Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-29 Thread ColdFusion Programmer
no I can't change the charset in LDAP. I've had a look. 

>ColdFusion Programmer wrote:
>> You suggested in your previous thread that I should be using the 
>charset ISO-88659-15 and not utf-8. I did what you said and added this 
>line of code in my application.cfm file:
>> This is how the organisation name is displayed: Crédit FrÄnce
>The problem is that you are not using ISO-8859-15. You still have 
>UTF-8 in your template, but you tell the browser that you are 
>using ISO-8859-15. You need to change the actual encoding in your 
>templates, in the LDAP and in your databases to be identical.
>Only then you can tell the browser that what you send him uis 
>So we are back to the question: can you change the charset that 
>the LDAP server uses? Not the charset you send to the browser, 
>but the charset in the LDAP.
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Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-29 Thread Jochem van Dieten
ColdFusion Programmer wrote:

> You suggested in your previous thread that I should be using the charset 
> ISO-88659-15 and not utf-8. I did what you said and added this line of code in my 
> application.cfm file:
> This is how the organisation name is displayed: Crédit FrÄnce

The problem is that you are not using ISO-8859-15. You still have 
UTF-8 in your template, but you tell the browser that you are 
using ISO-8859-15. You need to change the actual encoding in your 
  templates, in the LDAP and in your databases to be identical.

Only then you can tell the browser that what you send him uis 

So we are back to the question: can you change the charset that 
the LDAP server uses? Not the charset you send to the browser, 
but the charset in the LDAP.


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Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-29 Thread ColdFusion Programmer
I really don't know how if at all to change it. I must admit I don't know a lot about 
character sets. I even more confused now then I was before. You suggested in your 
previous thread that I should be using the charset ISO-88659-15 and not utf-8. I did 
what you said and added this line of code in my application.cfm file:

This is how the organisation name is displayed: Crédit FrÄnce
When I change the charset to utf-8, the organisation name is displayed correctly: 
Crédit FrÄnce

You were suggesting that I use the charset ISO-88659-15, but by including this in the 
meta tag, the output seen on the browser is not right. I am dependent on your help, 
kindly help.

>ColdFusion Programmer wrote:
>> I'm not sure mate, probably utf-8
>We already established that. But can you change it?
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Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Jochem van Dieten
ColdFusion Programmer wrote:

> I'm not sure mate, probably utf-8

We already established that. But can you change it?


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Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread ColdFusion Programmer
I'm not sure mate, probably utf-8

>ColdFusion Programmer wrote:
>> here is what I want to do. I have the users in an LDAP Server.
>Can you specify the charset the LDAP server uses?
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Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Jochem van Dieten
ColdFusion Programmer wrote:

> here is what I want to do. I have the users in an LDAP Server.

Can you specify the charset the LDAP server uses?


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Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread ColdFusion Programmer
here is what I want to do. I have the users in an LDAP Server. If I create an 
organisation with a special character say é, when displayed on the web page I see the 
funny charactes. I have now understood that adding the meta tag with utf charset in 
the application.cfm file can lead to unexpected results. I know there are only a 
couple of templates in my application that display the organisation name, and the only 
character that I want to escape is the acute (é), how can I avoid using the meta tag 
and in its place use something that does the job, I've tried the htmlSafe() udf but 
that does not display it correctly, is there a inbuilt CF function, I've tried the 
HTMLEditFormat(). Can you please show me how to do this.

Best Regards,

>> There is nothing wrong with the meta tag. It is the charset you
>> are using which is wrong. All French characters are covered in
>> ISO-88659-15, and CF 5 supports that. So it would be wise to use
>> ISO-8859-15 instead of UTF-8 so you don't end up with garbage in
>> your database.
>as i said, the use of unicode w/cf5 in this case isn't required. and
>jochem's got a very good point, that he's not mentioning, in suggesting
>ISO-8859-15, the euro symbol.
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Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Paul Hastings
> There is nothing wrong with the meta tag. It is the charset you
> are using which is wrong. All French characters are covered in
> ISO-88659-15, and CF 5 supports that. So it would be wise to use
> ISO-8859-15 instead of UTF-8 so you don't end up with garbage in
> your database.

as i said, the use of unicode w/cf5 in this case isn't required. and
jochem's got a very good point, that he's not mentioning, in suggesting
ISO-8859-15, the euro symbol.

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Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Jochem van Dieten
ColdFusion Programmer wrote:

> I don't know another way to display french/foreign characters in CF5 other then 
> using the meta tag.

There is nothing wrong with the meta tag. It is the charset you 
are using which is wrong. All French characters are covered in 
ISO-88659-15, and CF 5 supports that. So it would be wise to use 
ISO-8859-15 instead of UTF-8 so you don't end up with garbage in 
your database.
You have to make sure you use ISO-8859-15 for everything, 
(templates, database and server) and it will work fine. And your 
data wil still be legible to other applications as CF 5.


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Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread ColdFusion Programmer
actually I did have a play with that udf but it does'nt convert western european 
characters to html safe characters.

>Take a look at this on CFLIB to see it will help you.
>Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
>Webapper Services LLC
>Web Site http://www.webapper.com
>Blog http://www.webapper.net
>-Original Message-
>From: ColdFusion Programmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:08 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5
>my client does not want to migrate ot MX just yet. I don't know another way
>to display french/foreign characters in CF5 other then using the meta tag.
>If I don't use the meta tag the content screws up or in other words the
>foreign characters get displayed. But when I view the source on the browser
>the content appears as it should do. Why then does it not get displayed
>properly? Can anyone tell me how to get round this problem.
>>> I added the meta tag in my application.cfm file and to my surprise it
>>displays the bank name correctly:  "CrÃ(c)dit France". Is it safe/ok to add
>>this code in my application.cfm file? Will I have any problems with blank
>>pages or content display in the browser?
>>if you really have utf-8 in a db via cf5 you will be hurting when you move
>>to mx. you should try to straighten this out now. while using unicode is
>>always a good idea, for french w/cf5, its not required (and not really a
>>good idea).
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RE: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Mike Brunt
Take a look at this on CFLIB to see it will help you.


Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
Webapper Services LLC
Web Site http://www.webapper.com
Blog http://www.webapper.net


-Original Message-
From: ColdFusion Programmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 9:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

my client does not want to migrate ot MX just yet. I don't know another way
to display french/foreign characters in CF5 other then using the meta tag.
If I don't use the meta tag the content screws up or in other words the
foreign characters get displayed. But when I view the source on the browser
the content appears as it should do. Why then does it not get displayed
properly? Can anyone tell me how to get round this problem.

>> I added the meta tag in my application.cfm file and to my surprise it
>displays the bank name correctly:  "CrÃ(c)dit France". Is it safe/ok to add
>this code in my application.cfm file? Will I have any problems with blank
>pages or content display in the browser?
>if you really have utf-8 in a db via cf5 you will be hurting when you move
>to mx. you should try to straighten this out now. while using unicode is
>always a good idea, for french w/cf5, its not required (and not really a
>good idea).

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Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread ColdFusion Programmer
my client does not want to migrate ot MX just yet. I don't know another way to display 
french/foreign characters in CF5 other then using the meta tag. If I don't use the 
meta tag the content screws up or in other words the foreign characters get displayed. 
But when I view the source on the browser the content appears as it should do. Why 
then does it not get displayed properly? Can anyone tell me how to get round this 

>> I added the meta tag in my application.cfm file and to my surprise it
>displays the bank name correctly:  "Crédit France". Is it safe/ok to add
>this code in my application.cfm file? Will I have any problems with blank
>pages or content display in the browser?
>if you really have utf-8 in a db via cf5 you will be hurting when you move
>to mx. you should try to straighten this out now. while using unicode is
>always a good idea, for french w/cf5, its not required (and not really a
>good idea).
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RE: [Spam] Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Tyler Clendenin
I would probobly include the meta tag in whatever page is included for
layout purposes.  If you have a header file or if you use fusebox3 the
layout file you use.

Tyler Clendenin
GSL Solutions

-Original Message-
From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 10:11 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: [Spam] Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

> I added the meta tag in my application.cfm file and to my surprise it
displays the bank name correctly:  "Crédit France". Is it safe/ok to add
this code in my application.cfm file? Will I have any problems with blank
pages or content display in the browser?

if you really have utf-8 in a db via cf5 you will be hurting when you move
to mx. you should try to straighten this out now. while using unicode is
always a good idea, for french w/cf5, its not required (and not really a
good idea).

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Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Paul Hastings
> I added the meta tag in my application.cfm file and to my surprise it
displays the bank name correctly:  "Crédit France". Is it safe/ok to add
this code in my application.cfm file? Will I have any problems with blank
pages or content display in the browser?

if you really have utf-8 in a db via cf5 you will be hurting when you move
to mx. you should try to straighten this out now. while using unicode is
always a good idea, for french w/cf5, its not required (and not really a
good idea).

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Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread ColdFusion Programmer
I added the meta tag in my application.cfm file and to my surprise it displays the 
bank name correctly:  "Crédit France". Is it safe/ok to add this code in my 
application.cfm file? Will I have any problems with blank pages or content display in 
the browser?

>Allan Clarke wrote:
>> I don't know how to escape special characters and
>> display them in HTML Safe Format. This is a french
>> banking application and there are banks with funny
>> names, ex: Crédit France, Zürcher Kantonalbank, è,
>> Ä, acute and the like. The bank Crédit France gets
>> displayed like this on the browser: Crédit France.
>Somewhere in your application you are using UTF-8. CF 5 is not 
>unicode capable. You could do a replace step and then use 
>htmleditformat(), but you should consider upgrading to CF MX so 
>you can use native unicode.
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Re: Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Allan Clarke wrote:
> I don't know how to escape special characters and
> display them in HTML Safe Format. This is a french
> banking application and there are banks with funny
> names, ex: Crédit France, Zürcher Kantonalbank, è,
> Ä, acute and the like. The bank Crédit France gets
> displayed like this on the browser: Crédit France.

Somewhere in your application you are using UTF-8. CF 5 is not 
unicode capable. You could do a replace step and then use 
htmleditformat(), but you should consider upgrading to CF MX so 
you can use native unicode.


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Special Characters - Display Issue - CF 5

2003-08-28 Thread Allan Clarke
I don't know how to escape special characters and
display them in HTML Safe Format. This is a french
banking application and there are banks with funny
names, ex: Crédit France, Zürcher Kantonalbank, è,
Ä, acute and the like. The bank Crédit France gets
displayed like this on the browser: Crédit France.
Can somebody please show me how to display it
correctly. I've tried HTMLEditFormat() but it does
change anything.


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