Standard Source Documentation System: A new thread

2000-08-26 Thread Lee Borkman

Hi all,

Our old thread, "Documentation System for Cold Fusion", seems to have
wandered, as old threads are wont;-)

Perhaps we might start afresh.  There seems to be some confusion about
proposed standards, etc, especially since Fred denies having any proposed
anything (I think).

Let me lay out the basic problem and requirements as I see them.  It might
then be fruitful to discuss whether these are complete/correct, before we
proceed to discuss possible solutions.  Please feel fee to slap me down if
this is tedious or abhorrent;-)

Here are the essentials that I propose for a general ColdFusion
source-documentation standard:

1.  Human readable/writable.  Must be comprehensible to your most junior team

2.  Machine readable/writable.  Must be able to be parsed or written by
machine, to allow development of future effort-saving software - browsers,
CASE tools, who-knows-what.

3.  Expandable.  Must allow the creation of new comment-types, which can be
tailored for use by individual organizations.  Like HTML META tags.  Take
a'core' set, but you can add your own if you desire.

4.  Free Positioning.  Can be placed anywhere in the source code, as

5. Applicable to ALL ColdFusion development, not just FuseBox.

add more?

Once a particular standard general syntax is basically agreed on, then we have
some other things to discuss, most importantly a standard core of comment
types (eg, Description, responsibilities, attributes-with-Hal's-syntax,
warning, author, designer, programmer, etc, etc, etc).  Possibly a standard
dictionary of synonyms would also be handy.

After that, if we all begin to use the new syntax and core, we can look at
devising the associated paraphenalia:

1. A standard structure for holding parsed documentation (like a Structure of
Arrays of Strings);

2. An efficient parser to generate the above structure from standard code

3. Display modules for displaying the parsed structure in even-more-readble

4. An expandable browser-cum-test-bench that can integrate documentation
display with other kinds of capability (eg, software metrics, unit testing).

So the overall plan:

1. Standard General doc syntax

2. Standard core of comment types

3. Standard parsed structure

4. Parser

5. Display Module

6. Integrated browser

7. World domination.

What do you all reckon???

Lee Borkman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), ColdFusion Tags by Bjork

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RE: Standard Source Documentation System: A new thread

2000-08-26 Thread Ken Wilson

Great thread and very valuable. However, could we stop the cross-posting
perhaps to multiple lists? I subscribe to both recipient lists and, with
filters in place for each, I end up with four copies of every message in the
thread. Very annoying.


-Original Message-
From: Lee Borkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 11:46 AM
Subject: Standard Source Documentation System: A new thread

Hi all,

Our old thread, "Documentation System for Cold Fusion", seems to have
wandered, as old threads are wont;-)

Perhaps we might start afresh.  There seems to be some confusion about
proposed standards, etc, especially since Fred denies having any proposed
anything (I think).

Let me lay out the basic problem and requirements as I see them.  It might
then be fruitful to discuss whether these are complete/correct, before we
proceed to discuss possible solutions.  Please feel fee to slap me down if
this is tedious or abhorrent;-)

Here are the essentials that I propose for a general ColdFusion
source-documentation standard:

1.  Human readable/writable.  Must be comprehensible to your most junior

2.  Machine readable/writable.  Must be able to be parsed or written by
machine, to allow development of future effort-saving software - browsers,
CASE tools, who-knows-what.

3.  Expandable.  Must allow the creation of new comment-types, which can be
tailored for use by individual organizations.  Like HTML META tags.  Take
a'core' set, but you can add your own if you desire.

4.  Free Positioning.  Can be placed anywhere in the source code, as

5. Applicable to ALL ColdFusion development, not just FuseBox.

add more?

Once a particular standard general syntax is basically agreed on, then we
some other things to discuss, most importantly a standard core of comment
types (eg, Description, responsibilities, attributes-with-Hal's-syntax,
warning, author, designer, programmer, etc, etc, etc).  Possibly a standard
dictionary of synonyms would also be handy.

After that, if we all begin to use the new syntax and core, we can look at
devising the associated paraphenalia:

1. A standard structure for holding parsed documentation (like a Structure
Arrays of Strings);

2. An efficient parser to generate the above structure from standard code

3. Display modules for displaying the parsed structure in even-more-readble

4. An expandable browser-cum-test-bench that can integrate documentation
display with other kinds of capability (eg, software metrics, unit testing).

So the overall plan:

1. Standard General doc syntax

2. Standard core of comment types

3. Standard parsed structure

4. Parser

5. Display Module

6. Integrated browser

7. World domination.

What do you all reckon???

Lee Borkman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), ColdFusion Tags by Bjork

Get free email and a permanent address at

To Unsubscribe visit or send
a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the

To Unsubscribe visit or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

Re: Standard Source Documentation System: A new thread

2000-08-26 Thread Fred T. Sanders



All done, now my hands are really friggin tired.  But there's my proposed
"standard" of writing code if your really so hell bent on have a "standard"
way of doing it.
I presented this in a sarcastic manner mainly because I'm Fred and the
thought of writing out this much extra commenting is a horrid thought.

However, it is a good system and if your crew or company or whatever needs
to spell everything out its not a bad system.  If anybody wants to the see
the really outdated original paper on PDL  here's a link:

Now I'm going to watch a band or something.

Later Guys and Gals,


- Original Message -
From: "Lee Borkman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 11:45 AM
Subject: Standard Source Documentation System: A new thread

Hi all,

Our old thread, "Documentation System for Cold Fusion", seems to have
wandered, as old threads are wont;-)

Perhaps we might start afresh.  There seems to be some confusion about
proposed standards, etc, especially since Fred denies having any proposed
anything (I think).
-- clip clip -

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Re: Standard Source Documentation System: A new thread

2000-08-26 Thread Fred T. Sanders

I'd personally like to apologize for the cross post when I hit reply I
didn't pay attention (its late) to the TO: field. This was not supposed to
come to this particular list.

Sorry guys


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Re: Standard Source Documentation System: A new thread

2000-08-26 Thread Lee Borkman


I have been posting to FuseBox and CF-talk lists, because I think the topic is
about ColdFusion development, not just FuseBox.  Unfortunately, only the
FuseBox lists members seem interested in the topic.

SO... I am making this brave move and posting ONLY to CF-Talk.  I suggest that
we keep the discussion in that arena for now.

Once a general standard (I have no fear of this word) for ColdFusion is
proposed, then the FuseBox community can set about more specific FuseBox
documentation, hopefully within the general standard.

Now why the problem with the word "standard"?  Surely a standard is just a
recommendation, a proposed language/vocabulary, designed to help us all
communicate clearly and with minimum fuss.  Nobody is compelled to use it, but
if they do, then it should make people's live easier, ie LESS miserable.  I
know what makes ME miserable... working on old code (mine or someone else's)
and having absolutely no idea what the hell is going on.

So to specifics (Hi Hal!), I propose the following for the GENERAL form of a
FusionDoc (not just FuseBox) comment:

As you can see, it's a normal CF comment, with an @ symbol immediately after
the ".  

A single ":" separates the Commenttype from the CommentContent.

The CommentContent may contain characters INCLUDING ":" and
line-feeds/carriage-returns, but excluding "--->".

I also propose that the CommentType can be ommitted:
<---@ this comment has not CommentType, but should still be parsed --->

The FusionDoc comments may appear anywhere in the code, in any order, although
the order should be significant (ie, retained by the parser).  Multiple
comments with the same CommentType are permitted, and should be handled
sensibly by the parser.

So that's it for my FusionDocs proposal.  It's basically just a way of
attaching particular comments to particular CommentTypes.

I have a second proposal, for a standard parser structure to contain the
parsed FusionDoc documentation:

A ColdFusion structure (ie, an Associative Array) of Arrays.  The structure is
indexed by CommentType.  Each constituent array is an array of strings,
containing the CommentContents (in order) of all related FusionDoc comments.

One other element of the structure is needed to maintain the order in whihc
the various CommentTypes appear.  For this I currently use a list,
CommentOrderList, but I see that that limits the use of the list-delimiter
within the CommentType, so this should probably also be an array of strings.

You can test drive this approach by grabbing my SourceBrowser from

Thanks all,
Lee Borkman
3rd World

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Re: Standard Source Documentation System: A new thread

2000-08-26 Thread paul smith

I worked in Regulatory Space a bit, and one way we used to get
around issues like this is to call it a "Guide" not a "Standard"

best,  paul

At 01:59 PM 8/27/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Once a general standard (I have no fear of this word) for ColdFusion

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