I'm trying to build some multi-part forms that are supposed to store all the
form data in cookies, so people can leave bits unfinished, come back at a
later date and finish the form off.

The forms aren't *massive*, but they're not small either - not entirely sure
how much data could be stored, but I'm trying to find out some limits to
plan the project.

It says in O'Reilly's JS Bible that web browsers don't store more than 20
cookies per domain and each cookie can't be more than 4 KB in size. Now, 4
KB is probably not enough to store ALL potential data - but 20 is not enough
if I tried to store each *field* in a separate cookie.

I've heard about WDDX being used to interact between CF and JS, but I've not
used it before, and I can't think how it could overcome the above cookie

I'd be grateful if anyone had any more info on cookie limitations, or ideas
about how to handle this situation (without a DB!).

work: http://www.tengai.co.uk
play: http://www.norlonto.net
PGP key available

Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
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