RE: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-17 Thread Jim Davis
If you mean the eventual code then, yes, it will be made public/open source
at (this code, along with a more generalized
application framework is being developed specifically to rebuild although it will also be used on, and several other planned sites).

I used to release lots of code to the public domain, but don't so much any
more due to time constraints.I want to force myself to do so again simply
because to ready the code for public use I have to document it - so in the
end the whole process tends to help me immensely.;^)

However if you mean the explanation. well, then I have to beg off: it was
hard enough getting the description I did out.;^)

Jim Davis

From: Paul Kenney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:10 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Security with CFCs [LONG]

Is this perhaps something that could be generalized for public consumption?
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RE: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-17 Thread Jim Davis
Actually Michael’s not quite that strict: you can write and post more than
100 lines, but you get a message reminding you to trim your posts if that’s
the reason you went over.I’m sure he also tracks them and will start
sending stinkbugs to anybody that flouts the rule too often.;^)

I’ve been struggling with the topic for several weeks now: you’d be
surprised how little information there is out there on actually building
something like this.I looked at the papers by Yoder and Barclow (Patterns
for implementing application security) but on one hand they were slightly
over my head (requiring some knowledge of more general design patterns) and
on the other hand they just didn’t go deep enough (there were no object
models, no examples of combining the various patterns, etc – they just
covered the most basic of conceptualizations).

There’s one article at that builds something like this but so
painfully simply it’s really not worth looking at if you really want to do
it (the article really covers general CFC creation in detail, but very
little about the security system).

I even paid for an article/sample code that (I think) Larry Lyons
recommended, but it was also a bit on the simplistic side (although
perfectlyworkable) and any caching or advanced features.It also (it
seemed to me) lacked a cohesive philosophy of security.

I tried several downloads from the Macromedia Exchange and just didn’t care
for them (again, mostly too simplistic and lacking in flexibility).

Most of the systems, for example, call the database then create some type of
“user” object then store that in the session scope.That’s fine, but
problems occur if an admin changes the person’s permissions (since they
won’t take effect until the next log in) or the user ends up with multiple
sessions.It just always seemed somehow “flimsy” to me (even tho’ I’ve done
it in the past myself).

I’ve been banging my head against a wall thinking: there must be something
I’m missing.Some “standard” design that I can steal, some basic object
model that I can start with.I just found nothing useful.

As for “what it does and why you need it” – well, I don’t know why you need
it; but I do know that I need it.And if I do (since I’m nothing special)
maybe some other people might as well.;^)

The primary goal for me was to design a system that required very little
knowledge of the application it was protecting.The system I’ve described
(but remember I haven’t built it yet – so this is all conjecture) will work
just fine if the application doesn’t enabled the session scope (in fact if
you instantiate it in the server scope you don’t even need the application

The outside application defines the “touch points” and keys used to get at
the information.I’m actually quite pleased with that fact: it was an
important turning point for me not to consider how to get things “into the
session” and using the session as a cache point.

The system is complex, but caches its information very aggressively so (I
hope!) it should still be quite fast.The caching adds complexity but also
enables us to deal with multiple entities working on the same data very
gracefully.When I, as an admin, revoke or add permissions on your account
you’ll see the change on the very next request.

Once I get the damn thing done it should be a nice, clichd “black box” –
you won’t have to know how it works inside to use it.As I said the system
itself won’t have any interface at all (although when/if I distribute it
I’ll include a sample interface) so it’ll be applicable to pretty much any
CF application.

Lastly, although I didn’t go into this in the first post (it was more than
long enough) but I’ve planned the system for expansion: all of the
persistence-layer stuff (database interaction) is completely segmented.
Adding support for a new database is as easy as creating a new set of
“broker” components with your database-specific code (although it doesn’t
have to be a database).

Since the brokers to use are determined at run-time you can use the same
codebase (as long as you have the brokers) to manage as many
datasources/data types as you like.You could have two applications use
Access, another use SQL Server and another use XML or LDAP.Although for my
part I’ll probably only be building SQL Server code (at least at first).

Can you tell I’m a little exciting my the idea?

In the final analysis I’m just building because I think it’ll help me and
I’m just publishing it for free to force me to wrote documentation for it
(and maybe get some help with it).There very little selflessness in the

Jim Davis
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Re: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-17 Thread Dick Applebaum
On Jul 17, 2004, at 1:05 AM, Jim Davis wrote:

Most of the systems, for example, call the database then create some 
 type of
“user” object then store that in the session scope.  That’s fine, but
problems occur if an admin changes the person’s permissions (since 
won’t take effect until the next log in) or the user ends up with 
sessions.  It just always seemed somehow “flimsy” to me (even tho’ 
 I’ve done
it in the past myself).

A rather brute-force way of handling permission changes is to force 
that (or all) user to re-login after a permission change,A bit 
inconvenient, but probably acceptable becauseyou likely wouldn't do 
it often

The primary goal for me was to design a system that required very 
knowledge of the application it was protecting.  The system I’ve 
(but remember I haven’t built it yet – so this is all conjecture) 
 will work
just fine if the application doesn’t enabled the session scope (in 
 fact if
you instantiate it in the server scope you don’t even need the 

I like that!

The outside application defines the “touch points” and keys used to 
 get at
the information.  I’m actually quite pleased with that fact: it was an
important turning point for me not to consider how to get things 
 “into the
session” and using the session as a cache point.

So, conceptually, you are securing the server, thru that the 
application, and thru that the user, and thru that each user request.

And, you can have as much (or as little) security at each level as you 

The system is complex, but caches its information very aggressively 
 so (I
hope!) it should still be quite fast.  The caching adds complexity 
 but also
enables us to deal with multiple entities working on the same data 
gracefully.  When I, as an admin, revoke or add permissions on your 
you’ll see the change on the very next request.

With your design, will you have a graceful way of disabling/re-enabling 
an applications permissions?

This is useful for periodic backups and upgrades.

Once I get the damn thing done it should be a nice, clichd “black 
 box” –
you won’t have to know how it works inside to use it.  As I said the 
itself won’t have any interface at all (although when/if I distribute 
I’ll include a sample interface) so it’ll be applicable to pretty 
 much any
CF application.

In your initial post you said (early on):

The security system would not secure itself.  Perhaps this is
wrong, but I didn't want to make it that complicated

and (at the end)

Although I'm truly pleased with the end-user side of things I'm not so
sure yet about the admin side of things...

Isn't the logical resolution that:

1) To the Security system the Admin is just another, albeit special, 
2) The Security system must be robust enough to allow enough function 
to the Admin application, that it can enable/disable the Security 
3) When disabled, the Security of the server (and all that flows from 
it) could be:Lockdown; or open access;

Also, I wonder if this (security system) might be fairly easy to 
prototype.Consider that most applications have an Application.cfm 

You could have each request invoke the main security module main.
this would, initially just gather/log/cache info and return.

Another app could real-time monitor the log/cache with some 
sort/display/zoom options.You will want to have this app anyway as a 
security monitor control panel.If you write it early, it will help 
you design and implement the rest of the system

You could implement the other functions (cfcs) as skeletons 
(gather/log/cache  return) and add the associated touch points to 
selected applications.

This way you can simulate/observe the security system without affecting 
the applications.

Jim, thanks for the additional explanation -- I think that I understand 
what it does  why I need it.

Keep us posted.

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RE: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-17 Thread Jim Davis
On Jul 17, 2004, at 1:05 AM, Jim Davis wrote:

A rather brute-force way of handling permission changes is to force 
that (or all) user to re-login after a permission change,  A bit 
inconvenient, but probably acceptable because  you likely wouldn't do 
it often

That does work... but we can do better!;^)

Also, at least in the other canned system's I've seen out there this is
really (surprisingly) difficult.

In these systems the security information is copied to the session (and
there is normally no way for an application to access all of its attendant
sessions).All the security system checks is the roles/groups information
stored in the session against the allowable roles/groups stored in the
template (or, even worse, just checks a simple logged in Boolean in the
session scope itself).

So without restarting the application there's no way to force new logins
because after authenticating these systems NEVER check with the security
system again.That's a bad thing, I think.

So, conceptually, you are securing the server, thru that the 
application, and thru that the user, and thru that each user request.

And, you can have as much (or as little) security at each level as you 

Sorta, kinda?

In the simplest case the application.cfm (or some other single point of
entry) would just check to see if the user was authenticated (not caring
about the roles) like this: 

cfif DP_Security.isAuthenticated(SessionKey)
	The session is logged in
	The session is not logged in

The actually entitlement system is pretty simplistic right now: you define a
group (say administrator) and add UserKeys to it (using an admin system
that hasn't been defined yet).After authentication the check entitlement
code would be (something like):

DP_Security.isEntitled(SessionKey, Adminstrator).

However you could get very fine grained if you like.You could define
Groups that cover functionality just as easily as location.For example you
might define a group called Admin_DeleteUser.Then, in your admin system
you could do something like this:

cfif DP_Security.isEntitled(SessionKey, Admin_DeleteUser)
	Present the control to delete a user.

This is what I meant by the security system doesn't protect itself -
instead you protect the security by defining (in as detailed a fashion as
you like) entitlement groups and building your admin UI around them.

I've enough on my plate now, but in the future I'd like to expand this to
include more advanced entitlements: nested groups of entitlements (allowing
you to say that DeleteUser, AddUser and EditUser are all part of the
Admin group), linked entitlements (so you could say You must be part of
BOTH these groups to do this, not just one or the other), and other things.

I could also see Applications that use this system ship scripts for updating
existing instances of the system themselves.For example if I were to ship
a Forums application using this system I could also ship a small script that
added some Forum specific groups to an already in-place system.That way
you could easily set up the application by itself or integrate it easily
with an existing application.

Lastly I also plan (since this is something I've built for 4.5-based systems
and really like) to include the ability to passed authentications from one
system to another and define trust relationships across them.This will
probably be done via web services, but the idea is that I could define a
relationship on that says Anybody from is
alright with me! and allow them in.

In that case there would be a special link on the sites that passed the
authentication information, but the system would (almost have to) allow for
full web service access to authentication: meaning you could set up a single
authentication provider for multiple websites (although I can't guarantee

Even with as much as I've described there's loads of room for improvement.

With your design, will you have a graceful way of disabling/re-enabling 
an applications permissions?

This is useful for periodic backups and upgrades.

Well, I hadn’t thought about it... but I suppose I should.

As it stands the Credential has an isActive property than can be set to
true to temporarily disable access to a particular user without deleting

Now that you mention it however I suppose an Entitlement (Group) should also
have a property like that, uh?Then you could turn off a group

I'm not sure how I'd implement it tho'... the simplest method would be to
just return false when the entitlement was asked for.That would work,
but how would the interface know that the user had access but that the group
was disabled versus the user just not having access.

I suppose that's just another thing I could leave to the interface...

Good idea tho, even if I'm not sure how to best do it.

In your initial post you said (early on):

The security system would not secure itself.  Perhaps this is
  wrong, but I didn't 

RE: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-16 Thread Jim Davis
[Just reviving an old topic - thanks to Matt, Barney and Dave for setting
some things straight.]

Now that I've had some time to consider things (and head down about 50
dead-ends) I think I've got something good.I just wanted to run it by
folks to get some opinions:

My goal is to create a security system that can be applied somewhat
painlessly to my web applications (it will, in the end, be an optional part
of my personal implementation framework).The goals were to: 

1) Build only the logical and persistence elements of the system (no
presentation).That way I could customize the interface how I wanted per

2) Build a CFC-based (e.g object rather procedural) system.This was
also to allow the system to extend several pre-built utility components I've
already done.

3) The security system would not secure itself.Perhaps this is
wrong, but I didn't want to make it that complicated.Instead the interface
would usethe security system to security admin type functionality - in
other words such entitlement checking would be done outside the system.

4) The system should aggressively cache information for performance,
but should err on the side of logical correctness rather than performance

5) The system should allow for basic roles/groups entitlements.

6) The system should be flexible enough to add (later!) common
security needs (three strikes and you're out authentications, blocked
users, multiple log ins, etc)

7) The system should allow for admin/entitlement changes to be
reflected immediately upon current authentications (i.e. banning somebody
would take effect immediately not upon the next log in).

Conceptually I've defined a few things:

Group: An umbrella label for protected things/function (or sets of
things/function) such as Adminstrator, Member, Editor, etc.

User: A virtual concept representing a person (or, I guess, something else)
using the system.Each user has an associated Credential, Profile and

Credential: User information specific to the security system (username,
password hash, last login date, etc).

Profile: User information not specific to the security system (name, phone
number, address, etc).

Entitlement: A list of groups that the user can access.

Authentication: A representation of a current log in.Contains references
to the user, the session which authenticated and times of access.

Considering that, this is what I've come up with (I'm only going to go over
the basic components - each extends other components and has
persistence-broker sub components and so forth, but I won't get into that).


This CFC just contains basic installation and uninstallation
routines (creation of data tables, scheduled tasks, etc).It's only used
for installation (and installation).


The main entry point of the whole shebang.Contains system settings,
creation/deletion methods (for users and groups), and authentication
methods.Also contains the Authentications collection and the mediator
(caching) components (described below).


A collection component for holding/managing authentications.Contains
methods for retrieving specific authentications (using sessionkey) and
expiring timed-out sessions.


Represents a current authentication and is keyed from SessionID.
Contains the UserKey (which links an authentication to a user) and the
ability to fetch and return that user's Credential, Profile or Entitlement
from the mediators.Also contains the time of last access (used to control
authentication time-outs).

The authentication component could also be extended to manage a
three-strikes and you're out rule by limited any specific session to three
login attempts.


Represents a credential.Takes a UserKey and has methods for
loading and saving Credential data from the database.All system users have
to have a Credential.


Represents a profile.Takes a UserKey and has methods for
loading and saving Profile data from the database.Profiles are optional
(not all system users have to have a profile).So a blank profile can be


Represents an entitlement.Takes a UserKey and has methods for
loading and saving Entitlement data from the database.Entitlements are
optional (since not all system user have to have access to something).This
also what's called to check entitlements (as in isEntitled(grouplist) ).


All requests for Credentials will go through the
CredentialMediator.It will determine if the requested Credential exists
(returning an error if it doesn't) and return a reference to the component
instance.The component instance will be placed in a collection cache.In
this way requests for the same credential will also result in the passing of
the same instance reference meaning that any changes made will be instantly
applicable to all users of the instance.It will also have methods to
manage this cache 

Re: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-16 Thread Dick Applebaum

How did you do that?

You got 233 lines pastMichael's 100-line filter.

Now as to the content.

I read through it and you present a very good case (but that's what you 

I feel like here is a bit too much abstraction -- tho, I can't 
specifically point to where

I also feel (and I hardly ever use the word feel) that this has been 
done before (many times, many ways).

You may, in fact have a breakthrough way of doing authorization, but I 
got lost in the details of implementation.

Tell me what it does  why I need it!


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Re: Security with CFCs [LONG]

2004-07-16 Thread Paul Kenney
Is this perhaps something that could be generalized for public consumption?

On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 20:55:39 -0700, Dick Applebaum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How did you do that?
 You got 233 lines pastMichael's 100-line filter.
 Now as to the content.
 I read through it and you present a very good case (but that's what you
 I feel like here is a bit too much abstraction -- tho, I can't
 specifically point to where
 I also feel (and I hardly ever use the word feel) that this has been
 done before (many times, many ways).
 You may, in fact have a breakthrough way of doing authorization, but I
 got lost in the details of implementation.
 Tell me what it does  why I need it!

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Re: Security with CFCs

2004-06-29 Thread Matt Woodward
My current thinking is that there are many functions specific to application
security - things like authenticating, adding/editing/removing groups, etc.
I've started putting them into a DP_Security.cfc which will be loaded as a
property of the DP_Application.cfc (I could have put them inside it, but it
was already getting a little long).

This isn't a bad way to do things depending on your particular situation.If you have to do things like checking roles and other security-related stuff pretty frequently, using a single CFC for all that functionality might fit the bill.Particularly if you're doing something like putting a user CFC in your session, having another CFC that contains all your security related methods and having that interact with the user CFC in your session can work quite well.Since you said you didn't want to get too deep into design patterns, etc. I'll leave out the discussion of how you'd probably *really* want to do the interaction between the security CFC and the session user CFC ...

If a populated user's component means you've logged in, what should indicate
no log in?An empty component?A component that hasn't been inited or no
users component at all?

There are any number of ways to handle this.In a recent project I used a session facade pattern for my user, and in essence this does end up creating an empty user object in the session scope if you check something like user.getEmail() and there is no object present.Depending on how you implement things you might have to do an IsDefined() on your user CFC *and* check for the existence of data like a user's role id or whatever.

Should the security system, when authenticating, return the user object or
just the UserKey and let the user object populate itself?

There are numerous design patterns to help with all of this as well, but basically if you're talking about the log in process itself, what I would do it check for a valid login, get data back about that user, populate your user object, and put that in your session.Personally I'd have the security CFC (or however you implement this) either return a populated user object to the caller or just handle all the steps above itself.

In the end I want to easily say isLoggedIn() or isAdmin() or
isEntitled() - preferably from the session-based user component.But at
the same time it seems odd to me that a single set of DB tables has multiple
components operating on them.

You might need to elaborate on this a bit.If by from the session-based user component you literally mean that the user CFC would have methods in it like isEntitled(), I wouldn't do that.I'd have my security CFC interact with the session user object (preferably via a facacde).In my mind the user CFC should just have information about the user, and you would do authentication, etc. via another CFC whose only job is to do those sorts of things.

Hope that helps--feel free to follow up with me on any of this.I'm always very glad to see people using CFCs and OO more!

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Security with CFCs

2004-06-28 Thread Jim Davis
I know, old topic, but I'm currently converting my old CF 4.5/5.0 framework
(which actually began with v3.x and has been updated ever since - so a
complete overhaul is long overdue) to a object-leaning CFC-based setup.

Note I say object leaning because I'm not trying to recreate any major
pattern or do everything in OO - I'm trying to keep the best aspects of
procedural code, but move the foundational elements into CFCs.So far it's
been going great - I'm extremely pleased with what I've got so far.

Basically there are now a bunch of CFCs: three of them mirror CF's view of
the world so I've got a DP_Application.cfc (application settings, DSNs,
etc), DP_Session.cfc (Session information) and a DP_Request.cfc
(page/request specific stuff like current paths and settings).I've also
done CFCs (and DAO components) for Clickstreaming, Agent (browser)
Information and Navigation.

Like I said - so far I'm very pleased.

But now I'm trying to convert my security system over.The data-side of the
system is as simple as can be.The usual three tables: Users, Groups and
Users2Groups.In the users table I've got a number of fields for use with
the security system itself (password hash, userID, login dates, number of
logins, etc) and a very large number of fields to cover personal information
(name, various addresses and phone numbers, IM IDs, email preferences, etc).

As you can guess each page can be restricted to certain groups, users can
belong to multiple groups, etc.

Anyway - what I'm trying to do now is determine how to do convert security.
Anybody done this and want to share?

My current thinking is that there are many functions specific to application
security - things like authenticating, adding/editing/removing groups, etc.
I've started putting them into a DP_Security.cfc which will be loaded as a
property of the DP_Application.cfc (I could have put them inside it, but it
was already getting a little long).

Then there are a bunch of things that are user-level: putting a user into a
group, updating passwords, getting personal information, etc.So I've
created a DP_User.cfc that would contain all the information about the
user and be cached as a property of DP_Session.cfc (in the session scope).

However I'm hung up on the particulars.

If a populated user's component means you've logged in, what should indicate
no log in?An empty component?A component that hasn't been inited or no
users component at all?

Should the security system, when authenticating, return the user object or
just the UserKey and let the user object populate itself?

In the end I want to easily say isLoggedIn() or isAdmin() or
isEntitled() - preferably from the session-based user component.But at
the same time it seems odd to me that a single set of DB tables has multiple
components operating on them.

As I said I'm converting this code over so it all works (but right now is
decentralized in several custom tags, the login templates, etc) so I know
how to deal with data and I've got the actual security concepts down pat -
it's the OO aspects that have me stumped.

Any words of wisdom?


Jim Davis
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RE: Security with CFCs

2004-06-28 Thread Barney Boisvert
Say I log into an application.And then open another browser and log in
again.If my user object says I'm logged in, then I'll be able to identify
myself as that user in the second window, and be logged in, without actually
using a password.Same goes for Joe Hacker over in CountryXYZ.As soon as
I log on, and he can identify himself as me, he's acting as me.So clearly
we don't want to log users onto the system.Rather, we want to log browser
windows onto the system, on behalf of a user.

So I log in with my first window, and then try the second.I identify
myself as me, but the system says yeah, prove it.You might have logged on
over there, but not here.Much better, and poor Joe Hacker is outta luck.

Moral of the story?Don't log users in, log sessions in, and associate each
session with both a user, and an identifiable single point of access.
Usually done with a session instance of a user CFC and a cookie.To get to
the real answer you're looking for, you don't want to have anything about
authentication in your user component, you need a separate object (or
perhaps even a boolean and a numeric field in the session scope).

Now, on to authorization.I'm logged in, and want to perform the Edit
User task on the system.Who are you going to ask if I've got permission?
Certainly not me, I hope, because I'll obviously say yes.I probably know
whether I can do the action or not, but I'm a stinkin' liar.Rather, you
should ask the security system, if user 'barneyb' has permission to do the
Edit Users task.The security system is objective, and tied very closely
to the database, unlike myself, who in addition to being a liar, could well
have data that's an hour or three old, because I was given my specs when I
logged in.

If you have a dedicated security system, you get the added benefit of being
able to cache data fairly aggressively.If all DB queries and updates go
through you, then you can rest assured keeping some data in memory for
faster access is OK, because nothing is going to manipulate the database
without you knowing.Heavy caching is of particular benefit to security
info, because it's often stored in a very distributed form, across many
tables, and is needed on every request, almost always multiple times per

To sum up, authentication is independent of users, because users can have
zero to N sessions, and each session needs to be independent.Authorization
is not a user task, it's a system task.Users can probably tell you about
their various authorization levels, but they're not the authority.

I don't use a separate authorization component (at least not that the
controller can see), I put the methods directly into the service component
that is used for managing the credentials.Nice consolidated package, and
since it's that way, I can cache to my hearts content.

It's late, I'm tired; sorry for the storytelling and longwindedness.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 8:41 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Security with CFCs
 I know, old topic, but I'm currently converting my old CF 
 4.5/5.0 framework
 (which actually began with v3.x and has been updated ever since - so a
 complete overhaul is long overdue) to a object-leaning 
 CFC-based setup.
 Note I say object leaning because I'm not trying to 
 recreate any major
 pattern or do everything in OO - I'm trying to keep the best 
 aspects of
 procedural code, but move the foundational elements into 
 CFCs.So far it's
 been going great - I'm extremely pleased with what I've got so far.
 Basically there are now a bunch of CFCs: three of them mirror 
 CF's view of
 the world so I've got a DP_Application.cfc (application 
 settings, DSNs,
 etc), DP_Session.cfc (Session information) and a DP_Request.cfc
 (page/request specific stuff like current paths and 
 settings).I've also
 done CFCs (and DAO components) for Clickstreaming, Agent (browser)
 Information and Navigation.
 Like I said - so far I'm very pleased.
 But now I'm trying to convert my security system over.The 
 data-side of the
 system is as simple as can be.The usual three tables: 
 Users, Groups and
 Users2Groups.In the users table I've got a number of fields 
 for use with
 the security system itself (password hash, userID, login 
 dates, number of
 logins, etc) and a very large number of fields to cover 
 personal information
 (name, various addresses and phone numbers, IM IDs, email 
 preferences, etc).
 As you can guess each page can be restricted to certain 
 groups, users can
 belong to multiple groups, etc.
 Anyway - what I'm trying to do now is determine how to do 
 convert security.
 Anybody done this and want to share?
 My current thinking is that there are many functions specific 
 to application
 security - things like authenticating, 
 adding/editing/removing groups, etc.
 I've started putting them into a DP_Security.cfc which will 
 be loaded as a
 property of the DP_Application.cfc (I could

Re: Security with CFCs

2004-06-28 Thread Dave Lyons
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