RE: Quiz builder?

2003-12-22 Thread Dave Watts
> One of things you can do within SQL server 2000 is build the 
> HTML for the checkbox, radio buttons and select options 
> directly in the database without CF having to parse the 
> information. ( I think this is possible within Oracle 9i as 
> well-- the commands and techniques are different)

You can certainly do this, but all I can say is "Yikes!" Following this
logic to its extreme, why do anything in CF? Why not just put all of your
application logic in the database?

The answer, of course, is that doing this limits the maintainability and
reusability of your application. The presentation logic and the data access
logic are all mixed into one big pile this way, and if any part of it needs
to be changed, it'll affect everything else.

> Quiz display
> For displaying answers for each question the NON-XML method 
> would involve running two querries-- one against a reporting 
> database and the other against the question list. CF would 
> then compare the results to see if we need to merge the two 
> items. Even if we were doing one question at a time and 
> saving the question number, as in a pool of question, this 
> would still involve querrying the entire database every time 
> (or be a drain on resources of a lot of people were using Q 
> of Q functionality to do the same).

You can certainly amalgamate questions and answers into a single query, if
you want to do that and if it makes sense to do that. However, it may not
make sense to do that in any case.

While it's true that, all other things being equal, one database query
performs better than two, all other things aren't usually equal.

> Inserting answers into the reporting database
> Inserts work in the same way-- by placing the data into a 
> table datatype one can quickly move information into the 
> database (obv.. you'll place the the document into the proper 
> format by turing the results into XML), into the right fields 
> 20 questions at a time-- this way the database does not have 
> to process 20 insert questions at a time -- less chance of a 
> deadlock if you have quite a number of customers on the site. 

I seriously doubt that this'll decrease the likelihood of a deadlock.
Instead of having lots of individual inserts, you'll have more lengthy
insert processes, and may increase the likelihood of a deadlock. But in a
well constructed relational database schema, you shouldn't have much chance
of a deadlock anyway, since one user's inserted answers shouldn't touch the
same rows as another's.

I've worked on several survey applications with all the requirements you've
stated (and more), but I've never found the need to use the database this
way to make them work well.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: Quiz builder?

2003-12-22 Thread Adam Wayne Lehman
Right right. Sorry to confuse, I understand _how_ it can be done. I’m
just having a hard time believing you database speeds will be much
faster if at all.

A major issue I have with this type of solution is that your view is
buried now in stored procedures. The application will be locked into
using HTML for display. Let alone this XML solution wouldn’t work at all
for a Flash front end. How many designers do you know who will work
within stored procedures?

Using XML this way is not for every application -- but when you have an
application with a lot of similar inserts and selects this is a viable
option in the toolkit.

Where are you seeing these similar inserts and selects? If a standard
quiz has a pool of say 50 questions. Only 25 are display in random
order. Multiple choice questions have their answers displayed in random
order. A student takes this test, but you are only saving the 25 answers
they selected. It would be very rare for one users database result and
insert to match up with anothers.

Why not just create a quiz object, populate it with a stored procedure
call and throw it into application scope? You hit the DB only once to
create the initial object, and then once each time you save the results.
Then you are open to trow a façade in between the object and the display
to port to Flash, HTML or whatever.

How is CF still not parsing XML? It would have to parse the XML to get
to the HTML within.

Adam Wayne Lehman
Web Systems Developer
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Distance Education Division

-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Brodie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 1:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Quiz builder?


One of things you can do within SQL server 2000 is build the HTML for
the checkbox, radio buttons and select options directly in the database
without CF having to parse the information. ( I think this is possible
within Oracle 9i as well-- the commands and techniques are different)

To see why this could be an easier process let's take a look at the

1) You need to answser 20 questions, they of any form type
2) Users need to save the information for later... i.e they can take the
quiz and go back an hour later
3) Your administrative section needs to provide a interface allowing
quiz questions to be added, modified and deleted. You also need to weigh
the questions as well for scoring purposes.
4) You need to provide quiz administrators with reporting on the users

Quiz creation
a) Non XML way: Based upon a selection  you will need to querry the
database for questions and answers. Pulling the answers from a single
query (and mulitple joins) you'll check if there are more than one
record in the database query. If there its a checkbox, radio list or
select box, then you will need to supress the question and provide the
user with the answer.

b) Using XML, on the database side, configure the XML query so you are
pulling direct HTML (there is no processing on the CF side, it just
pulls whatever provided by the database). If there is no answers then in
the stored proceedure write out the Textbox or input tags directly. For
radio buttons, check boxes and select lists, created a nested XML
structure containing the questions and the answers outputting the
information as straight HTML (so the XML would be your option or input

Quiz display
For displaying answers for each question the NON-XML method would
involve running two querries-- one against a reporting database and the
other against the question list. CF would then compare the results to
see if we need to merge the two items. Even if we were doing one
question at a time and saving the question number, as in a pool of
question, this would still involve querrying the entire database every
time (or be a drain on resources of a lot of people were using Q of Q
functionality to do the same). 

Using the XML way (in SQL server 2000), create a table object containing
the questions and the correct answer. This way the output can contain
the answer or checked box as needed. By using database functions to
randomize and pool the functions, one can reduce the laod on the
database server while also easing the parsing by using XML.

Inserting answers into the reporting database
Inserts work in the same way-- by placing the data into a table datatype
one can quickly move information into the database (obv.. you'll place
the the document into the proper format by turing the results into XML),
into the right fields 20 questions at a time-- this way the database
does not have to process 20 insert questions at a time -- less chance of
a deadlock if you have quite a number of customers on the site. 

You'll note that I could of saved the user's information as a session
variable and choose not to do it this way. Even using a structure to
determine the question answer pair -- a customer taking the quiz could
not take the quiz later on without taking

RE: Quiz builder?

2003-12-22 Thread Adam Wayne Lehman
I don't see how XML would really help. You're still having to run
complicated queries to generate the XML, then asking CF to parse. In
most quiz applications a random display and question pool is common so
caching the xml wouldn't be beneficial either.

What am I missing here?

Adam Wayne Lehman
Web Systems Developer
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Distance Education Division

-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Brodie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 12:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Quiz builder?


If you're looking to build one from sratch you might want to take a look
at using XML to send and retieve information from the database.
Christopher Lomvardias has a good presentation on this subject at Its a bit heavy on
the database site, however, doing it this way will save a lot of time
building the application.

He does a great job explaining how this would work for a situation such
as yours. (and doing it this way will save a tremendous amount of code--
doing it without XML would involve complicated querries and quite a bit
of CF logic to display the page properly!)

Bascially, the hard part of creating any quiz is generating the
checkboxes, radio button and the select lists -- and generating XML is a
clean fast way of moving this information in and out of the database,
espcally if you have 20-30 questions in your quiz. On the creation side,
you might want to look at using a bit of _javascript_ to add the elements
you'll need to add checkboxes, select lists and radio buttons.

Jeremy Brodie
an Edgewater Technology Solutions Company

phone:(703) 815-2500
nasdaq symbol: EDGE

>I've been looking for a nice quiz/test builder for an online course
>i'm working on and can't seem to find one, at least not one for
>Anyone come across anything like this? I'd rather buy some open code
>write it myself, too many other things to work on right now. Most of
what i
>see out there are poll generators though, nothing for quizzes or tests.
>If you know where i can find it, or would like to sell what you've
>please contact me. Thanks!!! ... .joe
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RE: Quiz builder?

2003-12-22 Thread Adam Wayne Lehman

I'd be very interested to see a demo.

Adam Wayne Lehman
Web Systems Developer
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Distance Education Division

-Original Message-
From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 6:00 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Quiz builder?

Joe Hobson wrote:
>I've been looking for a nice quiz/test builder for an online course

I've got this built into the user-friendly form builder in CMPro.  Its
something I built for a client's online continuing education and left in
the retail product.  It was meant to run the whole show, though; a basic
course management system whereby instructors can create content for
their students, and where everyone has to be permissioned properly to
see or edit stuff (i.e. instructors can only edit their own stuff,
students can only see what they've signed up for).

If a student passes a test a course completion certificate can be gotten
hold of; the user has a course list showing what courses they have
enrolled in etc. etc.  Questions can be weighted so you don't have to
have an absolute right or wrong answer.

Police officers should:  
A. Protect and serve the public trust  +100
B. Lay off the donuts and eat right  +5
C. Polish their badges until shiny  +0
D. Shoot first and ask questions later  -100

It'll also accept and evaluate case sensitive/insensitive text input.

The demo is offline as we get ready to roll out CMProV.3.  I can arrange
for a private one if you like.  Contact me off list if you're


Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MSB Designs, Inc.

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Re: Quiz builder?

2003-12-19 Thread ksuh
Thanks.  Will download now! :)

- Original Message -
From: Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 19, 2003 5:38 pm
Subject: Re: Quiz builder?

> It is part of the Macromedia DRK and is described on the 
> Macromedia Web site.
> ==
> Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
> For hosting solutions
> Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and PHP
> ==
> If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
> - Original Message - 
> Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 6:07 PM
> Subject: Re: Quiz builder?
> | Say, do you have a link for this?  I searched google and mm and 
> didn't find
> anything,
> |
> | - Original Message -
> | From: Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | Date: Friday, December 19, 2003 4:01 pm
> | Subject: Re: Quiz builder?
> |
> | > Have you looked at FlashMX Virtual Classroom?   It makes awesome
> | > online courses!
> | >
> | > ==
> | > Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
> | >
> | > For hosting solutions
> | > Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and PHP
> | > ==
> | > If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
> | >
> | > - Original Message - 
> | > From: "Matt Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | > Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 4:59 PM
> | > Subject: Re: Quiz builder?
> | >
> | >
> | > | Joe Hobson wrote:
> | > | >I've been looking for a nice quiz/test builder for an online
> | > course >system
> | > |
> | > | I've got this built into the user-friendly form builder in
> | > CMPro.  Its
> | > something I built for a client's online continuing education and
> | > left in the
> | > retail product.  It was meant to run the whole show, though; a
> | > basic course
> | > management system whereby instructors can create content for their
> | > students, and
> | > where everyone has to be permissioned properly to see or edit
> | > stuff (i.e.
> | > instructors can only edit their own stuff, students can only see
> | > what they've
> | > signed up for).
> | > |
> | > | If a student passes a test a course completion certificate can
> | > be gotten hold
> | > of; the user has a course list showing what courses they have
> | > enrolled in etc.
> | > etc.  Questions can be weighted so you don't have to have an
> | > absolute right or
> | > wrong answer.
> | > |
> | > | Police officers should:
> | > | A. Protect and serve the public trust  +100
> | > | B. Lay off the donuts and eat right  +5
> | > | C. Polish their badges until shiny  +0
> | > | D. Shoot first and ask questions later  -100
> | > |
> | > | It'll also accept and evaluate case sensitive/insensitive text
> | > input.|
> | > | The demo is offline as we get ready to roll out CMProV.3.  I can
> | > arrange for a
> | > private one if you like.  Contact me off list if you're 
> interested.| > |
> | > | Cheers,
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | --
> | > | ---
> | > |  Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> | > |  MSB Designs, Inc.
> | > | ---
> | > |
> | > | --
> | > |
> | >
> | 
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Re: Quiz builder?

2003-12-19 Thread Doug White
It is part of the Macromedia DRK and is described on the Macromedia Web site.

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and PHP
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: Quiz builder?

| Say, do you have a link for this?  I searched google and mm and didn't find
| - Original Message -
| From: Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Date: Friday, December 19, 2003 4:01 pm
| Subject: Re: Quiz builder?
| > Have you looked at FlashMX Virtual Classroom?   It makes awesome
| > online courses!
| >
| > ==
| > Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
| >
| > For hosting solutions
| > Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and PHP
| > ==
| > If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
| >
| > - Original Message - 
| > From: "Matt Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > To: "CF-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 4:59 PM
| > Subject: Re: Quiz builder?
| >
| >
| > | Joe Hobson wrote:
| > | >I've been looking for a nice quiz/test builder for an online
| > course >system
| > |
| > | I've got this built into the user-friendly form builder in
| > CMPro.  Its
| > something I built for a client's online continuing education and
| > left in the
| > retail product.  It was meant to run the whole show, though; a
| > basic course
| > management system whereby instructors can create content for their
| > students, and
| > where everyone has to be permissioned properly to see or edit
| > stuff (i.e.
| > instructors can only edit their own stuff, students can only see
| > what they've
| > signed up for).
| > |
| > | If a student passes a test a course completion certificate can
| > be gotten hold
| > of; the user has a course list showing what courses they have
| > enrolled in etc.
| > etc.  Questions can be weighted so you don't have to have an
| > absolute right or
| > wrong answer.
| > |
| > | Police officers should:
| > | A. Protect and serve the public trust  +100
| > | B. Lay off the donuts and eat right  +5
| > | C. Polish their badges until shiny  +0
| > | D. Shoot first and ask questions later  -100
| > |
| > | It'll also accept and evaluate case sensitive/insensitive text
| > input.|
| > | The demo is offline as we get ready to roll out CMProV.3.  I can
| > arrange for a
| > private one if you like.  Contact me off list if you're interested.
| > |
| > | Cheers,
| > |
| > |
| > | --
| > | ---
| > |  Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| > |  MSB Designs, Inc.
| > | ---
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| >
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Re: Quiz builder?

2003-12-19 Thread ksuh
Say, do you have a link for this?  I searched google and mm and didn't find anything,

- Original Message -
From: Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 19, 2003 4:01 pm
Subject: Re: Quiz builder?

> Have you looked at FlashMX Virtual Classroom?   It makes awesome 
> online courses!
> ==
> Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
> For hosting solutions
> Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and PHP
> ==
> If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Matt Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 4:59 PM
> Subject: Re: Quiz builder?
> | Joe Hobson wrote:
> | >I've been looking for a nice quiz/test builder for an online 
> course >system
> |
> | I've got this built into the user-friendly form builder in 
> CMPro.  Its
> something I built for a client's online continuing education and 
> left in the
> retail product.  It was meant to run the whole show, though; a 
> basic course
> management system whereby instructors can create content for their 
> students, and
> where everyone has to be permissioned properly to see or edit 
> stuff (i.e.
> instructors can only edit their own stuff, students can only see 
> what they've
> signed up for).
> |
> | If a student passes a test a course completion certificate can 
> be gotten hold
> of; the user has a course list showing what courses they have 
> enrolled in etc.
> etc.  Questions can be weighted so you don't have to have an 
> absolute right or
> wrong answer.
> |
> | Police officers should:
> | A. Protect and serve the public trust  +100
> | B. Lay off the donuts and eat right  +5
> | C. Polish their badges until shiny  +0
> | D. Shoot first and ask questions later  -100
> |
> | It'll also accept and evaluate case sensitive/insensitive text 
> input.|
> | The demo is offline as we get ready to roll out CMProV.3.  I can 
> arrange for a
> private one if you like.  Contact me off list if you're interested.
> |
> | Cheers,
> |
> |
> | --
> | ---
> |  Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> |  MSB Designs, Inc.
> | ---
> |
> | --
> | 
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Re: Quiz builder?

2003-12-19 Thread Matt Robertson
Doug White wrote:
>Have you looked at FlashMX Virtual Classroom?   It makes awesome >online courses!

I'm still dreaming of the day when I'll have time to learn Flash.  Hopefully Flex will come to my rescue.

--Matt Robertson--
MSB Designs, Inc.
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Re: Quiz builder?

2003-12-19 Thread Doug White
Have you looked at FlashMX Virtual Classroom?   It makes awesome online courses!

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and PHP
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message - 
From: "Matt Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Quiz builder?

| Joe Hobson wrote:
| >I've been looking for a nice quiz/test builder for an online course >system
| I've got this built into the user-friendly form builder in CMPro.  Its
something I built for a client's online continuing education and left in the
retail product.  It was meant to run the whole show, though; a basic course
management system whereby instructors can create content for their students, and
where everyone has to be permissioned properly to see or edit stuff (i.e.
instructors can only edit their own stuff, students can only see what they've
signed up for).
| If a student passes a test a course completion certificate can be gotten hold
of; the user has a course list showing what courses they have enrolled in etc.
etc.  Questions can be weighted so you don't have to have an absolute right or
wrong answer.
| Police officers should:
| A. Protect and serve the public trust  +100
| B. Lay off the donuts and eat right  +5
| C. Polish their badges until shiny  +0
| D. Shoot first and ask questions later  -100
| It'll also accept and evaluate case sensitive/insensitive text input.
| The demo is offline as we get ready to roll out CMProV.3.  I can arrange for a
private one if you like.  Contact me off list if you're interested.
| Cheers,
| --
| ---
|  Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  MSB Designs, Inc.
| ---
| --
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Re: Quiz builder?

2003-12-19 Thread Matt Robertson
Joe Hobson wrote:
>I've been looking for a nice quiz/test builder for an online course >system

I've got this built into the user-friendly form builder in CMPro.  Its something I built for a client's online continuing education and left in the retail product.  It was meant to run the whole show, though; a basic course management system whereby instructors can create content for their students, and where everyone has to be permissioned properly to see or edit stuff (i.e. instructors can only edit their own stuff, students can only see what they've signed up for).

If a student passes a test a course completion certificate can be gotten hold of; the user has a course list showing what courses they have enrolled in etc. etc.  Questions can be weighted so you don't have to have an absolute right or wrong answer.

Police officers should:  
A. Protect and serve the public trust  +100
B. Lay off the donuts and eat right  +5
C. Polish their badges until shiny  +0
D. Shoot first and ask questions later  -100

It'll also accept and evaluate case sensitive/insensitive text input.

The demo is offline as we get ready to roll out CMProV.3.  I can arrange for a private one if you like.  Contact me off list if you're interested.


 Matt Robertson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MSB Designs, Inc.

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Re: Quiz builder?

2003-12-19 Thread cf
flash has some nice ones built in & u could use the cfm as the backend

> I've been looking for a nice quiz/test builder for an online course
> system i'm working on and can't seem to find one, at least not one for
> ColdFusion. Anyone come across anything like this? I'd rather buy some
> open code than write it myself, too many other things to work on right
> now. Most of what i see out there are poll generators though, nothing
> for quizzes or tests.
> If you know where i can find it, or would like to sell what you've made,
> please contact me. Thanks!!! ... .joe
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