Ok, so I am hoping someone out there has some kind of insight on this issue as 
I cannot find anything on this.

We are having an issue with CF9 with images not printing. We do a ton of pdf 
generation each day, and right now have a clients code updated to cf9. Its very 
simple code, and below is what is used:

<cfpdf action="addheader" source="#ID#" destination="#path#/#doc_id#.pdf" 
pages="1" overwrite="yes" image="images/thelogo.jpg" align="right" 

The problem is that it is in fact inserting the header image into the pdf file, 
but when you randomly print some of these pdfs the image will not print. This 
doesn't happen to ever one, but maybe 50%. I cannot find any rhyme or reason to 
this, nor can I find anything over the internetz.

If anyone has seen this issue or has any insight, it would be GREATLY 


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