First we tried Norton Anti Virus 2 years ago.
It produced horrible CPU-load.
We switched to F-Prot on WIN NT 4 Server.
That went fine.

The reason we installed it on our WWW-Server
is, that people can upload files. (and these might be infected).

But even plain HTML-File can be carrying virusses too.
So I would recommend doing it.


Thursday, October 16, 2003, 5:50:07 PM, you wrote:

AWL> Mark,

AWL> Once get your anti-virus software installed and running on you web
AWL> server, would you mind sharing with the list what kind of performance
AWL> impact it creates. Are you planning to run scheduled system scans?

AWL> Adam Wayne Lehman
AWL> Web Systems Developer
AWL> Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
AWL> Distance Education Division

AWL> -----Original Message-----
AWL> From: Mark W. Breneman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AWL> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:45 AM
AWL> To: CF-Talk
AWL> Subject: RE: Antivirus software on web server

AWL> True it probably would show in the task or process lists, but if I were
AWL> to write a worm/Trojan, I would make it show up in the task list as
AWL> SVCHOST.exe, the generic name of a DLL process.

AWL> Mark W. Breneman
AWL> -Cold Fusion Developer
AWL> -Network Administrator
AWL>   Vivid Media
AWL>   608.270.9770

AWL> -----Original Message-----
AWL> From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AWL> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 9:41 AM
AWL> To: CF-Talk
AWL> Subject: Re: Antivirus software on web server

AWL> Mark W. Breneman wrote:
>> As much as I am opposed to the idea, I am leaning towards installing
>> Norton Antivirus Corporate on all of my web servers.  
>> The question was brought up, that how would you ever know if your
AWL> server
>> was infected without some software scanning.

AWL> You see it in the task list. And if it does anything besides
AWL> being there (like trying to spread), you see that in your network
AWL> traffic.

AWL> Jochem

AWL>   _____  

AWL>   _____  

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