Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-17 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks a lot for your help Dave!

I've spent the morning looking into setting up Jrun through IIS on one of the 
new server Instances and I've got it almost working now.

Just in case anybody else has this issue I found this good technote on IIS 

As I say I'm almost there but I'm getting a bit of a strange problem with the 
processing of the page through IIS now.

If I try and access I page I get an Exception error:

coldfusion.runtime.TemplateNotFoundException - in : line -1
File not found: /test.cfm

However, if I refresh the page it appears. Refresh again shows the error and 
carries on alternating on each request.

That's running it through http://localhost/test.cfm (test.cfm is in the route) 
but trying http://localhost:8303/test.cfm works every time so I'm assuming this 
is a permissions problem at the IIS side of things (???)


Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
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RE: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-17 Thread Dave Watts
 As I say I'm almost there but I'm getting a bit of a strange 
 problem with the processing of the page through IIS now.
 If I try and access I page I get an Exception error:
 coldfusion.runtime.TemplateNotFoundException - in : line -1
   File not found: /test.cfm
 However, if I refresh the page it appears. Refresh again 
 shows the error and carries on alternating on each request.

Are you setting up a cluster? It sounds like one cluster member isn't
configured properly. You'll need to make sure that each cluster member
points to the same web root or context root directory.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore and Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.


Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-17 Thread James Buckingham
This is probably starting to go off topic now but I had a look at the IIS Logs 
and I'm seeing the following:

2006-11-17 13:16:29 W3SVC753544 GET /test.cfm - 80 - 
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) 404 
0 0
2006-11-17 13:16:29 W3SVC753544 GET /test.cfm - 80 - 
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) 200 
0 0
2006-11-17 13:16:29 W3SVC753544 GET /CFIDE/debug/images/topdoc.gif - 
80 - 
Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) 200 
0 0

The HTTP codes are literally saying it's there and then it's not. Is this a 
friday afternoon thing? Are these pages playing peek-a-boo with me, lol?


P.S. Logging onto the CF Admin at http://localhost/cfide/administrator is 
working perfectly fine and I don't see any of these problems within this area. 
I can't see anything significantly different between this and the other folders 

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Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-17 Thread James Buckingham
Sorry I'm being thick. It's because the cluster is pointing at IIS NOT the 
single instance. The error was because the other instance in the cluster didn't 
have the file setup.

Problem solved!


Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
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times a year.


RE: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-16 Thread Bobby Hartsfield
What is in the cfelse because AKAIK cgi.https is never a 0 length string.
It's either 'on' or 'off'

cfif cgi.https IS off
cflocation =https://#cgi.server_name#/#cgi.script_name#; addtoken=no /

Bobby Hartsfield


-Original Message-
From: James Buckingham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 5:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on migrating our applications from CF5.0 to MX7.02.
I'm running this over a JRun4 multi-server configuration and everything is
up and running apart from the SSL which I'm really struggling with.

The problem I have is coming from a simple bit of code in a onRequestStart

this.HTTPSecure = #cgi.https#;

cfif #len(this.HTTPSecure)# eq 0
cflocation url=https://localhost:8301/; addtoken=no  /


If I try and run that the browser just sits there thinking about something
and then times out on me. Taking out the secure protocol on the http works

Things I tried so far are:

1) Tried this on three separate machines and all are showing the same signs

2) Following Adobe's Technotes on setting up SSL and LDAP by importing my
certificates into the C:\JRun4\jre\lib\security\cacerts and confirmed that
they've been installed fine through a command prompt -

3)Tried to follow another Technotes about setting up SSL in JRun Web Server
Connector here:

I'm not sure if this is what I'm meant to be doing though as I'm a complete
JRun newbie.

4) Enabling SSL in java.xml and changing the port address from 9100 to 443. 

I wasn't sure if there might have been a conflict in me calling port 8301
for my Instance through the CFlocation and alos trying to secure at the same
using a different port. I'm assuming when the instance was setup that the
usual port 80 for http requests is just repointed to the instance port 8301?

Does have anybody have any pointers that might help?


Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.


RE: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-16 Thread Dave Watts
 I'm currently working on migrating our applications from 
 CF5.0 to MX7.02. I'm running this over a JRun4 multi-server 
 configuration and everything is up and running apart from the 
 SSL which I'm really struggling with.
 The problem I have is coming from a simple bit of code in a 
 onRequestStart function:
 this.HTTPSecure = #cgi.https#;
 cfif #len(this.HTTPSecure)# eq 0
 cflocation url=https://localhost:8301/; addtoken=no  / 
 cfelse .
 If I try and run that the browser just sits there thinking 
 about something and then times out on me. Taking out the 
 secure protocol on the http works fine.

 I wasn't sure if there might have been a conflict in me 
 calling port 8301 for my Instance through the CFlocation and 
 alos trying to secure at the same using a different port. I'm 
 assuming when the instance was setup that the usual port 80 
 for http requests is just repointed to the instance port 8301?
 Does have anybody have any pointers that might help?

First, is there a reason you're not using an external web server, like IIS
or Apache? That's usually going to be easier to manage, and will give you
functionality that the JRun Web Server doesn't.

Second, is the JRun Web Server configured to listen for HTTP on TCP/80? By
default it isn't, obviously, but once you configure it to listen on the port
of your choice, it no longer uses the original port used when initially

Third, can you just go to the SSL URL directly? What happens when you do
this? The best way to test this is to create a static HTML file and try to
access that.

Finally, what happens when you output CGI.HTTPS? Different web servers
expose different CGI server variables. This variable may not be available
when using JRun Web Server.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore and Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.


Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-16 Thread James Buckingham
Thanks Bobby,

The whole script is:

cfif #len(this.HTTPSecure)# eq 0
cflocation url=http://localhost:8301/; addtoken=no  /
cfset application.secureAppPath = 'https://'  
#application.configuration.configvariables.Application_Path#  '/wddx' /

I've based that statement on the result 0 because that's the current value in 
the CGI variable list, but you're right, the original code was looking for 
'off'. It's just testing that has taken me down this route.

The problem isn't coming from there though because if I even type in 
https://localhost:8301 straight into the address it isn't running (it's meant 
to just forward to the file which holds the code above). It just hangs, so it 
doesn't look like that code is the root of the problem. The two other machines 
are showing this problem as well and they don't have any CF code running on 
them at the moment. 


 Hi everyone,
 I'm currently working on migrating our applications from CF5.0 to MX7.
 02. I'm running this over a JRun4 multi-server configuration and 
 everything is up and running apart from the SSL which I'm really 
 struggling with.
 The problem I have is coming from a simple bit of code in a 
 onRequestStart function:
 this.HTTPSecure = #cgi.https#;
 cfif #len(this.HTTPSecure)# eq 0
 cflocation url=https://localhost:8301/; addtoken=no  /
 If I try and run that the browser just sits there thinking about 
 something and then times out on me. Taking out the secure protocol on 
 the http works fine.
 Things I tried so far are:
 1) Tried this on three separate machines and all are showing the same 
 2) Following Adobe's Technotes on setting up SSL and LDAP by importing 
 my certificates into the C:\JRun4\jre\lib\security\cacerts and 
 confirmed that they've been installed fine through a command prompt -
 3)Tried to follow another Technotes about setting up SSL in JRun Web 
 Server Connector here: http://www.adobe.
 I'm not sure if this is what I'm meant to be doing though as I'm a 
 complete JRun newbie.
 4) Enabling SSL in java.xml and changing the port address from 9100 to 
 I wasn't sure if there might have been a conflict in me calling port 
 8301 for my Instance through the CFlocation and alos trying to secure 
 at the same using a different port. I'm assuming when the instance was 
 setup that the usual port 80 for http requests is just repointed to 
 the instance port 8301?
 Does have anybody have any pointers that might help?

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.


Re: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-16 Thread James Buckingham
First, is there a reason you're not using an external web server, like IIS
or Apache? That's usually going to be easier to manage, and will give you
functionality that the JRun Web Server doesn't.

This is probably were my lack of knowledge lets me down so I hope I can answer 
this ok for you. I've not setup anything through IIS. I've just followed the 
installation process in ColdFusion and gone with the multiserver configuration 
(this is to reflect the cluster environment we're about to setup). I've then 
created an instance and set that up on port 8301.

Second, is the JRun Web Server configured to listen for HTTP on TCP/80? By
default it isn't, obviously, but once you configure it to listen on the port
of your choice, it no longer uses the original port used when initially

If that's the case then I'm using the JRun default. How/where do I go about 
doing that?

Third, can you just go to the SSL URL directly? What happens when you do
this? The best way to test this is to create a static HTML file and try to
access that.

It just hangs with both an HTML and CF page.

Cheers again,

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.


RE: Setting up SSL in CFMX7

2006-11-16 Thread Dave Watts
 This is probably were my lack of knowledge lets me down so I 
 hope I can answer this ok for you. I've not setup anything 
 through IIS. I've just followed the installation process in 
 ColdFusion and gone with the multiserver configuration (this 
 is to reflect the cluster environment we're about to setup). 
 I've then created an instance and set that up on port 8301.

OK. First, if you want to reflect your production environment, you should
probably use the same web server you'll use there. This will be especially
true if you're going to reflect clustering, SSL/TLS, etc, because they will
be dependent on your web server configuration.

So, that would be my first recommendation - find out what web server you're
going to use, and set it up to work with CF/JRun.

Second, when you installed the multiserver configuration, it should have
created a single instance of CF. That instance will listen on TCP/8300 for
HTTP by default. When you created the second instance, you say you set that
up to listen on TCP/8301 for HTTP. So presumably, these instances aren't
clustered yet? I don't even know if the JRun Web Server supports clustering
directly; it very well may, but I've never looked into it.

Typically, in a clustered JRun environment, you'd create your cluster, then
use wsconfig to hook the cluster to your IIS or Apache web server.

 If that's the case then I'm using the JRun default. How/where 
 do I go about doing that?

You can set the HTTP listener port for each instance within the JRun Admin
console. If you're using the Instance Manager and Cluster Manager from
within CF Administrator, I think you may be able to set it there as well. If
you already have another web server installed on the machine, it will
probably be bound to TCP/80 already, however.

 It just hangs with both an HTML and CF page.

You might want to check JRun's log files to diagnose this. But again, I'd
recommend going with another web server if you're testing clustering and

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore and Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

Introducing the Fusion Authority Quarterly Update. 80 pages of hard-hitting,
up-to-date ColdFusion information by your peers, delivered to your door four 
times a year.
