[cfaussie] zero length file in cffile

2009-07-02 Thread Mark Ireland

I think I have users trying to upload a file that they still have open (in Word 
or Acrobat etc)

Is there some simple try catch I could use to trap this?


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[cfaussie] Re: zero length file in cffile

2009-07-02 Thread Gavin Baumanis

Hi Mark,
I had some issues reply via email - and find I can;t attach files here
either... so here it is inline...
Not sure if this is going to be much good to you or not,
But I have attached the file-add form and submit that we use here.

You might be able to hack it up for your own purposes.

(note we submit the file into the database as opposed to using the
file system, but  the checking all works and should help with your 0
file check.)

$Date: 2009-03-02 02:58:14 +1100 (Mon, 02 Mar 2009) $
$Author: awaddell $
$Revision: 6578 $

Copyright (c) 2008. PalCare Pty. Ltd.

!--- check for a valid session ---
cfif not isdefined(session.username)
!--- there is no valid session. relocate to a custom error page ---
cflocation url=noSession.cfm
script language=javascript type=text/javascript
function close_me()
  window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;

cfinclude template=qry_scandocTypeSELECT.cfm

!--- Attachments information / variable declaration  /array
construction ---

!--- check if the array exists already ---
cfif NOT isdefined('session.filearray')!--- if not, create 
it (2
dimensions) ---
cfset session.filearray = arrayNew(2)

cfparam name=session.var_numfilesadded default=0

!--- set the Max file size to 10 MB ---
cfset var_filesizebytes = 10485760

cfset file_name=
cfset file_type=
cfset file_description=
cfset the_file=
cfset file_size=
cfset documentTypeid=
cfset file_inserted_by=
cfset file_insert_date=

link rel=stylesheet href=style.css /

script language=javascript type=text/javascript
//javascript function captures the filename for use on 
the next
page add_file_action.cfm
//This is required as the filename gets made into 
tempfilename.tmp and is thus unusable
// for insertion into the DB as the filename 
and filetype.

function setfilename(formvalue)
document.forms['addfile']['thefile'].value = 

cfform action=scandocaddsubmit.cfm method=post 
!--- set the button text based on if there is 
a file or not ---
cfif ArrayLen(session.filearray) GT 0
cfset buttontext1 = Finish!--- set 
to finish if a file
exists in the array ---
cfset buttontext1 = Cancel!--- set 
to Cancel if the array is

table width=100%
tr align=center
!--- Centre align the INNER 
Table ---
table width=90% 
border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
align=center colspan=3Supplementary Information -
Attached Files/th
!---space row 
tr align=left 
!--- see 
javascript comments for why / how this ONCHANGE
function works ---
colspan=3strongPlease Choose a File to attach to this
patient's Record (Limit of 10MB per file)/strongbr /



[cfaussie] Re: CF8 file not found strangeness

2009-07-02 Thread Ryan Sabir

Hi all,

Finally got this issue worked out.

It turns out that they didn't have modify permissions for my user on

Not a word of apology for wasting my time telling me it was my
problem. I don't understand how a company claiming to offer a standard
shared hosting package would have such a basic issue come up.

Thanks for everyones help here, it really set my mind at ease that I
hadn't forgotten how to write a 3 line CF page.


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:43 PM, Ryanrya...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,

 I've had a shared CF8 site set up at WebCentral for a relatively
 simple site. It's exhibiting a really strange error.

 If I FTP upload a file, say testfile.cfm (doesn't matter what is in
 it) it will work fine.
 If I then re-upload exactly the same file, it's returning a File not

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