I'd advise not putting the web service in to CF Admin until you know it

Instead create from the wsdl like this;

        ws =

<cfdump var="#ws#">

You'll see the errors on the page. 

You should use the right host name to get past the certificate error. Use
this instead: 
        ws =

You may also need to increase the page timeout to get the WSDL parsed and
classes generated.

If you see the results of the CFDUMP you're a good way to getting the web
service working.


-----Original Message-----
From: Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 13 March 2006 3:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Webservice or not webservice?

We are trying to do some integration with Monster and use their
webservice to post jobs and receive feedback from them.

When we add this to the CF7 admin

We get this feedback: "Error creating web service. Please ensure that
you have entered a correct Web Service name or URL."

Is this an error caused by the certificate not being valid on this IP?
Or is it to do with the 'webservice' at their end.  It doesnt look
like a traditional webservice when you view it in the browser - more
like an XSD. There are no .wsdl extentions.

What other way could we use this webservice?

Thanks in advance all!

Duncan I Loxton

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