I'm getting the same error thru MSSql also - anyone have any ideas what is
causing it?

Error Occurred While Processing Request
The value "" cannot be converted to a number


-----Original Message-----
From: cfcom [mailto:cf...@aceligent.com] 
Sent: 2009-08-26 11:38
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: problem porting Justin Anderson's CF_X_Survey to MySql

Survey.mdb (access 97 file format)
Comments (table)
Commentid = autonumber
Surveyid = number
dateEntered = date/time
username = text
userEmail = text
usersWeb = text
subject = text
comments = memo

Options (table)
OptionId = autonumber
surveyid = number
questionOption = text
votes = number

Schedule (table)
SurveyId = number
Startdate = date/time
Enddate = date/time

Survey (table)
surveyId = autonumber
dateEntered = date/time
question = memo

I am unable to see the results or vote. when I press vote it throws this
Error Occurred While Processing Request
The value '' cannot be converted to a number.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Boughton [mailto:bought...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 2009-08-26 10:55
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: problem porting Justin Anderson's CF_X_Survey to MySql

What errors are you getting?

And what is the original database format? 

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