Re: CF/SVN SOT question

2008-08-22 Thread denstar
I've got some stuff that uses SVNkit, the java subversion deal.

Pretty slick, looks as if anything you'd want to do, you could do through CF.

Create / *Duplicate* / Checkout repositories, alter repositories-
branch, merge, commit, etc..

I'll I've got going is the browsing and committing to repositories
(basically a CMS that uses SVN as it's back-end), and exporting and
zip-exporting, but if you're good at doing deltas and whatnot, adding
merging and whatnot would be a snap...ish (still monumental, but it's
all relative).

Creating branches is easy enough, and you can export from the
repository... but the merging, well... so long as the process didn't
need a human to look at it (no conflict editor), it could be done
pretty easily (relatively *wink-wink*), I reckon.

Anyways, you'd probably need to be pretty Java savvy, to wank on the
merging/conflict handling, etc., but there are some good docs with


Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the gospel.
Michael Jackson

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
> Anyone know of any cf based packages that can handle merging from branch to
> branch to trunk as well as updating directories on other servers?  I am
> looking for something that can centralize the promotion process from a
> single server so I don't have to remote into each box to do this?
> Any advice would be awesome and appreciated.  Thanks!
> Eric

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RE: CF/SVN SOT question

2008-08-22 Thread Eric Roberts
Thanks Den...I'll have to check that out.  The only mods should be the ones
in dev.  Test is a combo of testing and staging where we do final testing
before putting it something like that should work.


/*-Original Message-
/*From: denstar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 4:55 PM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: Re: CF/SVN SOT question
/*I've got some stuff that uses SVNkit, the java subversion deal.
/*Pretty slick, looks as if anything you'd want to do, you could do through
/*Create / *Duplicate* / Checkout repositories, alter repositories-
/*branch, merge, commit, etc..
/*I'll I've got going is the browsing and committing to repositories
/*(basically a CMS that uses SVN as it's back-end), and exporting and
/*zip-exporting, but if you're good at doing deltas and whatnot, adding
/*merging and whatnot would be a snap...ish (still monumental, but it's
/*all relative).
/*Creating branches is easy enough, and you can export from the
/*repository... but the merging, well... so long as the process didn't
/*need a human to look at it (no conflict editor), it could be done
/*pretty easily (relatively *wink-wink*), I reckon.
/*Anyways, you'd probably need to be pretty Java savvy, to wank on the
/*merging/conflict handling, etc., but there are some good docs with
/*Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's the gospel.
/*Michael Jackson
/*On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
/*> Anyone know of any cf based packages that can handle merging from branch
/*> branch to trunk as well as updating directories on other servers?  I am
/*> looking for something that can centralize the promotion process from a
/*> single server so I don't have to remote into each box to do this?
/*> Any advice would be awesome and appreciated.  Thanks!
/*> Eric

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j


Re: CF/SVN SOT question

2008-08-25 Thread denstar
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 9:53 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
> Thanks Den...I'll have to check that out.  The only mods should be the ones
> in dev.  Test is a combo of testing and staging where we do final testing
> before putting it something like that should work.

Well I'd be happy to share what code I have with you.

Don't know if the organization will help at all (services, factories,
whatever), but the raw logic of how I'm committing and browsing and
getting histories and whatnot might help.

I think I've gone the furthest into it, of the stuff for CF/SVN that
I've seen out there.

When I'm happy with it, I'll publicly put it up somewhere, with
fanfare and whatnot (heh, someday).  It uses dojo javascript to do
nifty UI stuphs, and the fckeditor is tied to the repo, for the
editing/insertion/linking of resources and whatnot (images, whatever).

There's a user management/permissions bit as well, but it only works
if you're using apache to serve your repository.

Not much of this would be useful to you, but I'm hoping that me
thinking about it, will motivate me to organize it into something


Catch, then, O catch the transient hour; Improve each moment as it flies!
St. Jerome

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j


RE: CF/SVN SOT question

2008-08-25 Thread Eric Roberts
*grin*  I know what you mean...give you a reason to do it ;-)

When I worked at Discovery Education, we had a system that would take code
from the dev server (as selected on a web based screen that listed the
entire directory with checkboxes), commit it, merge it to the test
repository and update the test code.  Once everything was tested, you
checked the files you wanted to move to production, it would then repeat the
above process and merge them to a staging server to be included in the next
release.  That is what I am looking for.  I see a lot of CMS stuff, but that
isn't what I am looking for (though I can see some use for that as well
hehehe).  I want to make it so that once this is set up, we don't have to
remote or ftp to any of the servers to update code.

If you or anyone knows of any products that would achieve this, I would
appreciate it.  I suppose I can eventually write my own, but I just don't
have the time to do that right now.


/*-Original Message-
/*From: denstar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/*Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 2:20 PM
/*To: CF-Talk
/*Subject: Re: CF/SVN SOT question
/*On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 9:53 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
/*> Thanks Den...I'll have to check that out.  The only mods should be the
/*> in dev.  Test is a combo of testing and staging where we do final
/*> before putting it something like that should work.
/*Well I'd be happy to share what code I have with you.
/*Don't know if the organization will help at all (services, factories,
/*whatever), but the raw logic of how I'm committing and browsing and
/*getting histories and whatnot might help.
/*I think I've gone the furthest into it, of the stuff for CF/SVN that
/*I've seen out there.
/*When I'm happy with it, I'll publicly put it up somewhere, with
/*fanfare and whatnot (heh, someday).  It uses dojo javascript to do
/*nifty UI stuphs, and the fckeditor is tied to the repo, for the
/*editing/insertion/linking of resources and whatnot (images, whatever).
/*There's a user management/permissions bit as well, but it only works
/*if you're using apache to serve your repository.
/*Not much of this would be useful to you, but I'm hoping that me
/*thinking about it, will motivate me to organize it into something
/*Catch, then, O catch the transient hour; Improve each moment as it flies!
/*St. Jerome

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j


Re: CF/SVN SOT question

2008-08-25 Thread denstar
On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:

> When I worked at Discovery Education, we had a system that would take code
> from the dev server (as selected on a web based screen that listed the
> entire directory with checkboxes), commit it, merge it to the test
> repository and update the test code.  Once everything was tested, you
> checked the files you wanted to move to production, it would then repeat the
> above process and merge them to a staging server to be included in the next
> release.  That is what I am looking for.  I see a lot of CMS stuff, but that
> isn't what I am looking for (though I can see some use for that as well
> hehehe).  I want to make it so that once this is set up, we don't have to
> remote or ftp to any of the servers to update code.

Heh, yeah, the repo-management aspect was part of why I was wanking on
this stuff.  Trying to make it to where a not-so-trained monkey could
keep things running, if need be.  Via the web, no less!  :-)

I did use a little foresight, so what you propose isn't sounding too
crazy--  the tree-control that I use, for instance: lazy loaded, so
you don't have to pull the whole repository at once.
I also have some stuff that uses the JDT compiler to compile java
code, and then dynamically load it, so things that are hard in CF, you
can do in Java, and you can do it the same way you do CF-- edit the
java file, and hit ctrl+F5 (or shift+apple-R).  There's only been one
thing that I used it for, with the svn stuff, but it's nice to have
the option (especially with deltas and whatnot, perhaps).

> If you or anyone knows of any products that would achieve this, I would
> appreciate it.  I suppose I can eventually write my own, but I just don't
> have the time to do that right now.

I hear it.  [-|

I bet there are some far-out products for this type stuff, but I also
bet they cost more than a fancy car or two.


Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and
your better is best.
St. Jerome

Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to 
Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j
