Re: jrunfilter in iPlanet/Sun One obj.conf[ENCRYPTED]

2004-07-19 Thread Mike Chabot
Thank you for the information. Without the jrunfilter line, Flash Remoting did not work, and presumably graphing was also knocked out. However, I think I have it working reasonably well now. Magnus.conf is the file that stores the global variables and functions used for iPlanet/Sun One. The following line is what seems to define the jrunfilter function:

Init fn="jruninit" serverstore="C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" bootstrap="" verbose="false" apialloc="false" ssl="false" ignoresuffixmap="false"

Changing ignoresuffixmap="false" to "true" is the trick that fixes remoting. The jrunfilter now only applies to directory mappings, not extension mappings. So /flashservices gets trapped by the filter, while .cfm falls through to the extension handling code where the decision to use CF5 or CFMX is made. 

The following link describes this process:

I am not sure if this is the most efficient way to handle the situation. I briefly looked into context roots, but everything I found was regarding J2EE installs of CF.

Thank you,
Mike Chabot

>> Does anyone know what the following line accomplishes in 
>> obj.conf in a Sun One/iPlanet Web server?
>> NameTrans fn="jrunfilter" 
>> serverstore="C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/
>> ore" bootstrap=""
>I'm no expert with iPlanet. However, I think that this enables an NSAPI
>filter. It sounds to me like NSAPI behaves a bit like IIS's ISAPI. Within
>ISAPI, you can have filters and extensions. Filters are run at the beginning
>of the HTTP request processing pipeline, while extensions are run later on.
>ISAPI extensions are mapped to specific file extensions, while filters are
>processed for every request.
>There's some CFMX functionality which requires this sort of filter - the
>ability to run servlets and the Flash Remoting gateway. There may be other
>functionality dependent on this, but I'm not aware of it.
>In my experience with IIS, I generally leave both the ISAPI filter and
>extension enabled. However, it seems to work well enough with the filter
>disabled and just the extension enabled, aside from the aforementioned
>servlets and Flash Remoting stuff.
>Honestly, I don't really know why (or whether) both are needed - the filter
>seems like it would be sufficient. Perhaps it's just set up that way for
>> Are there any other ways to do what I am trying to do?
>Yes, there may be. One way you can configure CFMX is with a context root,
>which basically limits the filter to only accepting requests that map to a
>specific directory. When you install CFMX onto a J2EE server, you're asked
>for a context root during the EAR/WAR creation process. You should be able
>to specify the directory name as the context root, and CFMX should only then
>process requests within that directory. I haven't specifically set CFMX up
>this way with a CF 5 server, though, so this is conjecture on my part.
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>phone: 202-797-5496
>fax: 202-797-5444
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jrunfilter in iPlanet/Sun One obj.conf[ENCRYPTED]

2004-07-16 Thread Mike Chabot
(My initial post did not seem to make it)

Does anyone know what the following line accomplishes in obj.conf in a Sun One/iPlanet Web server?

NameTrans fn="jrunfilter" serverstore="C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" bootstrap=""

Here is what I am trying to do. I want both CFMX and CF5 to be running on the same server, using the same URL and port. I want CFMX to run for only a single directory on an existing iPlanet server, and CF5 to handle all other directories. Adding the following lines to obj.conf hand over control to CFMX for a single directory:

ObjectType fn="type-by-exp" exp="D:/iPlanet/Servers/docs/cfmxtest/*.cf[m|c]" type="jrun-internal/"
Service method="(GET|POST)" type="jrun-internal/" fn="jrunservice"

This seems to work fine. However, the setup instruction indicate that the following are also needed in obj.conf

NameTrans fn="jrunfilter" serverstore="C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" bootstrap=""

PathCheck fn="jrunfilter"
Service fn="jrunservice"

If the jrunfilter line is in obj.conf, CFMX takes over handling of all .cfm files on the entire server, regardless of the other settings in obj.conf. Without the jrunfilter line, the server seems to work the way I want it to.

The jrunfilter line seems to intercept all requests for .cfm, .cfc, .cfml, .jws, .jst, and .jsp files. The other lines in obj.conf related to CFMX seem to be completely unnecessary if the jrunfilter line is present. I was able to take out the lines:
ObjectType fn="type-by-exp" exp="*.cfm" type="jrun-internal/" and 
Service method="(GET|POST)" type="jrun-internal/" fn="jrunservice"
and the .cfm extension was handled fine by CFMX. I would guess that the jrunfilter line is slightly more efficient, since it is the first line in obj.conf. However, why would Macromedia say to include the ObjectType and Service lines in obj.conf if these are just going to be ignored? 

Does the combination of ObjectType and Service lines provide the same funcationality as the jrunfilter line? Does anyone know if this jrunfilter line is essential? Are there any other ways to do what I am trying to do?

Thank you,
Mike Chabot
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RE: jrunfilter in iPlanet/Sun One obj.conf[ENCRYPTED]

2004-07-16 Thread Dave Watts
> Does anyone know what the following line accomplishes in 
> obj.conf in a Sun One/iPlanet Web server?
> NameTrans fn="jrunfilter" 
> serverstore="C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/
> ore" bootstrap=""

I'm no expert with iPlanet. However, I think that this enables an NSAPI
filter. It sounds to me like NSAPI behaves a bit like IIS's ISAPI. Within
ISAPI, you can have filters and extensions. Filters are run at the beginning
of the HTTP request processing pipeline, while extensions are run later on.
ISAPI extensions are mapped to specific file extensions, while filters are
processed for every request.

There's some CFMX functionality which requires this sort of filter - the
ability to run servlets and the Flash Remoting gateway. There may be other
functionality dependent on this, but I'm not aware of it.

> Here is what I am trying to do. I want both CFMX and CF5 to 
> be running on the same server, using the same URL and port. I 
> want CFMX to run for only a single directory on an existing 
> iPlanet server, and CF5 to handle all other directories. 
> ...
> If the jrunfilter line is in obj.conf, CFMX takes over 
> handling of all .cfm files on the entire server, regardless 
> of the other settings in obj.conf. Without the jrunfilter 
> line, the server seems to work the way I want it to.
> The jrunfilter line seems to intercept all requests for .cfm, 
> .cfc, .cfml, .jws, .jst, and .jsp files. The other lines in 
> obj.conf related to CFMX seem to be completely unnecessary if 
> the jrunfilter line is present.
> ...
> However, why would Macromedia say to include the ObjectType and 
> Service lines in obj.conf if these are just going to be ignored? 
> Does the combination of ObjectType and Service lines provide 
> the same funcationality as the jrunfilter line? Does anyone 
> know if this jrunfilter line is essential?

In my experience with IIS, I generally leave both the ISAPI filter and
extension enabled. However, it seems to work well enough with the filter
disabled and just the extension enabled, aside from the aforementioned
servlets and Flash Remoting stuff.

Honestly, I don't really know why (or whether) both are needed - the filter
seems like it would be sufficient. Perhaps it's just set up that way for

> Are there any other ways to do what I am trying to do?

Yes, there may be. One way you can configure CFMX is with a context root,
which basically limits the filter to only accepting requests that map to a
specific directory. When you install CFMX onto a J2EE server, you're asked
for a context root during the EAR/WAR creation process. You should be able
to specify the directory name as the context root, and CFMX should only then
process requests within that directory. I haven't specifically set CFMX up
this way with a CF 5 server, though, so this is conjecture on my part.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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RE: jrunfilter in iPlanet/Sun One obj.conf

2004-07-15 Thread Dave Watts
> Does anyone know what the following line accomplishes in 
> obj.conf in a Sun One/iPlanet Web server?
> NameTrans fn="jrunfilter" 
> serverstore="C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/
> ore" bootstrap=""

I'm no expert with iPlanet. However, I think that this enables an NSAPI
filter. It sounds to me like NSAPI behaves a bit like IIS's ISAPI. Within
ISAPI, you can have filters and extensions. Filters are run at the beginning
of the HTTP request processing pipeline, while extensions are run later on.
ISAPI extensions are mapped to specific file extensions, while filters are
processed for every request.

There's some CFMX functionality which requires this sort of filter - the
ability to run servlets and the Flash Remoting gateway. There may be other
functionality dependent on this, but I'm not aware of it.

> Here is what I am trying to do. I want both CFMX and CF5 to 
> be running on the same server, using the same URL and port. I 
> want CFMX to run for only a single directory on an existing 
> iPlanet server, and CF5 to handle all other directories. 
> ...
> If the jrunfilter line is in obj.conf, CFMX takes over 
> handling of all .cfm files on the entire server, regardless 
> of the other settings in obj.conf. Without the jrunfilter 
> line, the server seems to work the way I want it to.
> The jrunfilter line seems to intercept all requests for .cfm, 
> .cfc, .cfml, .jws, .jst, and .jsp files. The other lines in 
> obj.conf related to CFMX seem to be completely unnecessary if 
> the jrunfilter line is present.
> ...
> However, why would Macromedia say to include the ObjectType and 
> Service lines in obj.conf if these are just going to be ignored? 
> Does the combination of ObjectType and Service lines provide 
> the same funcationality as the jrunfilter line? Does anyone 
> know if this jrunfilter line is essential?

In my experience with IIS, I generally leave both the ISAPI filter and
extension enabled. However, it seems to work well enough with the filter
disabled and just the extension enabled, aside from the aforementioned
servlets and Flash Remoting stuff.

Honestly, I don't really know why (or whether) both are needed - the filter
seems like it would be sufficient. Perhaps it's just set up that way for

> Are there any other ways to do what I am trying to do?

Yes, there may be. One way you can configure CFMX is with a context root,
which basically limits the filter to only accepting requests that map to a
specific directory. When you install CFMX onto a J2EE server, you're asked
for a context root during the EAR/WAR creation process. You should be able
to specify the directory name as the context root, and CFMX should only then
process requests within that directory. I haven't specifically set CFMX up
this way with a CF 5 server, though, so this is conjecture on my part.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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jrunfilter in iPlanet/Sun One obj.conf

2004-07-15 Thread Mike Chabot
(My initial post did not seem to make it)

Does anyone know what the following line accomplishes in obj.conf in a Sun One/iPlanet Web server?

NameTrans fn="jrunfilter" serverstore="C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" bootstrap=""

Here is what I am trying to do. I want both CFMX and CF5 to be running on the same server, using the same URL and port. I want CFMX to run for only a single directory on an existing iPlanet server, and CF5 to handle all other directories. Adding the following lines to obj.conf hand over control to CFMX for a single directory:

ObjectType fn="type-by-exp" exp="D:/iPlanet/Servers/docs/cfmxtest/*.cf[m|c]" type="jrun-internal/"
Service method="(GET|POST)" type="jrun-internal/" fn="jrunservice"

This seems to work fine. However, the setup instruction indicate that the following are also needed in obj.conf

NameTrans fn="jrunfilter" serverstore="C:/CFusionMX/runtime/lib/wsconfig/1/" bootstrap=""

PathCheck fn="jrunfilter"
Service fn="jrunservice"

If the jrunfilter line is in obj.conf, CFMX takes over handling of all .cfm files on the entire server, regardless of the other settings in obj.conf. Without the jrunfilter line, the server seems to work the way I want it to.

The jrunfilter line seems to intercept all requests for .cfm, .cfc, .cfml, .jws, .jst, and .jsp files. The other lines in obj.conf related to CFMX seem to be completely unnecessary if the jrunfilter line is present. I was able to take out the lines:
ObjectType fn="type-by-exp" exp="*.cfm" type="jrun-internal/" and 
Service method="(GET|POST)" type="jrun-internal/" fn="jrunservice"
and the .cfm extension was handled fine by CFMX. I would guess that the jrunfilter line is slightly more efficient, since it is the first line in obj.conf. However, why would Macromedia say to include the ObjectType and Service lines in obj.conf if these are just going to be ignored? 

Does the combination of ObjectType and Service lines provide the same funcationality as the jrunfilter line? Does anyone know if this jrunfilter line is essential? Are there any other ways to do what I am trying to do?

Thank you,
Mike Chabot
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