> I am trying to get ColdFusion MX to run under a specific
> user account. As long as that user is a memeber of the 
> administrator group, it seems to run fine. In CF5 you had 
> to set specific access rights on the registry and the file 
> system as described in KB 11859, however we cannot find out
> how to set those rights in MX.
> Does anyone have any idea which specific rights on registry 
> and/or user rights for the Win2K user account are necessary 
> to run the service under non-administrative user account? 
> Are there any drawbacks with this approach? Generally we 
> like to run services with as little rights as necessary 
> under secure live-environments.

It's been my experience that this is easier to set up with CF MX than with
previous versions of CF. I've done this more than once already. I'm
currently running CF MX with a user account which is a member of the Users
group, and nothing else changed about the account except that I had to grant
it the "Log on as a service" right. I could probably tighten this a little
more, but haven't tried yet.

On the filesystem, I allowed this account RWXD on the contents of \CFusionMX
(I suspect this could be tightened considerably in places) and read rights
to the web root directory (I'm using CF MX through IIS). I didn't have to
change any registry rights, and I don't think CF MX uses the registry for
anything any more, by default, except for client variables - and I turned
that off already. If you did want to use client variables in the registry, I
think the new key is

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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