RE: CF performance tuning: CFTRY/CFCATCH vs CFERROR? What about e xcessive CFOUTPUTs?

2005-12-29 Thread Dave Watts
 Is there any definitive info on whether it is more efficient 
 to put a CFTRY around an entire page's contents, with a
 CFCATCH at the end to trap errors, or to simply have a CFERROR 
 page specified in application.cfm (and only use CFTRY/CFCATCH in 
 specific pieces of code that might need special error handling
 procedures)? In other words, what is the performance cost for 
 code that is executing within a CFTRY block?
 I'm interested in this because the CF server that I've just 
 recently started working with seems to be having periodic 
 performance problems (still trying to determine what periodic 
 actually means), and noticed that a lot of the application's 
 pages have a single CFTRY around them.

I think you're asking the wrong question. I seriously doubt whether there
are any significant performance implications one way or the other. However,
wrapping a CFTRY around a page is bad, bad, bad! That's not what it's for -
that's why we have CFERROR. Wrapping a CFTRY around a page prevents you from
using CFTRY usefully within that page. The purpose of exception handling is
to let you identify and trap specific problems, and provide specific
solutions for those problems. When you wrap the entire page in CFTRY, your
problem could be on line 2 or line 200. Plus, it means that you have to
manage generalized error handling within each page, which is unnecessarily

 I've also noticed excessive use of CFOUTPUT tags. Is it worth 
 consolidating these to help performance? I've seen as many as 
 5 in a block of code that's only 30 lines long, where only 1 
 was needed.

I doubt you'd see any significant difference here, either.
 What about excessive # marks?  It makes me crazy to see code like
   cfif #somevariable# eq yes ...
 But does that also make CF crazy?  I'd think that this 
 goofiness would not actually filter down to the Jrun code that 
 actually executes, right?

I don't think this makes any significant difference either.

 Any good MX7 performance/tuning papers running around? I 
 checked on the macromedia website, and with google, but only 
 found info on older versions.

To the extent that those older versions address CFMX 6.1, they should still
be largely valid for 7. There isn't that much difference, really. In
general, you're far more likely to improve performance by examining data
access and caching more closely.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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Re: CF performance tuning: CFTRY/CFCATCH vs CFERROR? What about e xcessive CFOUTPUTs?

2005-12-29 Thread Matt Robertson
On 12/29/05, Dave Watts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 wrapping a CFTRY around a page is bad, bad, bad! That's not what it's for -
 that's why we have CFERROR.

As obsessed as I am about error handling, it unfortunately took me a
long time to learn this, and I am still pulling try/catch statements
out of old code I come across.  I did it for years.  With that in

 Wrapping a CFTRY around a page prevents you from
 using CFTRY usefully within that page.

Actually you can nest try/catch (wrap whole page, with individual code
blocks wrapped inside of that) and its not a problem, although as you
say its a dumb thing to do, once you know better.

 When you wrap the entire page in CFTRY, your
 problem could be on line 2 or line 200.

Yes indeed, but cfcatch-scope variables will tell you precisely where
the error occurred, and why, just like you'd get with an error-scope
message.  Pretty sure you even get a stack trace so you can drill down
to the include or module that *really* caused the problem.

Janitor, MSB Web Systems

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RE: CF performance tuning: CFTRY/CFCATCH vs CFERROR? What about e xcessive CFOUTPUTs?

2005-12-29 Thread Dave Watts
 Actually you can nest try/catch (wrap whole page, with individual code
 blocks wrapped inside of that) and its not a problem, although as you
 say its a dumb thing to do, once you know better.

Sure, you can do that. But it adds unnecessary complication to error
handling, and can cause some odd problems. For example, if you write an
exception handler that doesn't know what to do with the exception it's
caught, it should kick the exception to a higher level. If that higher level
is your page-wide exception handler, it might not be able to respond in an
especially useful manner, since it's written to deal with anything that
happens within the entire page.

 Yes indeed, but cfcatch-scope variables will tell you precisely where
 the error occurred, and why, just like you'd get with an error-scope
 message.  Pretty sure you even get a stack trace so you can drill down
 to the include or module that *really* caused the problem.

Yes, the exception itself will provide descriptive information, which is
good to have after the fact. But one of the primary purposes of exception
handling is to deal with problems as they occur, and to do this you have to
have a pretty good idea in advance of what kinds of problems you can expect.
Wrapping an entire page in CFTRY indicates that you don't actually have any
idea what's going to go wrong, and can't really do anything other than
report the exceptions it receives.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized 
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta, 
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location. 
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