RE: looping query

2004-10-05 Thread Cornillon, Matthieu (Consultant)

I think that it is just bad coding.I have seen a fair amount of confusion
on the point of getting values out of a query (e.g., people often seem refer
to MyQuery.ColName without looping, unintentionally getting nothing but the
first value).Also, I think people often don't know array notation for
queries.I myself coded for some time before finding out about it.If
someone were faced with the task of getting the last value from a query, I
can imagine this is how they would do it.

I'm sure you know all this, but I thought I'd add another voice saying, I
think it's poor coding.


-Original Message-
From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 8:42 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: looping query

Ok so I inherited an application to update and I am trying to clean it
up a little bit,or maybe a lot, but I keep running into this:

cfloop query=MyQuery
cfset revBy=MyQuery.rev_by
cfset revDt=MyQuery.rev_dt

why oh why would some one do this? Is there a good explanation? Since
the code is not commented I have no idea who the original author is so
I can't ask him/her.

At the very least wouldn't 

cfset revBy = MyQuery.rev_by[myquery.recordcount]
cfset rev_dt = MyQuery.rev_dt[myquery.recordcount]

Get you to the sane place faster? Most of these queries I think are
only supposed to return one row but still I would think, especially on
CF 5 which is what this app is running on, the looping would be a
waste of time. Anyone's thoughts? 
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RE: looping query

2004-10-05 Thread Micha Schopman
To dereference the query variables in a nested query loop? :-)

Micha Schopman 
Software Engineer 
Modern Media, Databankweg 12 M, 3821 ALAmersfoort 
Tel 033-4535377, Fax 033-4535388 
KvK Amersfoort 39081679, Rabo
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Re: looping query

2004-10-05 Thread Larry White
If that's all that's in that loop it doesn't make much sense. There
could be reasons if there's more code in the loop following that 
assignment. If it's a query that returns only one row then all you 
need is:
cfset revBy=MyQuery.rev_by
cfset revDt=MyQuery.rev_dt

Ok so I inherited an application to update and I am trying to clean it
up a little bit,or maybe a lot, but I keep running into this:

cfloop query=MyQuery
cfset revBy=MyQuery.rev_by
cfset revDt=MyQuery.rev_dt

why oh why would some one do this? Is there a good explanation? Since
the code is not commented I have no idea who the original author is so
I can't ask him/her.

At the very least wouldn't 

cfset revBy = MyQuery.rev_by[myquery.recordcount]
cfset rev_dt = MyQuery.rev_dt[myquery.recordcount]

Get you to the sane place faster? Most of these queries I think are
only supposed to return one row but still I would think, especially on
CF 5 which is what this app is running on, the looping would be a
waste of time. Anyone's thoughts?
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Re: Looping query help

2004-04-20 Thread Ben Doom
If class_enrollment is an int (or similar), you could be getting an 
error because of the wrapping single quotes.

And before someone else says it, cfsqlparam is a good thing.

--Ben Doom

Austin Govella wrote:

 I have a listing of classes, each with a text box next to
 them. Users will fill in a number in the text box next to
 each class and then hit submit.
 I'm trying to loop through the results and INSERT a
 class_id, section number, enrollment number, and date for
 each class.
 I use the following code to loop through checkboxes on
 another page, so I'm not sure why this gives me an error.
 (Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.)
 !-- create lists for values ---
 cfset class_id_list=#form.class_id#
 cfset section_no_list=#form.section_no#
 cfset class_enrollment_list=#form.class_enrollment#
 !--- loop through and set enrollment for each class ---
 cfloop index=i from=1 to=#ListLen(class_id_list)#
cfquery name=q_approve_class
 INSERT INTO tbl_class_enrollment (class_id,
 class_enrollment, section_no, date)
 VALUES (#ListGetAt(class_id_list, i)#,
 '#ListGetAt(class_enrollment_list, i)#',
 '#ListGetAt(section_no_list, i)#', '#enrollment_date#');
 This is the outputted SQL:
 INSERT INTO tbl_class_enrollment (class_id,
 class_enrollment, section_no, date) VALUES (841, '2',
 '03280', '4/20/2004');
 Any ideas?

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Re: Looping query help

2004-04-20 Thread Doug James
Off the top of my head, I would suggest using cfqueryparam.


Austin Govella wrote:

I have a listing of classes, each with a text box next to 
them. Users will fill in a number in the text box next to 
each class and then hit submit.

I'm trying to loop through the results and INSERT a 
class_id, section number, enrollment number, and date for 
each class.

I use the following code to loop through checkboxes on 
another page, so I'm not sure why this gives me an error. 
(Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.)

!-- create lists for values ---

cfset class_id_list=#form.class_id#
cfset section_no_list=#form.section_no#
cfset class_enrollment_list=#form.class_enrollment#

!--- loop through and set enrollment for each class ---

cfloop index=i from=1 to=#ListLen(class_id_list)#
cfquery name=q_approve_class 
INSERT INTO tbl_class_enrollment (class_id, 
class_enrollment, section_no, date)
VALUES (#ListGetAt(class_id_list, i)#, 
'#ListGetAt(class_enrollment_list, i)#', 
'#ListGetAt(section_no_list, i)#', '#enrollment_date#');

This is the outputted SQL:

INSERT INTO tbl_class_enrollment (class_id, 
class_enrollment, section_no, date) VALUES (841, '2', 
'03280', '4/20/2004');

Any ideas?


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