[cfaussie] Re: Flex Data Services Express

2007-08-19 Thread Matt Voerman

License: With respect to each unique application created by Licensee,
Adobe grants Licensee a license to install and use such unique
application and the Adobe LiveCycle Data Services Express Software as
Production Software on a Per-CPU basis; provided that Licensee shall
not: (a) install, use or access such unique application and/or the
Adobe LiveCycle Data Services Express Software on more than one CPU,
(b) cluster any CPUs, and/or (c) use load balancing.

So basically, your LCDS server cannot use more than 1 physical CPU
(multi cores are allowed).

A way of limiting your server communication to a single CPU is to
implement CPU affinity which will bind a process to a specific amount
of available CPUs.

Unix has a pbind command which allows you to achieve this.

On Windows machines, you can use FireDaemon which allows you to bind
services to a specific CPU. So in theory, a dual/quad-core CPU server
could be bound to a LCDS server service without breaking the license.

Both of these work-arounds obviously have performance impacts.

Matt Voerman
Senior Consultant

Adobe Systems

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[cfaussie] CFAussie Community Head Count

2007-05-31 Thread Matt Voerman

Hi Guys,
Just a quick note to let you guys know that we at the Adobe Australia
office haven't forgotten about you, and do monitor this (and several
other) lists on a regular basis.

We have a couple of Community related irons in the fire and will
communicate more on them as they solidify.

What would be of great help to us in the meantime would be a hands up
(head count) on how many Aussie CF'ers are reading this list on a
regular basis. If you could just ping a response to to this thread
that would be grouse.

Thanks in advance

Matt Voerman

Senior Consultant
Adobe Systems Pacific

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[cfaussie] Re: Coldfusion and Micrsoft Love.

2007-01-29 Thread Matt Voerman

Hey Guys,
I just thought i'd chuck in my 2 cents worth here...

For a start, I don't think this is about Microsoft bashing. I think 
the main issue here is, that whilst i'm sure Scott has the best of 
(personal) intentions in educating the masses about "the best tools 
for the job'. At the end of the day (or is that sales chain) what he's 
ultimately offering, amounts to nothing more than a Microsoft sales 
pitch (targeted towards Adobe customers (hence it appearing in this CF 
forum)). Having said that (Mike), I don't think anyone is against 
hearing sales pitches per se' - but lets be up front about them. Don't 
wrap them up in rhetoric about 'best tool for the job' or 'show and 
tell' sessions.

Scott also mentions that he couldn't care one way or another if we 
bought into what he's talking about - but i'd hazard a guess his 
employer definitely does! And i'm sorry to be the one to break the 
news to you mate, but Microsoft didn't employ you for your whit, charm 
and good looks ;-) Your official mandate as Microsoft Developer 
Evangelist is to 'increase product awareness"  (primarily to Adobe 
customers *he coughs under his breath*). So whether you want to admit 
it or not, the ultimate result of this increased (product) awareness, 
is to increase sales (and maybe make a few conversions along the way).

For what its worth, I personally think your 'compare and contrast' 
approach to an 'information session' definitely has its merits - so 
long as the sessions are totally balanced and unbiased. Unfortunately, 
your position with Microsoft ultimately means that this can't be the 
case. I hardly think Microsoft are going to endorse you pimping a 
competitor's solution/product at an event they're funding/sponsoring - 
even if the solution/product is better than theirs! Combined with 
this, you run the very real risk of alienating Abobe product users 
(supporters) by having these (compare-and-contrast) sessions 
ultimately ending up on the Microsoft side of the fence - essentially 
resulting in them being nothing more than Adobe bagging sessions.

If I could make a few suggestions regarding how to best tackle/promote 
these sessions...

1. If you want to do compare-and-contrast sessions (read sales 
pitches) please don't hide them under the guise of 'show-and-tell' 
sessions. Granted you might actually be demo'ing some Microsoft's 
latest and greatest offerings, but lets get real and call a spade a 
spade (or at the very least acknowledge what they really are!)

2. Unfortunately, your current position doesn't afford you the luxury 
of being a 'tools' fence sitter  (I said tools not tool ;-) As such, 
don't hide the fact you work for Microsoft (as you've had a tendency 
to do in the past). Transparency is the key.

3. I'm not really sure that promoting Microsoft tools/solutions in a 
ColdFusion forum is the right place to be doing this. Sure, there may 
be some CF'ers out there who are keen to see what offerings MS have up 
their sleeves. But i'd hazard a guess if that were the case, I don't 
think a CF forum would but the first place I would come looking for 
info on MS solutions.

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[cfaussie] Re: webDU 2007: 22-23 March 2007, Hilton Sydney

2006-10-12 Thread Matt Voerman

Touche' Bjorn :-)

Love your work mate (not that there's anything wrong with that) - he
says taking "IT UP" "the" "punter" " - LOL

Verycreative. But I definitely think it's YOU who's been "chewing"
"the drugs"  

Well done!

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[cfaussie] Re: webDU 2007: 22-23 March 2007, Hilton Sydney

2006-10-12 Thread Matt Voerman

Right on Barry!

I can feel the love growing in this thread as we speak.

Those of you who there for the original love-in back in 2003 will know
that MXDU/WebDU has ALWAYS been about the people and the community (as
opposed to the sponsors).

The fact that it isn't a corporate (read Adobe/Micorsoft) conference is
one of the main reasons why it's such a great gig. There's no hidden
marketing/sales agendas. Just great people from around Australia, and
the world, sharing their love (and knowledge) of web software.

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[cfaussie] Re: webDU 2007: 22-23 March 2007, Hilton Sydney

2006-10-12 Thread Matt Voerman

Hey Guys,
Whilst we're all having such a great time chewing the WebDU fat I
thought i'd just throw my 2 cents worth into the mix...

First up I think a lot of you guys are missing the point (except maybe
Geoff, Robin and Darren). WebDU IS NOT AN ADOBE CONFERENCE! Yes Adobe
is the major sponsor, and yes most of the sessions feature Adobe
products. But for those of you who have missed it being mentioned at
least 3 or 4 times earlier WebDU is an independent conference run by an
independent company called Daemon who are located in Sydney. If you
want to attend an Adobe conference then be sure to visit
http://events.adobe.co.uk/events/cgi/main.cgi?country=pa and check out
one of the many events/conferences coming soon to a city near you -
even Melbourne gets a gernsey. If you have an issue with Adobe not
supporting your product or town - TAKE IT UP WITH THEM and stop wasting
everyone's time whinging about WebDU!

Dale Fraser wrote:
>The cost comes in to question where you wish to send multiple people.
> If I want to send 3 people to WebDu then I have no hope of getting that
> approved with flights / accommodation. It adds up and the business will
> question why they all need to go. If it was in Melbourne I would have no 
> issue.

Dale, if you think that 1 x trip to MAX is CHEAPER than 4 x trips to
WebDU then I want some of the drugs you've been smoking. I'd hazard a
guess that an 'average' trip to MAX for a single punter including
airfare, accom and conference ticket (not including gambling and
bordello visits) would be around 5K. By my 'rough' guestimates 4 x
WebDU tickets from Melbourne would set you back a tad over 1K a head.
Sounds more like you just don't know how to formulate a strong enough
argument to get your team up to Sydney (despite it being cheaper than
your trip to MAX).

Dale Fraser wrote:
>Having the entire IT section out interstate doesn't help the problem.

Mate, your IT guys are at a conference! So whether the conference is in
town, out of town, out of state or out of the country - they're still
away from the office so what's the bloody difference?! The fact of the
matter is that they're not in the building to fix any problems.

Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:
> moving the circus around Australia it will only create better awareness of 
> the event.

I'm not too sure which planet you've been living on Bjorn, but anyone
who's paid even the slightest bit of attention to anything
Macromedia/Adobe related over the last 4 years knows about MXDU/WebDU.
It has a reputation second to none as being one of the top
Adobe/Macromedia flavoured conferences in this region (let alone the
world). I really don't see how moving it round the country would
increase its awareness/exposure. That would simply mean different
people who wouldn't ordinarily travel to Sydney might be able to see
it. Conversely people living in Sydney might not travel to what ever
city it was in which kind of defeats the whole end purpose of 'raising
its awareness' (i.e. getting more people to attend).

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