Well, it's fairly clear that Verity indexing as shipped with CF 5.0
won't run on RedHat beyond 7.2 (only supported to 7.1).

Neither Verity nor MM will provide any relief, despite cries
of derision in the support groups at Macromedia. This seems
to be in keeping with MM's policy of 'no CF5.0 support, go
to CFMX.'

In keeping with my policy of looking for an Open Source
alternative when a vendor's regressive support policies makes
life more difficult (thus reducing my dependency on them and
hastening the time time when I cease to give that vendor any
more money), I have come scross the 'Swish-e'
( http://www.swish-e.com ) free search engine which looks
like a viable Verity replacement.

Has anybody here integrated Swish-e ( or another non-Verity
search engine ) with Cold Fusion?


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