The cold fusion plug-in for eclipse (cfeclipse) now has a project space
(finally) - thanks to Mr. Oliver Tupman (who by the way added a cool
hovering tag insight and is improving the function insight to handle
nested funtions and cfc's)

We now also have a mailing list so we don't have to bother everyone in
the cold fusion community with bug fixes etc (Thanks for offering us a
mailing list Thomas but the CVS came with one so we'll save you the
headache hehe) - if you use cfeclipse (or even if you don't I guess) you
can subscribe here


We will still post releases to this list (if thats ok with Michael), but
any help question, bug fixes, improvements, wish list, et cetera can go
to that list.

If you are interested in joining the project let me know. We are
currently discussing possible ways to scan cf files for structure data,
and ... well ... just a bunch of stuff.

the project page (and cvs) is here
and releases are still (at the moment) here

We will probably do another minor relase pretty soon that adds a tree
view for snips and can use dreamweaver snippets simply by copying them
to the cfeclipse snip directory. Oliver has added some text hovering
improvments, and there was some code structure improvements

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