Please note that we have had to have a last minute venue change for
tonight's CFUG meeting.
The new venue for tonight is now at 388 Queen Street, which is very
close to the Riverside Centre, our regular meeting venue.

If you are standing outside the Riverside Centre facing the street,
just cross the road and go to your right a little, go down Eagle Lane
(first street/lane you come to) and you will be at Queen Street
directly opposite 388 Queen Street.

There will be a small CFUG sign on the door, and you may not be able to
get in very far due to after hours security, so either call my mobile
number (0419 647 655) or if its before 6:30pm, just wait until someone
comes to get you.

If you vane already RSVPed, I'd really appreciate it if you could
send me another email just to let me know that you've seen that the
venue has changed.

Please note that the new venue details will not be on the website, due
to the lateness of the change.

Besides the venue change, all other details remain unchanged.


When  : 6:30 pm, Tuesday, 4th of July 2006
Where : Level 1, Aquarium Room
        388 Queen Street
        Brisbane CBD  QLD 4000
Topics: Flex2 and CF Integration
        Version Control with CVS

More details here:

This month at CFUG QLD:

In the last week, Adobe have released Flex2 _and_ a new updater for
So this month at CFUG QLD we have a presentation by Adobe software
Engineer Mike Nimer on Flex2 and CF integration.

Mike Nimer is a senior engineer on the ColdFusion engineering team,
responsible for the ColdFusion / Flex Flash Remoting adapter, a number
of the ColdFusion FlexBuilder plug-ins, as well as the enhancements to
CFForm in ColdFusion 7. Mike has also written much of the ColdFusion
Administrator for the last few major versions.
Before joining the engineering team, Mike spent three years working as
a senior consultant with the Macromedia consulting group, where he
provided on-site assistance to customers with their architecture
planning, code reviews, performance tuning, and general code and server

We'll also be having an introductory presentation on using CVS for
version control of your source code. How to set the server up, how to
put your code into it, and then how to use it on a day to day basis,
and how it will save your bacon!!

The meeting will also have our regular (and ever popular) general open
floor Q&A discussion, so bring your questions and problems.

As usual there will be free pizza, subways and drinks.

If you haven't already, then please RSVP by noon Tuesday, 4th of July
as it helps make sure there's enough pizza and subs for everyone.

There's still plenty of goodies left in our Adobe 'care package',
so another good chunk of it will be given away at this month's
meeting, and as usual only people who RSVP to me and tell me that
they're coming will go in the prize draw.

Send that email now!!

Don't miss it.
See you there.

Darren Tracey
CFUG QLD Manager

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