Recent CF-Talk threads discussed RIAs and PIAs, inspired by Rob Rohan's

Still other threads recently have discussed running CFMX/BD from CD/DVD
or on the desktop -- the CFAnywhere concept.

There are lots of possibilities to use this format for existing apps --
but it may also open up entirely new markets,


I went to Hal Helm's site to brush up on some techniques -- if you
haven't had the pleasure, go to:

Hal's presos have great content and they are animated to improve the
user experience -- but I felt that something was missing -- Hal -- his
rich voice.

Matt Fineholt emailed me about where he wants to use the CFAnywhere

   "I'm currently working in the e-learning industry and the
possibilities are endless for this kind of technology.  Imagine a sales
person that's always on the road, but doesn't always have an internet
connection.  Instead of recreating the training on CD with Authorware
or some other technology... just being able to copy the current
data-driven site with only minor tweaks.  Another application I can
think of would be resumes and portfolios for IT job seekers. I imagine
an employer might be impressed by a demo CD that is a completely self
contained archive of data-driven sites. "

Mmmm... interactive training CD,s   My son-in-law is taking online
courses for his degree (when he can find the time).  Every few months
he takes a trip to Japan --- 11 hours wasted, each way...

I am putting together a site to remember family members who have passed
-- favorite music, scans of old photos in slide shows, small text
passages, movies (if my bandwidth will support it), maybe some

I am also putting together a iTunes playlist (within my DRs) for Rob's
girlfriend K. -- she wants to hear some polkas?

When I finish that,  I've got to get to busy on those digital photos
and video I took of my granddaughters first Holy communion & my
grandson's graduation from preschool-- really, a cap and gown?--

I tie this all together in the final reel...

Hey, wait a minute -- I am currently taking training at Hal's site.

Why can't Hal's site have a richer UI -- think of it -- Hal's voice,
explaining the animated preso?

Matt's CD's certainly could benefit from a Richer UI.

My son-in-law could wrk smrtr & rn mr pa -- if he could study take his
courses on the long Japan trips.

And, the stuff I am doing, publishing family memories, could certainly
benefit from a richer interface --

Why can't I have a richer interface?

Oops, I am getting close to the 100 line limit,,, continued in part 2.

Stay tuned!

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