RE: CFMX Clustering / J2EE Session Sharing (configured, but with unexpected side effects)

2005-06-02 Thread jacksonj
Thanks (once again) Dave.

Our Apache admin is out for the day, so I'm trying to interpret your 
instructions myself (but am having a tough time following them). 

-The way I've dealt with this in the past is to set up each CFMX instance
-with its own web server (either the JRun web server or a specific IIS or
-Apache virtual host)

My CFMX sites are all hosted on a single CFMX instance (per machine), but each 
site has its own virtual host entry (e.g., "ENTRY 2," below).

-then added each instance to the cluster,

Since I've got one CFMX instance per machine, my cluster(s) consist(s) of one 
local CFMX instance and one remote CFMX instance. (So, I think I've completed 
this step.)

-then configured the cluster to talk to a specific IIS or Apache virtual host.

This is the part that I'm unsure how to accomplish. Would you mind helping me 
through this part? I've included some snippets from my httpd.conf.


JRunConfig Verbose false
JRunConfig Apialloc false   
JRunConfig Ssl false
JRunConfig Ignoresuffixmap false
JRunConfig Serverstore /usr/local/jrun/lib/wsconfig/1/  
JRunConfig Bootstrap   
AddHandler jrun-handler .jsp .jws .cfm  

ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
DocumentRoot /var/www/myCfSite  

CustomLog /var/log/apache/ common  
ErrorLog /var/log/apache/

ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
DocumentRoot /var/www/myJavaSite

CustomLog /var/log/apache/ common
ErrorLog /var/log/apache/ 
   JRunConfig Verbose false 
   JRunConfig Apialloc false  
   JRunConfig Ignoresuffixmap false 
   JRunConfig Serverstore /usr/local/jrun/lib/wsconfig/3/   
   JRunConfig Bootstrap
   AddHandler jrun-handler .jsp .jws .cfm .cfml .cfc


RE: CFMX Clustering / J2EE Session Sharing (configured, but with unexpected side effects)

2005-06-01 Thread Dave Watts
> Say I've got an index.cfm file on both servers, one that 
> says, "Hi, I'm server 1," and the other that says "Hi, I'm 
> server 2."  If I hit server 1, I have no way to predict 
> whether I'll see the message from the local filesystem ("Hi, 
> I'm server 1") or from the remote filesystem ("Hi, I'm server 
> 2").

The thing is, when you set up your cluster, you don't know which server
you're hitting unless you also have a non-clustered way to talk to the same
server! When you define a cluster and connect that cluster to a web server,
then connect to that virtual web server, you're no longer addressing CFMX
servers individually.

The way I've dealt with this in the past is to set up each CFMX instance
with its own web server (either the JRun web server or a specific IIS or
Apache virtual host), then added each instance to the cluster, then
configured the cluster to talk to a specific IIS or Apache virtual host.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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