Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-06 Thread Brad Wood

Robert, can you tell us if you had any luck changing the groups around like I 



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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-03 Thread Robert Nurse

Ok, we start CF manually with the command: 
./jrun -nohup -start -childVM foo

ps -ef  reports (under foo login):
foo   ...   ./jrun -nohup -start -childVM foo  
(here, foo is the name of the service)

Notice that there is a user account named foo.  Logging in as foo, the 
groups command reports that user foo is in three groups: foo, alpha and beta. 
 Notice that there is a group named foo.  The group beta has rwx access 
on the offending folder and the user foo is in the group beta.

drwxrwxr-xbeta  beta  Jun 23 14:22 offending_folder

To further confuse things, there's a user account called beta.  Don't ask me 
why this was set up like this.  I had the application echo the target folder 
where it would write the uploaded file and it is exactly where it should be 
pointing: the offending folder.  This is a local mount.  We can access the file 
system from our Windows workstations via Samba/Windows Shares.  The exact same 
code works fine on our test server.  But, permissions/users/groups are somewhat 
different.  Just as a test, I changed the permissions on the offending folder 
from rwxrwxr-x to rwxrwxrwx and the app works just fine.  We see the uploaded 
file in the directory listing.  Therefore, whatever account CF is running 
under, it is not seen as owner or part of the accessible group with write 

Wait a minute now, Robert Nurse is the OP.  I think Rick was just
chiming in with his config... 

Robert said CF has been starting with a user called foo however he
also said they have been starting CF manually as well.  Robert, we need
you to be more specific.  Does the file write work when you start it
manually?  When you start CF manually, _how_ are you starting it?  Like,
what specifically do you run from the command line to start it.  If you
you are running a bash script that has the foo user inside it then it
is running under foo.  If you are directly  invoking Jrun, then it is
using your current user.

Can you please grep the process list and find out.  We can only make
wild assumptions until then.

And lest we get carried away on grepping and psing, can you back up a
little and confirm that the directory you are trying to write in is
actually the location you think you are using?  If you are using expand
path or a relative path, you may be actually pointing somewhere else and
not be realizing it.  Also, is this on a local mount?  Writes to Samba
shares to a file server introduce a new level of permission problems.

Tell us, has this code ever worked, or did it just now stop working?  I
would step through the code and figure out if you are really writing
where you think you are, and chmod the folder to 777 just to see and
take small steps.  You've got to systematically eliminate your problems.
 I still think there's a chance you might be pointed at the wrong
directory if there is no exception being thrown.


 Yup, that's your issue. Either chmod -R 777 on the dir where you want
 to save files (maybe not so good) or change that line to
 RUNTIME_USER=foo and you should be on your way!
 If you do change the RUNTIME_USER ensure your other dirs have correct
 permissions too or you will have bigger problems!
  I am running Coldfusion 7 Standard under CentOS Linux
  This line is in /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7

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RE: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-03 Thread brad

Robert, thanks for the additional info.  I think some flavors of Unix
automatically create a group named the same as the user and set it as
the user's primary group.  I'm not sure why, but that might be why you
have a bunch of groups named after users.

Can you try something for me?  Change the owning group of that folder to
the PRIMARY group for your foo user (use the GID in the /etc/passwd
file), OR change the foo user's primary group to beta.  According to
Sun's docs, the group only applies for users who have that group as
their primary group.  foo user has beta group as a secondary group,
but I think it is being ignored for file permissions since foo users
primary group is foo which doesn't have any ownership to that folder.
Setting Up Groups Section

Some applications, like the file system, look only at the user's
primary group. For example, ownership of files accounting data reflect
the primary group, not any secondary groups.


 Original Message 
 Subject: Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account
 From: Robert Nurse
 Date: Thu, September 03, 2009 8:09 am
 To: cf-talk
 Ok, we start CF manually with the command: 
 ./jrun -nohup -start -childVM foo

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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Leigh

 Does anyone know how to determine the UNIX account under
 which CF8 is running?  

I have only done it for windows. But you might check the system properties and 
environment variables.



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RE: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread brad

If permissions were denied, an exception should have been thrown.  Run
the ps command to find the ColdFusion process and see who its owner is:
ps -A -F | grep cfmx7   (replece cfmx7 with whatever the process name
is on your server/version)

Also, the startup script that starts ColdFusion
(/etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7 on my CF7 server) will have a line in it like
so at the top:
and it uses that variable below in an SU command to actually start the
CFSTART='su -s /bin/sh $RUNTIME_USER -c export
PATH=$PATH:$CF_DIR/runtime/bin; etc ...

The value RUNTIME_USER var in the bash script is the user that the CF
service is run as.


 Original Message 
 Subject: Determining CF8's UNIX Account
 From: Robert Nurse
 Date: Wed, September 02, 2009 12:52 pm
 To: cf-talk
 Hi All,
 Does anyone know how to determine the UNIX account under which CF8 is
running? We're using CFFILE to upload files to the server. The code runs
fine on the test server (of course). But, not production. I placed a
cfabort right after the cffile action=upload... command so I could
check the file system to make sure the file was actually being uploaded.
But, it's not: cffile.filesaved is NO. This sounds like some kind of
permissions problem. I have an idea what the account name is. But, I
need to verify it. 

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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Rick Root

This doesn't answer your question, but don't just abort,

cfdump var=#cffile# too


Rick Root
CFFM - Open Source Coldfusion File Manager

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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Robert Nurse

I thought the same thing about an exception being thrown.  I tried a little 
experiment.  One of the folders the application can write to has 777 access.  
The one having the problem has 775 access.  When I attempted to upload to the 
former, there was no problem.  That tells me that the account under which CF8 
runs is not the owner of that folder.  Nor is it in the group that has the 
necessary access.  I checked the /etc/init.d folder and didn't see anything for 
CF8 startup.  I'm not very UNIX-savy.  So, please bare with me.  Is there an 
XML file under the Jrun4 install that might contain the user account I'm after?

If permissions were denied, an exception should have been thrown.  Run
the ps command to find the ColdFusion process and see who its owner is:
ps -A -F | grep cfmx7   (replece cfmx7 with whatever the process name
is on your server/version)

Also, the startup script that starts ColdFusion
(/etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7 on my CF7 server) will have a line in it like
so at the top:
and it uses that variable below in an SU command to actually start the
CFSTART='su -s /bin/sh $RUNTIME_USER -c export
PATH=$PATH:$CF_DIR/runtime/bin; etc ...

The value RUNTIME_USER var in the bash script is the user that the CF
service is run as.


 Hi All,
 Does anyone know how to determine the UNIX account under which CF8 is
running? We're using CFFILE to upload files to the server. The code runs
fine on the test server (of course). But, not production. I placed a
cfabort right after the cffile action=upload... command so I could
check the file system to make sure the file was actually being uploaded.
But, it's not: cffile.filesaved is NO. This sounds like some kind of
permissions problem. I have an idea what the account name is. But, I
need to verify it. 

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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Robert Nurse

Oh, I checked what CFFILE reported.  It said the file was not saved.

This doesn't answer your question, but don't just abort,

cfdump var=#cffile# too


Rick Root
CFFM - Open Source Coldfusion File Manager 

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RE: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread brad

 I checked the /etc/init.d folder and didn't see anything for CF8 startup. 

My server is Open SuSE.  Starup scripts can vary from distro to disrto. 
Just use the PS command and look for the CF process.  That will tell you
how it is running under.  Did you install CF on this server?  I believe
the default user for Linux used to be nobody.  

 Is there an XML file under the Jrun4 install that might contain the user 
 account I'm after?

I doubt it.  Jrun has nothing to do with the user running the process. 
That's like looking in Program Files under windows to find out what a
service is running as.

Do you understand how users and groups work in Linux?  What group owns
the file in question?  Also, are you trying to create a new file or just
modify an existing one?  Creation of files uses the permissions at the
folder level above you.  
Once you find the user CF is running as, look and see what groups that
user is in.  On my distro /etc/passwd has all the users and their
primary group, and /etc/group has all the groups and what users are in

If you have root access, you can try chmodding the directory that isn't
working as a test.

These are the questions you need to be able to answer to solve you

What user owns the file/folder in question?
What group owns the file/folder in question?
What are the user/group/others permissions on that file/folder
What user is CF running as?
What groups is that user in?

Also, another factor to consider if creating files:
What is the default UMASK for the user CF is running as?


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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Andy Allan

How are you starting CF on your server?

Are you using using the supplied startup scripts (multiserver startup
script has a bug in it) or are you starting it manually?

If you're starting it using the script, then the user is specified in
the script. If you start it manually, e.g. ./jrun -start myinstance,
then it'll use whichever user account you are currently logged in as.


2009/9/2 Robert Nurse

 Hi All,

 Does anyone know how to determine the UNIX account under which CF8 is 
 running?  We're using CFFILE to upload files to the server.  The code runs 
 fine on the test server (of course).  But, not production.  I placed a 
 cfabort right after the cffile action=upload... command so I could 
 check the file system to make sure the file was actually being uploaded.  
 But, it's not: cffile.filesaved is NO.  This sounds like some kind of 
 permissions problem.  I have an idea what the account name is.  But, I need 
 to verify it.


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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Robert Nurse

We're running CF under SunOS.  I'd have to check tomorrow to see if there is a 
start-up script.  But, we've been starting it manually.  I understand about 
permissions and umask and all somewhat.  That's why I assumed it was some kind 
of permissions issue.  One question though.  The user account that starts CF is 
called, e.g., foo.  foo was placed in a group named cfuser.  The group 
cfuser has rwx permissions on that troublesome folder.  There's also a user 
account that owns the troublesome folder.  Its name is, oddly enough, cfuser. 
 So, if user foo is in the group cfuser and the group cfuser has rwx 
access on that folder, why can't files be uploaded there?  Could there be some 
sort of confusion having the group and owner name the same?  That's my guess.

drwxrwxr-x   cfuser cfuser folderInQuestion

  I checked the /etc/init.d folder and didn't see anything for CF8 
 My server is Open SuSE.  Starup scripts can vary from distro to disrto. 
 Just use the PS command and look for the CF process.  That will tell 
 how it is running under.  Did you install CF on this server?  I 
 the default user for Linux used to be nobody.  
  Is there an XML file under the Jrun4 install that might contain the 
 user account I'm after?
 I doubt it.  Jrun has nothing to do with the user running the process. 
 That's like looking in Program Files under windows to find out what 
 service is running as.
 Do you understand how users and groups work in Linux?  What group 
 the file in question?  Also, are you trying to create a new file or 
 modify an existing one?  Creation of files uses the permissions at 
 folder level above you.  
 Once you find the user CF is running as, look and see what groups 
 user is in.  On my distro /etc/passwd has all the users and their
 primary group, and /etc/group has all the groups and what users are 
 If you have root access, you can try chmodding the directory that 
 working as a test.
 These are the questions you need to be able to answer to solve you
 What user owns the file/folder in question?
 What group owns the file/folder in question?
 What are the user/group/others permissions on that file/folder
 What user is CF running as?
 What groups is that user in?
 Also, another factor to consider if creating files:
 What is the default UMASK for the user CF is running as?

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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Maureen Barger

You said you are running CF under jRun - have you implemented sandbox
security as well? If so you may have to check permissions for that
If you have been starting it manually, ensure you are starting it
under the correct user. Have you grepped for the process yet? (Someone
already documented that for you. ps -ef | grep {process} or you could
even ps -ef | grep foo)
Also do your logs say anything? I would check stderr.log or what ever
you have defined.

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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Maureen Barger

Yup, that's your issue. Either chmod -R 777 on the dir where you want
to save files (maybe not so good) or change that line to
RUNTIME_USER=foo and you should be on your way!
If you do change the RUNTIME_USER ensure your other dirs have correct
permissions too or you will have bigger problems!

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 19:59, Rick wrote:

 I am running Coldfusion 7 Standard under CentOS Linux

 This line is in /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7




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Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread Rick Root

I am running Coldfusion 7 Standard under CentOS Linux

This line is in /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7



Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know 
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RE: Determining CF8's UNIX Account

2009-09-02 Thread brad

Wait a minute now, Robert Nurse is the OP.  I think Rick was just
chiming in with his config... 

Robert said CF has been starting with a user called foo however he
also said they have been starting CF manually as well.  Robert, we need
you to be more specific.  Does the file write work when you start it
manually?  When you start CF manually, _how_ are you starting it?  Like,
what specifically do you run from the command line to start it.  If you
you are running a bash script that has the foo user inside it then it
is running under foo.  If you are directly  invoking Jrun, then it is
using your current user.

Can you please grep the process list and find out.  We can only make
wild assumptions until then.

And lest we get carried away on grepping and psing, can you back up a
little and confirm that the directory you are trying to write in is
actually the location you think you are using?  If you are using expand
path or a relative path, you may be actually pointing somewhere else and
not be realizing it.  Also, is this on a local mount?  Writes to Samba
shares to a file server introduce a new level of permission problems.

Tell us, has this code ever worked, or did it just now stop working?  I
would step through the code and figure out if you are really writing
where you think you are, and chmod the folder to 777 just to see and
take small steps.  You've got to systematically eliminate your problems.
 I still think there's a chance you might be pointed at the wrong
directory if there is no exception being thrown.


 Original Message 
 Subject: Re: Determining CF8's UNIX Account
 From: Maureen Barger
 Date: Wed, September 02, 2009 7:17 pm
 To: cf-talk
 Yup, that's your issue. Either chmod -R 777 on the dir where you want
 to save files (maybe not so good) or change that line to
 RUNTIME_USER=foo and you should be on your way!
 If you do change the RUNTIME_USER ensure your other dirs have correct
 permissions too or you will have bigger problems!
 On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 19:59, Rick
  I am running Coldfusion 7 Standard under CentOS Linux
  This line is in /etc/init.d/coldfusionmx7

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