Re: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-03 Thread Deanna Schneider
Well, first of all, I didn't read his initial question to be one of
pagination, which is what you're implying. I read it as one of reusing query
results in multiple ways. In that scenario, you could very easily cache your
object, either in the application or the session scope. So, you'd be storing
more in memory, but only making a single trip to the database. It's all
trade-offs. Obviously, if you're working with millions of rows of data, this
might not be the best approach. But, it seemed reasonable to me that if he's
indicating that the where clause could have hundreds of lines of complex
logic based on passed in arguments that he'd ultimately be returning a
relatively small result set.

Honestly, I'd be doing my best not to design an app that has hundreds of
lines of complex logic for a single query, as I'd find that seriously
unmaintainable. But, without knowing more specifics about what he's actually
trying to acomplish, we're just tossing out potential solution scenarios. We
don't really know the paramaters of the problem we're trying to solve.

On 2/2/06, Brian Peddle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Using this method you would be bringing back potentially hundreds of
 thousands of records.

 He only needs 50 at a time.  Why pass 100,000 or more maybe when you can
 send 50 records back to ColdFusion.

 -Original Message-
 From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 2:39 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

 cfcomponent displayname=mystuff hint=Get's all my stuff

 cfset variables.allrows = 

 cffunction access=public name=init returntype=mystuff
 output=false hint=Initializes the object.
  !--- Do big complex query here  and set it to the
 variables.allrows var ---
  Select blah blah
  From Blah blah
  WHERE blah blah

  cfset variables.allrows = myquery
 cfreturn this /

 cffunction access=public name=getTotal output=false
   cfreturn variables.allrows.recordcount

 cffunction access=public name=getNext output=false
  cfargument name=start required=false default=1 type=numeric
  cfargument name=end required=false default=50 type=numeric
   cfset var getit = 
   cfquery name=getit dbtype=query
  select *
  from variables.allrows
  WHERE start = #arguments.start#
  AND end = #arguments.end#

 cfreturn getit

 On 2/2/06, Brian Peddle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't believe that will get him what he wants.
  He has query #1 which will get the total records for a query.
  Query #2 just returns 50 records of the total.
  So when you display results you see.
  Total: Records 4530  Displaying Records: 101-150.
  Instead of one query returning all 4530 records just to display 50 he is
  just bringing back what he needs.
  -Original Message-
  From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 1:43 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?
  I'd go the cfc route, where I would instantiate a single CFC that would
  your base query with all your where and from clauses. Then, I'd have
  multiple functions that would do query of query against that base query.


Donations  Support:

RE: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-03 Thread Brian Peddle
I was basing my assumptions on writing these same things over and over from
job to job for past 10 years.

I assumed with the top 50 he is paging.  I am also assuming he built up his
where clause using a series of 'if' or 'case' statements so it won't always
be the same.  So if someone has 50 dropdowns for a report generator the
person could pick no options or pick all 50.  

But it seems as though he has disappeared from our discussion so your are
right, its us guessing what he want.

-Original Message-
From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 8:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

Well, first of all, I didn't read his initial question to be one of
pagination, which is what you're implying. I read it as one of reusing query
results in multiple ways. In that scenario, you could very easily cache your
object, either in the application or the session scope. So, you'd be storing
more in memory, but only making a single trip to the database. It's all
trade-offs. Obviously, if you're working with millions of rows of data, this
might not be the best approach. But, it seemed reasonable to me that if he's
indicating that the where clause could have hundreds of lines of complex
logic based on passed in arguments that he'd ultimately be returning a
relatively small result set.

Honestly, I'd be doing my best not to design an app that has hundreds of
lines of complex logic for a single query, as I'd find that seriously
unmaintainable. But, without knowing more specifics about what he's actually
trying to acomplish, we're just tossing out potential solution scenarios. We
don't really know the paramaters of the problem we're trying to solve.

On 2/2/06, Brian Peddle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Using this method you would be bringing back potentially hundreds of
 thousands of records.

 He only needs 50 at a time.  Why pass 100,000 or more maybe when you can
 send 50 records back to ColdFusion.

 -Original Message-
 From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 2:39 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

 cfcomponent displayname=mystuff hint=Get's all my stuff

 cfset variables.allrows = 

 cffunction access=public name=init returntype=mystuff
 output=false hint=Initializes the object.
  !--- Do big complex query here  and set it to the
 variables.allrows var ---
  Select blah blah
  From Blah blah
  WHERE blah blah

  cfset variables.allrows = myquery
 cfreturn this /

 cffunction access=public name=getTotal output=false
   cfreturn variables.allrows.recordcount

 cffunction access=public name=getNext output=false
  cfargument name=start required=false default=1 type=numeric
  cfargument name=end required=false default=50 type=numeric
   cfset var getit = 
   cfquery name=getit dbtype=query
  select *
  from variables.allrows
  WHERE start = #arguments.start#
  AND end = #arguments.end#

 cfreturn getit

 On 2/2/06, Brian Peddle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't believe that will get him what he wants.
  He has query #1 which will get the total records for a query.
  Query #2 just returns 50 records of the total.
  So when you display results you see.
  Total: Records 4530  Displaying Records: 101-150.
  Instead of one query returning all 4530 records just to display 50 he is
  just bringing back what he needs.
  -Original Message-
  From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 1:43 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?
  I'd go the cfc route, where I would instantiate a single CFC that would
  your base query with all your where and from clauses. Then, I'd have
  multiple functions that would do query of query against that base query.


Donations  Support:

RE: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-03 Thread Baz
Hi Gang,

Found your messages in my Junk Mail - was wondering why no-one responded!

Brian you're right on all fronts. The example I gave was a paging one, but
it's only an example, the real issue is re-using *portions* of SQL code in
other queries - and not the query result itself. Here is a way that I have
re-used *portions* of SQL code in 1 CFC:

** Search() **
SELECT COUNT(OrderID) as TotalRows
FROM #getFrom()#
WHERE CustomerName like '%Keywords%'

** Count() **
SELECT #getSelect()#
FROM #getFrom()#
WHERE StatusID  5

** getSelect() **
DISTINCT OrderID, CustomerID, BillingAddressID, ShippingAddressID,
OrderDate, OrderFile, OrderPrescriptionFile, OrderInvoicePrintedDate,
OrderAgreementSigned, OrderShippingPrice, OrderDiscount, OrderComment,
OrderProblem, OrderCancelled, StatusID, Status, StatusPhrased, CustomerID,

** getFrom() **
OrderStatus ON `Order`.OrderID = OrderStatus.OrderID INNER JOIN
Status ON OrderStatus.StatusID = Status.StatusID INNER JOIN
Customer ON `Order`.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID

The preceding methods all live in the same CFC. You will notice that the
Search() method and Count() method share the same FROM clause by getting it
from another method.  But they have a different SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, and
so forth, so the query results will be very different. Other methods may
share the same WHERE but not the same SELECT and even more methods may SHARE
different parts. So you see, it's not a matter of caching queries, but
building queries using encapsulated SQL.  

I am finding that my gateways CFCs (those that return queries) are generally
using the same SQL for each method in the CFC. And that makes sense because
if you want a COUNT it usually is for a record-set you want I the future.
Same for SUM, GROUP, etc... These are all different representations of the
same base.

So SQL being a form of code like any other, should be re-used and
encapsulated like any other. It doesn't seem proper to have to find and
paste the same changes in 15-20 methods just because a little logic in the
SQL changes.


-Original Message-
From: Brian Peddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 9:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL Encapsulation?

I was basing my assumptions on writing these same things over and over from
job to job for past 10 years.

I assumed with the top 50 he is paging.  I am also assuming he built up his
where clause using a series of 'if' or 'case' statements so it won't always
be the same.  So if someone has 50 dropdowns for a report generator the
person could pick no options or pick all 50.  

But it seems as though he has disappeared from our discussion so your are
right, its us guessing what he want.

-Original Message-
From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 8:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

Well, first of all, I didn't read his initial question to be one of
pagination, which is what you're implying. I read it as one of reusing query
results in multiple ways. In that scenario, you could very easily cache your
object, either in the application or the session scope. So, you'd be storing
more in memory, but only making a single trip to the database. It's all
trade-offs. Obviously, if you're working with millions of rows of data, this
might not be the best approach. But, it seemed reasonable to me that if he's
indicating that the where clause could have hundreds of lines of complex
logic based on passed in arguments that he'd ultimately be returning a
relatively small result set.

Honestly, I'd be doing my best not to design an app that has hundreds of
lines of complex logic for a single query, as I'd find that seriously
unmaintainable. But, without knowing more specifics about what he's actually
trying to acomplish, we're just tossing out potential solution scenarios. We
don't really know the paramaters of the problem we're trying to solve.

On 2/2/06, Brian Peddle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Using this method you would be bringing back potentially hundreds of
 thousands of records.

 He only needs 50 at a time.  Why pass 100,000 or more maybe when you can
 send 50 records back to ColdFusion.

 -Original Message-
 From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 2:39 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

 cfcomponent displayname=mystuff hint=Get's all my stuff

 cfset variables.allrows = 

 cffunction access=public name=init returntype=mystuff
 output=false hint=Initializes the object.
  !--- Do big complex query here  and set it to the
 variables.allrows var ---
  Select blah blah
  From Blah blah
  WHERE blah blah

  cfset variables.allrows = myquery
 cfreturn this /

 cffunction access=public name=getTotal output

Re: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-03 Thread Deanna Schneider
Well, we were both interpreting your request a bit incorrectly then.

But, I'm not sure I have an answer for you on this one. It's not something
I'd do. I'd be more apt to make a view that encapsulated the generic
joined data, and then pull the columns (selects) under the conditions
(wheres) that I wanted. I find the method you're using below to be difficult
to read, and while I understand the concept, it's one of those places where
I fail to see the benefit of doing it that way.

On 2/3/06, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Gang,

 Found your messages in my Junk Mail - was wondering why no-one responded!

 Brian you're right on all fronts. The example I gave was a paging one, but
 it's only an example, the real issue is re-using *portions* of SQL code in
 other queries - and not the query result itself. Here is a way that I have
 re-used *portions* of SQL code in 1 CFC:

 ** Search() **
 SELECT COUNT(OrderID) as TotalRows
 FROM #getFrom()#
 WHERE CustomerName like '%Keywords%'

 ** Count() **
 SELECT #getSelect()#
 FROM #getFrom()#
 WHERE StatusID  5

 ** getSelect() **
 DISTINCT OrderID, CustomerID, BillingAddressID, ShippingAddressID,
 OrderDate, OrderFile, OrderPrescriptionFile, OrderInvoicePrintedDate,
 OrderAgreementSigned, OrderShippingPrice, OrderDiscount, OrderComment,
 OrderProblem, OrderCancelled, StatusID, Status, StatusPhrased, CustomerID,

 ** getFrom() **
 OrderStatus ON `Order`.OrderID = OrderStatus.OrderID INNER JOIN
 Status ON OrderStatus.StatusID = Status.StatusID INNER JOIN
 Customer ON `Order`.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID

 The preceding methods all live in the same CFC. You will notice that the
 Search() method and Count() method share the same FROM clause by getting
 from another method.  But they have a different SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY,
 so forth, so the query results will be very different. Other methods may
 share the same WHERE but not the same SELECT and even more methods may
 different parts. So you see, it's not a matter of caching queries, but
 building queries using encapsulated SQL.

 I am finding that my gateways CFCs (those that return queries) are
 using the same SQL for each method in the CFC. And that makes sense
 if you want a COUNT it usually is for a record-set you want I the future.
 Same for SUM, GROUP, etc... These are all different representations of the
 same base.

 So SQL being a form of code like any other, should be re-used and
 encapsulated like any other. It doesn't seem proper to have to find and
 paste the same changes in 15-20 methods just because a little logic in the
 SQL changes.



 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Peddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 9:07 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: SQL Encapsulation?

 I was basing my assumptions on writing these same things over and over
 job to job for past 10 years.

 I assumed with the top 50 he is paging.  I am also assuming he built up
 where clause using a series of 'if' or 'case' statements so it won't
 be the same.  So if someone has 50 dropdowns for a report generator the
 person could pick no options or pick all 50.

 But it seems as though he has disappeared from our discussion so your are
 right, its us guessing what he want.

 -Original Message-
 From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 8:08 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

 Well, first of all, I didn't read his initial question to be one of
 pagination, which is what you're implying. I read it as one of reusing
 results in multiple ways. In that scenario, you could very easily cache
 object, either in the application or the session scope. So, you'd be
 more in memory, but only making a single trip to the database. It's all
 trade-offs. Obviously, if you're working with millions of rows of data,
 might not be the best approach. But, it seemed reasonable to me that if
 indicating that the where clause could have hundreds of lines of complex
 logic based on passed in arguments that he'd ultimately be returning a
 relatively small result set.

 Honestly, I'd be doing my best not to design an app that has hundreds of
 lines of complex logic for a single query, as I'd find that seriously
 unmaintainable. But, without knowing more specifics about what he's
 trying to acomplish, we're just tossing out potential solution scenarios.
 don't really know the paramaters of the problem we're trying to solve.

 On 2/2/06, Brian Peddle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Using this method you would be bringing back potentially hundreds of
  thousands of records.
  He only needs 50 at a time.  Why pass 100,000 or more maybe when you can
  send 50 records back to ColdFusion.
  -Original Message-
  From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday

RE: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-03 Thread Baz
I'm not such a big fan of that method either - that's why I wrote the post! 


Maybe I should just make better use of views... In any case, I appreciate
the time you spent giving it thought.



-Original Message-
From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 11:25 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

Well, we were both interpreting your request a bit incorrectly then.

But, I'm not sure I have an answer for you on this one. It's not something
I'd do. I'd be more apt to make a view that encapsulated the generic
joined data, and then pull the columns (selects) under the conditions
(wheres) that I wanted. I find the method you're using below to be difficult
to read, and while I understand the concept, it's one of those places where
I fail to see the benefit of doing it that way.

On 2/3/06, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Gang,

 Found your messages in my Junk Mail - was wondering why no-one responded!

 Brian you're right on all fronts. The example I gave was a paging one, but
 it's only an example, the real issue is re-using *portions* of SQL code in
 other queries - and not the query result itself. Here is a way that I have
 re-used *portions* of SQL code in 1 CFC:

 ** Search() **
 SELECT COUNT(OrderID) as TotalRows
 FROM #getFrom()#
 WHERE CustomerName like '%Keywords%'

 ** Count() **
 SELECT #getSelect()#
 FROM #getFrom()#
 WHERE StatusID  5

 ** getSelect() **
 DISTINCT OrderID, CustomerID, BillingAddressID, ShippingAddressID,
 OrderDate, OrderFile, OrderPrescriptionFile, OrderInvoicePrintedDate,
 OrderAgreementSigned, OrderShippingPrice, OrderDiscount, OrderComment,
 OrderProblem, OrderCancelled, StatusID, Status, StatusPhrased, CustomerID,

 ** getFrom() **
 OrderStatus ON `Order`.OrderID = OrderStatus.OrderID INNER JOIN
 Status ON OrderStatus.StatusID = Status.StatusID INNER JOIN
 Customer ON `Order`.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID

 The preceding methods all live in the same CFC. You will notice that the
 Search() method and Count() method share the same FROM clause by getting
 from another method.  But they have a different SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY,
 so forth, so the query results will be very different. Other methods may
 share the same WHERE but not the same SELECT and even more methods may
 different parts. So you see, it's not a matter of caching queries, but
 building queries using encapsulated SQL.

 I am finding that my gateways CFCs (those that return queries) are
 using the same SQL for each method in the CFC. And that makes sense
 if you want a COUNT it usually is for a record-set you want I the future.
 Same for SUM, GROUP, etc... These are all different representations of the
 same base.

 So SQL being a form of code like any other, should be re-used and
 encapsulated like any other. It doesn't seem proper to have to find and
 paste the same changes in 15-20 methods just because a little logic in the
 SQL changes.



 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Peddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 9:07 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: SQL Encapsulation?

 I was basing my assumptions on writing these same things over and over
 job to job for past 10 years.

 I assumed with the top 50 he is paging.  I am also assuming he built up
 where clause using a series of 'if' or 'case' statements so it won't
 be the same.  So if someone has 50 dropdowns for a report generator the
 person could pick no options or pick all 50.

 But it seems as though he has disappeared from our discussion so your are
 right, its us guessing what he want.

 -Original Message-
 From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 8:08 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

 Well, first of all, I didn't read his initial question to be one of
 pagination, which is what you're implying. I read it as one of reusing
 results in multiple ways. In that scenario, you could very easily cache
 object, either in the application or the session scope. So, you'd be
 more in memory, but only making a single trip to the database. It's all
 trade-offs. Obviously, if you're working with millions of rows of data,
 might not be the best approach. But, it seemed reasonable to me that if
 indicating that the where clause could have hundreds of lines of complex
 logic based on passed in arguments that he'd ultimately be returning a
 relatively small result set.

 Honestly, I'd be doing my best not to design an app that has hundreds of
 lines of complex logic for a single query, as I'd find that seriously
 unmaintainable. But, without knowing more specifics about what he's
 trying to acomplish, we're just tossing out potential solution scenarios.
 don't really know the paramaters of the problem we're trying

Re: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-03 Thread Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX)
Wouldn't this be easier in a Stored Procedure? Well, SQL Encapsulation I

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-Original Message-
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Fri Feb 03 15:14:27 2006
Subject: RE: SQL Encapsulation?

Hi Gang,

Found your messages in my Junk Mail - was wondering why no-one responded!

Brian you're right on all fronts. The example I gave was a paging one, but
it's only an example, the real issue is re-using *portions* of SQL code in
other queries - and not the query result itself. Here is a way that I have
re-used *portions* of SQL code in 1 CFC:

** Search() **
SELECT COUNT(OrderID) as TotalRows
FROM #getFrom()#
WHERE CustomerName like '%Keywords%'

** Count() **
SELECT #getSelect()#
FROM #getFrom()#
WHERE StatusID  5

** getSelect() **
DISTINCT OrderID, CustomerID, BillingAddressID, ShippingAddressID,
OrderDate, OrderFile, OrderPrescriptionFile, OrderInvoicePrintedDate,
OrderAgreementSigned, OrderShippingPrice, OrderDiscount, OrderComment,
OrderProblem, OrderCancelled, StatusID, Status, StatusPhrased, CustomerID,

** getFrom() **
OrderStatus ON `Order`.OrderID = OrderStatus.OrderID INNER JOIN
Status ON OrderStatus.StatusID = Status.StatusID INNER JOIN
Customer ON `Order`.CustomerID = Customer.CustomerID

The preceding methods all live in the same CFC. You will notice that the
Search() method and Count() method share the same FROM clause by getting it
from another method.  But they have a different SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, and
so forth, so the query results will be very different. Other methods may
share the same WHERE but not the same SELECT and even more methods may SHARE
different parts. So you see, it's not a matter of caching queries, but
building queries using encapsulated SQL.  

I am finding that my gateways CFCs (those that return queries) are generally
using the same SQL for each method in the CFC. And that makes sense because
if you want a COUNT it usually is for a record-set you want I the future.
Same for SUM, GROUP, etc... These are all different representations of the
same base.

So SQL being a form of code like any other, should be re-used and
encapsulated like any other. It doesn't seem proper to have to find and
paste the same changes in 15-20 methods just because a little logic in the
SQL changes.


-Original Message-
From: Brian Peddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 9:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL Encapsulation?

I was basing my assumptions on writing these same things over and over from
job to job for past 10 years.

I assumed with the top 50 he is paging.  I am also assuming he built up his
where clause using a series of 'if' or 'case' statements so it won't always
be the same.  So if someone has 50 dropdowns for a report generator the
person could pick no options or pick all 50.  

But it seems as though he has disappeared from our discussion so your are
right, its us guessing what he want.

-Original Message-
From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 8:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

Well, first of all, I didn't read his initial question to be one of
pagination, which is what you're implying. I read it as one of reusing query
results in multiple ways. In that scenario, you could very easily cache your
object, either in the application or the session scope. So, you'd be storing
more in memory, but only making a single trip to the database. It's all
trade-offs. Obviously, if you're working with millions of rows of data, this
might not be the best approach. But, it seemed reasonable to me that if he's
indicating that the where clause could have hundreds of lines of complex
logic based on passed in arguments that he'd ultimately be returning a
relatively small result set.

Honestly, I'd be doing my best not to design an app that has hundreds of
lines of complex logic for a single query, as I'd find that seriously
unmaintainable. But, without knowing more specifics about what he's actually
trying to acomplish, we're just tossing out potential solution scenarios. We
don't really know

RE: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-02 Thread Brian Peddle
I just rewrote a query as a test a few weeks ago that replaced what you have
below.  The search would query for a count first then grab the 50/100 etc
records to be displayed for paging.

When someone queried the whole database it was taking upwards of 50 seconds
to run both queries.

I moved them into a stored proc.  Queried the information and inserting it
into a temp table with an auto id.  Then I would query records 1-50, 51-100,
101-150 etc. depending where on the page the user was.

I also am able to do a quick count of records on that temp table to get
total records which is much after than essentially running same query twice.

The total time dropped to 13-22 seconds for the query.

I haven't tested under heavy load to see how the temp table stuff will hold
up but it could be one path to follow for you.

Maybe others have some thoughts on the temp table method.

-Original Message-
From: Baz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 9:25 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SQL Encapsulation?

Like any other code, there are times when portions of your SQL queries need
to be re-used or duplicated. A common example is having a method that
returns a COUNT of a query based on some conditions, and having another
method that returns some rows from that query. For instance:

*** getCount() ***
Count(OrderID) as OrderIDCount
OrderTable INNER JOIN 
StatusTable ON (OrderTable.OrderID= StatusTable.OrderID)

*** getRows() ***
   OrderID, StatusID
OrderTable INNER JOIN 
StatusTable ON (OrderTable.OrderID= StatusTable.OrderID)

In the preceding code, the FROM clause is repeated in both methods, as is
the WHERE clause. 

Now in a real-world complex app, that FROM would actually be 10-15 lines
long, and the WHERE could have hundreds of lines of complex logic based on
passed in arguments. Plus you may need not 2, but 5, 10, 20 methods using
the same FROM and/or WHERE and/or SELECT.

So my question is how do people handle this? If you had 15 methods with
complex WHERE and FROM clauses that are repeated intermittently, and then
something changes, it's an error-prone hassle to copy paste all the affected



Donations  Support:

Re: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-02 Thread Deanna Schneider
I'd go the cfc route, where I would instantiate a single CFC that would run
your base query with all your where and from clauses. Then, I'd have
multiple functions that would do query of query against that base query.

Donations  Support:

RE: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-02 Thread Brian Peddle
I don't believe that will get him what he wants.

He has query #1 which will get the total records for a query.
Query #2 just returns 50 records of the total.

So when you display results you see.

Total: Records 4530  Displaying Records: 101-150.

Instead of one query returning all 4530 records just to display 50 he is
just bringing back what he needs.

-Original Message-
From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 1:43 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

I'd go the cfc route, where I would instantiate a single CFC that would run
your base query with all your where and from clauses. Then, I'd have
multiple functions that would do query of query against that base query.

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Re: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-02 Thread Deanna Schneider
cfcomponent displayname=mystuff hint=Get's all my stuff

cfset variables.allrows = 

cffunction access=public name=init returntype=mystuff
output=false hint=Initializes the object.
 !--- Do big complex query here  and set it to the
variables.allrows var ---
 Select blah blah
 From Blah blah
 WHERE blah blah

 cfset variables.allrows = myquery
cfreturn this /

cffunction access=public name=getTotal output=false
  cfreturn variables.allrows.recordcount

cffunction access=public name=getNext output=false
 cfargument name=start required=false default=1 type=numeric
 cfargument name=end required=false default=50 type=numeric
  cfset var getit = 
  cfquery name=getit dbtype=query
 select *
 from variables.allrows
 WHERE start = #arguments.start#
 AND end = #arguments.end#

cfreturn getit

On 2/2/06, Brian Peddle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't believe that will get him what he wants.

 He has query #1 which will get the total records for a query.
 Query #2 just returns 50 records of the total.

 So when you display results you see.

 Total: Records 4530  Displaying Records: 101-150.

 Instead of one query returning all 4530 records just to display 50 he is
 just bringing back what he needs.

 -Original Message-
 From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 1:43 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

 I'd go the cfc route, where I would instantiate a single CFC that would
 your base query with all your where and from clauses. Then, I'd have
 multiple functions that would do query of query against that base query.


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RE: SQL Encapsulation?

2006-02-02 Thread Brian Peddle
Using this method you would be bringing back potentially hundreds of
thousands of records.

He only needs 50 at a time.  Why pass 100,000 or more maybe when you can
send 50 records back to ColdFusion.

-Original Message-
From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 2:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

cfcomponent displayname=mystuff hint=Get's all my stuff

cfset variables.allrows = 

cffunction access=public name=init returntype=mystuff
output=false hint=Initializes the object.
 !--- Do big complex query here  and set it to the
variables.allrows var ---
 Select blah blah
 From Blah blah
 WHERE blah blah

 cfset variables.allrows = myquery
cfreturn this /

cffunction access=public name=getTotal output=false
  cfreturn variables.allrows.recordcount

cffunction access=public name=getNext output=false
 cfargument name=start required=false default=1 type=numeric
 cfargument name=end required=false default=50 type=numeric
  cfset var getit = 
  cfquery name=getit dbtype=query
 select *
 from variables.allrows
 WHERE start = #arguments.start#
 AND end = #arguments.end#

cfreturn getit

On 2/2/06, Brian Peddle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't believe that will get him what he wants.

 He has query #1 which will get the total records for a query.
 Query #2 just returns 50 records of the total.

 So when you display results you see.

 Total: Records 4530  Displaying Records: 101-150.

 Instead of one query returning all 4530 records just to display 50 he is
 just bringing back what he needs.

 -Original Message-
 From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 1:43 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL Encapsulation?

 I'd go the cfc route, where I would instantiate a single CFC that would
 your base query with all your where and from clauses. Then, I'd have
 multiple functions that would do query of query against that base query.


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