[PATCH] D50361: [NFC] Test automatic variable initialization

2018-08-07 Thread JF Bastien via Phabricator via cfe-commits
jfb added a comment.

Further fixes in r339090 and r339093.

  rC Clang


cfe-commits mailing list

[PATCH] D50361: [NFC] Test automatic variable initialization

2018-08-06 Thread JF Bastien via Phabricator via cfe-commits
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rC339089: [NFC] Test automatic variable initialization 
(authored by jfb, committed by ).

Changed prior to commit:

  rC Clang



Index: test/CodeGenCXX/auto-var-init.cpp
--- test/CodeGenCXX/auto-var-init.cpp
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/auto-var-init.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -fblocks -ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern %s -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
+template void used(T &) noexcept;
+  using type_##NAME = TYPE; \
+  void test_##NAME##_uninit() { \
+type_##NAME uninit; \
+used(uninit);   \
+  }
+// Value initialization on scalars, aggregate initialization on aggregates.
+  using type_##NAME = TYPE; \
+  void test_##NAME##_braces() { \
+type_##NAME braces = {};\
+used(braces);   \
+  }
+#define TEST_CUSTOM(NAME, TYPE, ...)\
+  using type_##NAME = TYPE; \
+  void test_##NAME##_custom() { \
+type_##NAME custom __VA_ARGS__; \
+used(custom);   \
+  }
+struct empty {};
+struct small { char c; };
+struct smallinit { char c = 42; };
+struct smallpartinit { char c = 42, d; };
+struct nullinit { char* null = nullptr; };
+struct padded { char c; int i; };
+struct paddednullinit { char c = 0; int i = 0; };
+struct bitfield { int i : 4; int j : 2; };
+struct bitfieldaligned { int i : 4; int : 0; int j : 2; };
+struct big { unsigned a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z; };
+struct arraytail { int i; int arr[]; };
+struct tailpad { short s; char c; };
+struct notlockfree { long long a[4]; };
+struct semivolatile { int i; volatile int vi; };
+struct semivolatileinit { int i = 0x; volatile int vi = 0x; };
+struct base { virtual ~base(); };
+struct derived : public base {};
+struct virtualderived : public virtual base, public virtual derived {};
+union matching { int i; float f; };
+union matchingreverse { float f; int i; };
+union unmatched { char c; int i; };
+union unmatchedreverse { int i; char c; };
+union unmatchedfp { float f; double d; };
+enum emptyenum {};
+enum smallenum { VALUE };
+extern "C" {
+TEST_UNINIT(char, char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_char_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(char, char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_char_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i8 0, i8* %braces, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(uchar, unsigned char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_uchar_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(uchar, unsigned char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_uchar_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i8 0, i8* %braces, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(schar, signed char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_schar_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(schar, signed char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_schar_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i8 0, i8* %braces, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(wchar_t, wchar_t);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_wchar_t_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i32, align 4
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(wchar_t, wchar_t);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_wchar_t_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i32, align 4
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i32 0, i32* %braces, align 4
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(short, short);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_short_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i16, align 2
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(short, short);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_short_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i16, align 2
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i16 0, i16* %braces, align 2
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(ushort, unsigned short);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_ushort_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i16, align 2
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(ushort, unsigned short);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_ushort_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i16, align 2

[PATCH] D50361: [NFC] Test automatic variable initialization

2018-08-06 Thread JF Bastien via Phabricator via cfe-commits
jfb added a comment.

I'm honestly not sure there's anything to review here since it's just showing 
us what the current behavior is. LMK if I'm not testing something that I should.

I'd much rather test current behavior as one patch first, because then the 
follow-ups show a clear before / after diff instead of leaving you guessing as 
to what the previous behavior was.

  rC Clang


cfe-commits mailing list

[PATCH] D50361: [NFC] Test automatic variable initialization

2018-08-06 Thread JF Bastien via Phabricator via cfe-commits
jfb created this revision.
Herald added subscribers: cfe-commits, dexonsmith.

r337887 started using memset for automatic variable initialization where 
sensible. A follow-up discussion leads me to believe that we should better test 
automatic variable initialization, and that there are probably follow-up 
patches in clang and LLVM to improve codegen. It’ll be important to measure -O0 
compile time, and figure out which transforms should be in the frontend versus 
the backend.

This patch is just a test of the current behavior, no questions asked. 
Follow-up patches will tune the code generation.


  rC Clang



Index: test/CodeGenCXX/auto-var-init.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/auto-var-init.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -fblocks -ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern %s -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
+template void used(T &) noexcept;
+  using type_##NAME = TYPE; \
+  void test_##NAME##_uninit() { \
+type_##NAME uninit; \
+used(uninit);   \
+  }
+// Value initialization on scalars, aggregate initialization on aggregates.
+  using type_##NAME = TYPE; \
+  void test_##NAME##_braces() { \
+type_##NAME braces = {};\
+used(braces);   \
+  }
+#define TEST_CUSTOM(NAME, TYPE, ...)\
+  using type_##NAME = TYPE; \
+  void test_##NAME##_custom() { \
+type_##NAME custom __VA_ARGS__; \
+used(custom);   \
+  }
+struct empty {};
+struct small { char c; };
+struct smallinit { char c = 42; };
+struct smallpartinit { char c = 42, d; };
+struct nullinit { char* null = nullptr; };
+struct padded { char c; int i; };
+struct paddednullinit { char c = 0; int i = 0; };
+struct bitfield { int i : 4; int j : 2; };
+struct bitfieldaligned { int i : 4; int : 0; int j : 2; };
+struct big { unsigned a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z; };
+struct arraytail { int i; int arr[]; };
+struct tailpad { short s; char c; };
+struct notlockfree { long long a[4]; };
+struct semivolatile { int i; volatile int vi; };
+struct semivolatileinit { int i = 0x; volatile int vi = 0x; };
+struct base { virtual ~base(); };
+struct derived : public base {};
+struct virtualderived : public virtual base, public virtual derived {};
+union matching { int i; float f; };
+union matchingreverse { float f; int i; };
+union unmatched { char c; int i; };
+union unmatchedreverse { int i; char c; };
+union unmatchedfp { float f; double d; };
+enum emptyenum {};
+enum smallenum { VALUE };
+extern "C" {
+TEST_UNINIT(char, char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_char_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(char, char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_char_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i8 0, i8* %braces, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(uchar, unsigned char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_uchar_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(uchar, unsigned char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_uchar_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i8 0, i8* %braces, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(schar, signed char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_schar_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(schar, signed char);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_schar_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i8, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i8 0, i8* %braces, align 1
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(wchar_t, wchar_t);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_wchar_t_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i32, align 4
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(wchar_t, wchar_t);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_wchar_t_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i32, align 4
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i32 0, i32* %braces, align 4
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%braces)
+TEST_UNINIT(short, short);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_short_uninit()
+// CHECK:   %uninit = alloca i16, align 2
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void @{{.*}}used{{.*}}%uninit)
+TEST_BRACES(short, short);
+// CHECK-LABEL: @test_short_braces()
+// CHECK:   %braces = alloca i16, align 2
+// CHECK-NEXT:  store i16 0, i16* %braces, align 2
+// CHECK-NEXT:  call void