(myformname);
 } window.>

 This cuts down all that cfif or cfswitch stuff... The
 onTap framework
 now has a qForms library that makes this even easier,
 though I
 scarcely see you plugging an existing app into the
 framework. :) In
 any event, with the qForms library in an onTap application
 this whole
 8 or so lines of code here can be condensed to one or two
 calls to a

 I'm going over old code that has pre-filled form fields
 based on previous user entry.Many are select boxes or
 radio groups with lots of options.The current coding
 method is shown in Method 1 below.The common way I see
 recommended to do this is in Method 2.Before I rewrite
 this code, I thought I'd ask which y'all think is the
 better approach for a big form.

 Method 1 is verbose, but its use of cfswitch might be

 Method 2 is easier to code, but uses slower cfifs.Lots
 of them on longer forms.

 So on a form with a couple of dozen fields like this,
 which do you think is faster/a better approach?

 !---METHOD 1---
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA01 default=
 cfparam name=variables.LocalAA02 default=
 cfswitch _expression_=#QName.AA#
 cfcase value=A
 cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 cfcase value=B
 cfset variables.LocalAA02= selected
 cfset variables.LocalAA01= selected
 OPTION value=A#variables.LocalAA01#Choice A
 OPTION value=B#variables.LocalAA02#Choice B

 !---METHOD 2---
 OPTION value=Acfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,A)
 selected/cfifChoice A
 OPTION value=Bcfif not CompareNoCase(QName.AA,B)
 selected/cfifChoice B

Matt Robertson,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.



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