
we have a table that has 15000 rows. When we insert data into it, each row is 
taking approx 300ms to insert by using the cfquery tag. If we paste the insert 
code directly into mysql its taking only 0.09 ms.

We thought this may be due to cfquery having to connect to mysql, or possibly 
due to the cfqueryparams. so in the cf administrator we set 
allowMultiQueries=true in the conncetion string and pasted 5 query strings into 
one cfquery tag, each with no cfqueryparam tags (shown below). The query took 
500ms, yet if we run the same 5 statements in mysql, they took 0.45ms

Would anyone have any idea why this would happen?


INSERT INTO questions_1_100(primaryid,q_1)VALUES (15037,1) ON DUPLICATE KEY 
UPDATE q_1 = 1;
INSERT INTO questions_1_100(primaryid,q_4)VALUES (15037,93) ON DUPLICATE KEY 
UPDATE q_4 = 93;
INSERT INTO questions_1_100(primaryid,q_1)VALUES (15038,1) ON DUPLICATE KEY 
UPDATE q_1 = 1;
INSERT INTO questions_1_100(primaryid,q_4)VALUES (15038,93) ON DUPLICATE KEY 
UPDATE q_4 = 93;
INSERT INTO questions_701_800(primaryid,q_777)VALUES (15038,264) ON DUPLICATE 
KEY UPDATE q_777 = 264; 

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