My bad.  I figured out the answer right after I sent the first message.
It's stored in the CGI.QUERY_STRING as

That's easy enough to handle :)

Thanks anyway.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Ashworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 12:52 AM
Subject: finding the "referer" after a redirect to an error page.

| Oh jeez .. let me see if I can explain this ...
| We are setting up a site where people can come sign up and get their own
| site.  The trick is, we don't want to have to fool with making changes in
| the registry, or IIS.  So, we came up with this "brilliant" idea of
| a site name in the customer master database that is the name of the
| subdirectory that their site would normaly sit in if we created a folder
| them and mapped it in IIS (  The idea is
| when someone comes looking for, it won't
| really exist and they will be shuffled off to the default error page.  We
| have replaced the error page with a cf file that parses out
| and then performs a lookup in the database for information associate with
| "theirsitename", sets some client variables, and then shoots them off to
| main application that everyone REALLY uses.  The client variables contain
| folder paths and database file info that determines what data is displayed
| to what users.
| OK .. I hope that made sense.  Anyway .. when the visitor is redirected to
| the 'default error' page, the URL that they were trying to get to gets
| I don't know enough about IIS or HTTP protocols to know if it's even
| possible to keep track of this information.  Does anyone know how I could
| accomplish this?
| Thanks!
| Todd

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