Re: REGEX validating email

2000-06-19 Thread Seth Petry-Johnson

 Corrected RE is below.  Toward the end, I added a \ at *\.[[:alpha:]]{2,}$

 [-a-Sa-Z0-9%\ .]*\.[[:alpha:]]{2,}$"

Actually, I think your ranges are a little off.  For instance, I think you
mean -a-zA-Z0-9 instead of -a-Sa-Z.  I corrected the ranges to produce


which seems to work like a charm.

 The $ at the end functions exactly like the ^ at the beginning.  It
 functions as an anchor and says "the string must end here".  Otherwise,
 any string that _begins_ with a match for the RE is seen as a match and
 return TRUE.  Using both ^ and $ means that the whole string must be a
 match for the pattern, rather than just _containing_ the pattern.

Now that you mention it, it does sound familiar. Thanks for all of the help.

Best Regards,
Seth Petry-Johnson
Argo Enterprise and Associates

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Re: REGEX validating email

2000-06-19 Thread Jim McAtee

Yep, something got munged in the copying.  Thanks for catching it.


-Original Message-
From: Seth Petry-Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, June 19, 2000 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: REGEX validating email

 Corrected RE is below.  Toward the end, I added a \ at

 [-a-Sa-Z0-9%\ .]*\.[[:alpha:]]{2,}$"

Actually, I think your ranges are a little off.  For instance, I think
mean -a-zA-Z0-9 instead of -a-Sa-Z.  I corrected the ranges to produce


which seems to work like a charm.

 The $ at the end functions exactly like the ^ at the beginning.  It
 functions as an anchor and says "the string must end here".  Otherwise,
 any string that _begins_ with a match for the RE is seen as a match and
 return TRUE.  Using both ^ and $ means that the whole string must be a
 match for the pattern, rather than just _containing_ the pattern.

Now that you mention it, it does sound familiar. Thanks for all of the

Best Regards,
Seth Petry-Johnson
Argo Enterprise and Associates

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Re: REGEX validating email

2000-06-18 Thread Seth Petry-Johnson


Way back in the beginning of April you posted the following regexp to the
CF-Talk as a regexp that can be used to check whether or not a string is a
properly formatted email address.

 Here's the code I use

 CFSET IsEmail =

 .]*.[[:alpha:]]{2,}$", email)

I liked your regexp so much more than my long, drawn out method so I cut and
pasted your code into my templates and went about my business.  Well, I just
discovered that the above regexp has a flaw.  My regexp skills aren't quite
as sharp as they should be, so I haven't had the best of luck figuring out
the problem on my own.

The problem I have is that this regexp returns true on a string containing
some alpha numeric characters, the "@", and then 4 more characters EXCLUDING
a period.  For example, if I pass "seth@argo" to the regexp it returns true,
signifying that the string is in fact a valid email address.  If there are
three or less characters after the "@" then it correctly returns false.  The
logic of the regexp SEEMS correct to me, and I can't seem to figure out why
this is happening.  I've double checked my code 4 times, and I have EXACTLY
what you posted to the list.

Could you please check and make sure that this is indeed the regexp that you
use (i.e. make sure there are no typos).  If it is NOT could you be so kind
as to send me the correct one?  If this IS what you are using then you might
want to check and see if your sites suffer from the same error.

Finally, one last and final question:  the only character in your regexp
that I don't understand is the "$" at the very end.  I can't find an
explanation of this meta character anywhere in Forta's section on regular
expressions.  What exactly does this character do?

Seth Petry-Johnson
Argo Enterprise and Associates

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Re: REGEX validating email

2000-04-03 Thread Todd Ashworth

Here's the RegEx string I use to validate E-mail addresses .. maybe thiw
will work better for you?

var emailexp = /^[a-z][a-z_0-9\.]+@[a-z_=0-9\.]+\.[a-z]{3}$/i


- Original Message -
From: "Brian Peddle" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 6:10 PM
Subject: REGEX validating email

 Im doing some server side validation and Im trying to make sure the '@'
and the '.' is in there.  I have played with a variety of things and cant
get it to work.  Here is the last one I tried.

 cfif refindnocase("[a-z0-9_\.]+@[a-z0-9-]",form.primary_email) gt 1
 Bad Email


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RE: REGEX validating email

2000-03-31 Thread Park, Simon

This doesn't answer your specific question but you could try using a Custom
Tag like CF_MailTest (which we use) which can be found in the Tag Gallery.

Simon Park  Computer Systems Management, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  205 South Whiting Street
Ph: 703-823-4300Suite 201
fax: 703-823-4301   Alexandria, VA  22304  

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Peddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 5:10 PM
 Subject: REGEX validating email
 Im doing some server side validation and Im trying to make 
 sure the '@' and the '.' is in there.  I have played with a 
 variety of things and cant get it to work.  Here is the last 
 one I tried.
 cfif refindnocase("[a-z0-9_\.]+@[a-z0-9-]",form.primary_email) gt 1
 Bad Email

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RE: REGEX validating email

2000-03-31 Thread Mike Sheldon

Go to:

and download cf_checkemail

There's a very comprehensive regex in it you can analyse to your heart's
content. :)

Michael J. Sheldon
Internet Applications Developer
Phone: 480.699.1084
PGP Key Available on Request

-Original Message-
From: Brian Peddle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 15:10
Subject: REGEX validating email

Im doing some server side validation and Im trying to make sure the '@' and
the '.' is in there.  I have played with a variety of things and cant get it
to work.  Here is the last one I tried.

cfif refindnocase("[a-z0-9_\.]+@[a-z0-9-]",form.primary_email) gt 1
Bad Email


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RE: REGEX validating email

2000-03-31 Thread Owens, Howard

Try this:


Howard Owens
Web Producer

 -Original Message-
 From: Brian Peddle [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 2:10 PM
 Subject:  REGEX validating email
 Im doing some server side validation and Im trying to make sure the '@'
 and the '.' is in there.  I have played with a variety of things and cant
 get it to work.  Here is the last one I tried.
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Re: REGEX validating email

2000-03-31 Thread Kevin Merker

For form validation on email characters "@, ." where do you place this script on the 
template? Example form page would be great!



Seth Petry-Johnson wrote:

 Im doing some server side validation and Im trying to make sure the '@' and
 the '.' is
  in there.  I have played with a variety of things and cant get it to work.

 I don't know about using a RegEX for this, but I've done it with normal
 string operations.  The following script verifies that:
 1) The email string is not empty
 2) A "@" exists once and only once
 3) At least one "." follows the "@", and the "." does not come at the very
 end of the string

 I wrote this a long time ago, so there may be a few holes in it.

 !--- strEmail contains the entered email address ---
 !--- booEmailValid is TRUE if it is a valid address ---
 CFSET booEmailValid = "True"

 !--- test the length ---
 CFIF NOT Len(strEmail)
 CFSET booEmailValid = "False"
 !--- make sure only one '@' symbol exists, and that a "." follows
 it ---
 CFSET intPosOfAt = Find("@", strEmail)
 CFSET intPosOfPer = Find(".", strEmail, intPosOfAt + 1)

 !--- make sure a "@" exists ---
 CFIF intPosOfAt LTE 1
 CFSET booEmailValid = "False"
 !--- make sure only 1 "@" exists ---
 CFELSEIF Find("@", strEmail, intPosOfAt + 1)
 CFSET booEmailValid = "False"
 CFELSEIF intPosOfAt EQ Len(strEmail)
 CFSET booEmailValid = "False"
 CFELSEIF Find("@", strEmail, intPosOfAt + 1)
 !--- more than 1 '@', so this is invalid ---
 CFSET booEmailValid = "False"
 CFELSEIF (intPosOfPer EQ 0) OR (intPosOfPer EQ Len(strEmail)
 CFSET booEmailValid = "False"

 CFIF booEmailValid
 !--- address is OK ---
 !--- address is not OK ---

 Hope this helps,
 Seth Petry-Johnson
 Argo Enterprise and Associates

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