Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-08 Thread Jack Dalaa
The free version of ISAPI Rewrite works wonderfully for friendly URLs such as:

instead of:

Using the httpd.ini rule:

RepeatLimit 20

# A note
RewriteRule (/dyn/.*?)(\?[^/]*)?/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(.+?)? $1(?2$2:\?)$3=$4?5$5: [N,I]
RewriteRule /dyn(.+?)/?(\?.*)? $1.cfm$2 [I]


 Mod_rewrite is your best friend, if you've got Apache.Someone has
 mentioned a port for IIS in the form of an ISAPI filter, I belive, 
 but I
 don't know.
 I've had wonderful success with ISAPI_Rewrite, although I don't 
 *think* it's an actual port of mod_rewrite. Can't say how useful the 
 freebie version is, but the paid version hasn't given me a moment's 
 Roger Benningfield
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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-07 Thread Mauricio Giraldo
 All in all, dynamic URLS should be mapped to static ones, and this mapping
 should be be done by your marketing department 

while I agree dynamic urls should be mapped to static ones and that search engine positioning is a whole other chapter, why would marketing be the ones to decide if it is instead of or something else? do marketers do url usability?

by the way, anyone knows of a good dynamic-to-static url mapping in cf (windows and linux) resource?

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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-07 Thread Mauricio Giraldo
Whether shallow directory trees containing lots of files and more
descriptive, structured filenames are better than deep heirarchical
structures with fewer files per folder and shorter names is an ancient
and endless debate, so I ain't going there :-).

i wasnt talking about the shallow vs deep situation but more the how would users expect to find my content situation... but maybe marketers could be more user-centric than developers. but i think it should be in hands of someone else instead of marketers or developers... well... thats just really off-topic :)

- mga
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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-07 Thread Mauricio Giraldo
While we're on the subject - does anyone know of any good
resources/mailings lists - I've been out of the SEO loop for a while

I second that... Any references to mapping dynamic urls to static ones?
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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-07 Thread Gabriel Rose
Speaking of friendly URLs and CMS solutions, I am looking to implement the FarCry CMS for a client and am wondering about the plugin for creating friendly URLs.

Does anyone know if this is something I can set up later on, after I have the design and application working?

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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-07 Thread Roger Benningfield
Mod_rewrite is your best friend, if you've got Apache.Someone has
mentioned a port for IIS in the form of an ISAPI filter, I belive, but I
don't know.

I've had wonderful success with ISAPI_Rewrite, although I don't *think* it's an actual port of mod_rewrite. Can't say how useful the freebie version is, but the paid version hasn't given me a moment's trouble.

Roger Benningfield
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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-07 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
I dunno... if you just use an index.cfm and put a ? in your url's,
wouldn't that have roughly equivalent effect? For instance, my blog:

Not that there aren't other uses for mod rewrite or isapi rewrite, but
just in terms of mapping virtual paths to real paths... This
particular path maps to another virtual path, but that's another
story. :)

Mod_rewrite is your best friend, if you've got Apache.
Someone has
mentioned a port for IIS in the form of an ISAPI filter, I
belive, but I
don't know.

 I've had wonderful success with ISAPI_Rewrite, although I
 don't *think* it's an actual port of mod_rewrite. Can't
 say how useful the freebie version is, but the paid
 version hasn't given me a moment's trouble.

 Roger Benningfield

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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-02 Thread Roger Benningfield
 Referring to URL's or URI's 
 (assumed to mean Unique Resource Identifier as opposed to Unique 
 Resource Locator)

Uniform Resource Identifier. Personally, I'm fine with the old-fashioned URL... it's in the name of my business, after all. :) But when it comes to technical discussions, I try to use the W3C's preferred terminology, and they like URI.

 Your critique helps me think about the problem much better. Thanks.

No problem. I've been spending a lot of time in the virtual company of hypertext junkies over the last year or so, and I've picked up on a few things along the way. Much of which runs in direct opposition to the way I've been building my apps, unfortunately. :D

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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-02 Thread Roger Benningfield
Though I'm not sure why
it's such an issue...


It isn't, IMO... not across the board. It's just one more piece of the URI design puzzle.

FWIW, while I've come to increasingly respect the tenets of orthodox hypertext religion, I'm far from devout. And I have no desire to preach at people who are just trying to do their jobs and earn some cash for tacos and rent. :)

First, the extension may not have anything to do
with the technology in use...

The argument would be: if it isn't conveying useful information, and isn't required by the particular server environment, why keep it in your URIs? People in restricted, shared environments may be stuck, but if you *can* rid yourself of cruft like file extensions, it's worth considering.

I could perform a case-insensitive multi-file regex search for
\.cfm[^[:alnum:]] and find all the places where I would change the
extension if I were to migrate to another technology.

URI design debates are seldom focused on what you can or can't do on your own server... it's more about the impact you're having on the Web. Search-and-replace won't change the links that exist on other folks' sites, and it won't update every RDF database out there that references a given page.

(Though as a rule I think migrating between technologies with existing
sites or products when not absolutely requiredis foolish.

Agreed. If it ain't broke... has always seemed a pretty compelling argument to me. Perhaps because I'm prone to break things. :)

Not every page on a site needs to be ranked highly on search

I think probably the most important thing for me has been to realize that search engine ranking is among the last things I need to consider when designing a URI. At this point in the evolution of blogging, syndication, and microcontent, I'm not building tools that produce web pages or sites... I'm building web services that just happen to display HTML with some frequency.

Once I started viewing things that way, I began to see URI decisions in the same light that I'd normally reserve for, say, method and parameter names in a CFC. After all, on a given day, 25% of my traffic is coming from non-browser tools like RSS aggregators, XML-RPC clients, and REST services like Trackback. The app is a document, and the document is an app.

Yep, thanks Roger...

You're very welcome.

Roger Benningfield
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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-01 Thread Roger Benningfield
Just out of curiosity, but why is the URL awful?

Bearing in mind that I create ugly URIs as often as anyone, that I am simply answering a question, and that I don't want to pick on someone else's work:

(1) URIs should describe the resource they identify, not the technology used to create it. (Data persists, but technology changes.) So ideally, .cfm and .html file extensions are no-nos.

(2) Similarly, the URI in question spends most of its length describing the internal functions of the application, not the data itself.

(3) Speaking of length... that's a long URI, which will all-too-often be mangled when passed around in email.

(4) The query names that matter to the user are either opaque (Gindex, Pindex) or tightly coupled to the nature of the request (ID_FIRM_ABOUT). All other things being equal, you're better off with the far simpler group, person, and firm. (Chances are gindex and pindex don't translate to group and person, of course, but the URI design encourages such bad guesses.)

(5) In a broader sense, query-string URIs are troublesome in and of themselves. A good URI can be used as a unique, unchanging identifier... a primary key for the Web, in other words. Since query name/value pairs can appear in any order, it's very easy to have the same application linking to ?foo=barbar=foo in one place and ?bar=foofoo=bar in another. Will the application still work? Sure. But the Web thinks you're pointing to different pages, which is only a good thing if you're trying to spam Google.

Having said all of that, thre are valid reasons to dispense with any of the above principles in a given situation, and no one is a Bad Person for doing so. But it's all worth bearing in mind as you develop.

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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-01 Thread Dwayne Cole
Roger thanks for the excellent critique. Referring to URL's or URI's (assumed to mean Unique Resource Identifier as opposed to Unique Resource Locator)as unique identifiers (or primary Key) is just what I needed to hear to broaden how I was conceptualizing the problem.Your critique helps me think about the problem much better. Thanks. 

Just out of curiosity, but why is the URL awful?

Bearing in mind that I create ugly URIs as often as anyone, that I am simply answering a question, and that I don't want to pick on someone else's work:

(1) URIs should describe the resource they identify, not the technology used to create it. (Data persists, but technology changes.) So ideally, .cfm and .html file extensions are no-nos.

(2) Similarly, the URI in question spends most of its length describing the internal functions of the application, not the data itself.

(3) Speaking of length... that's a long URI, which will all-too-often be mangled when passed around in email.

(4) The query names that matter to the user are either opaque (Gindex, Pindex) or tightly coupled to the nature of the request (ID_FIRM_ABOUT). All other things being equal, you're better off with the far simpler group, person, and firm. (Chances are gindex and pindex don't translate to group and person, of course, but the URI design encourages such bad guesses.)

(5) In a broader sense, query-string URIs are troublesome in and of themselves. A good URI can be used as a unique, unchanging identifier... a primary key for the Web, in other words. Since query name/value pairs can appear in any order, it's very easy to have the same application linking to ?foo=barbar=foo in one place and ?bar=foofoo=bar in another. Will the application still work? Sure. But the Web thinks you're pointing to different pages, which is only a good thing if you're trying to spam Google.

Having said all of that, thre are valid reasons to dispense with any of the above principles in a given situation, and no one is a Bad Person for doing so. But it's all worth bearing in mind as you develop.


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Re:CMS Solutions (Friendly URL's)

2004-01-01 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Just out of curiosity, but why is the URL awful?

 Bearing in mind that I create ugly URIs as often as
 anyone, that I am simply answering a question, and that I
 don't want to pick on someone else's work:

 (1) URIs should describe the resource they identify, not
 the technology used to create it. (Data persists, but
 technology changes.) So ideally, .cfm and .html file
 extensions are no-nos.

I suppose that could be considered an ideal... Though I'm not sure why
it's such an issue (unless you have a significant reason to want to
make people guess what you're using or to appear unbiased toward any
given technology)... First, the extension may not have anything to do
with the technology in use, since the webserver is responsible for
determining what server engine executes which pages, so I can have my
whole site done up with .aspx files and run ColdFusion on the back
end. Second, even assuming I'm using shared hosting and don't have
access to make changes to the web server, or even with the largest
sites, I could perform a case-insensitive multi-file regex search for
\.cfm[^[:alnum:]] and find all the places where I would change the
extension if I were to migrate to another technology.

(Though as a rule I think migrating between technologies with existing
sites or products when not absolutely requiredis foolish. Imho in
most cases you start contemplating migrating to another technology
when there's no community support for the current tech 5 yrs after the
only manufacturer goes out of business. Unlike Baylor Hospital here
locally who decided to spontaneously migrate large numbers of large,
functional ColdFusion applications on their intranet to ASP.NET and
C#. I decided not to interview for the job because the recruiter was a
jerk to me when I talked to him. Pablo ended up working on that
project and said I was probably better off.)

 (3) Speaking of length... that's a long URI, which will
 all-too-often be mangled when passed around in email.

Yea, that's an important thing... My CMS has pretty short urls, even
after redirection... the products page on my own site for instance: No it's not very descriptive, but it
works pretty well, and you can always create stubs for important
pages. Not every page on a site needs to be ranked highly on search

 Having said all of that, thre are valid reasons to
 dispense with any of the above principles in a given
 situation, and no one is a Bad Person for doing so. But
 it's all worth bearing in mind as you develop.

Yep, thanks Roger, there was some good stuff in there that hadn't
occurred to me.

s. isaac dealey 214-823-9345

team macromedia volunteer

chief architect, tapestry cms

onTap is open source
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