What are you pasting it into (Ektron, etc.)...Is this store in a BLOB, CLOB,
or a big fat VARCHAR.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Mamone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 10:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Strange problem with Oracle/WordXP


I have two servers one running  CF 4.0 the other CF 5.0.

They are running identical applications and connectiing to the same database
server with the same NLS setting.

The problem is when I paste bulletted text copied from specifically Word XP
on the CF 5.0 application it changes the bullets to upside down question
marks. The problem does not occur on the CF 4.0 server.

Can this be an ODBC driver problem or a setting withing CF5?


-Frank Mamone
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