
   Continuing to try to get my multiple DBI's driver working.   As you may
remember, I needed my application to know which database my user
authenticated against.

   With Nicholas Bamber's advice, I was off to a good start.  I created a
driver ( MULTI_DBI.pm ) which subclasses the DBI driver using "use base".

   My driver iterates through a hash of labels and dhb's, sending each dbh
to the DBI driver.

   Right now, after calling __SUPER__::verify_credentials with

   $super_output = $self->SUPER::verify_credentials( $self, @creds );

I get the following error:

Error executing class callback in prerun stage: must call dbh_config()
before calling dbh().

What this seems to mean is that $options{DBH} is undefined.

Using Data::Dumper -
before calling the superclass:

  dumper says $VAR1 = 'DBH';
              $VAR2 = bless( {}, 'DBI::db' );
              $VAR3 = 'DBHS';
              $VAR4 = {'ST' => $VAR2,'IP' => bless({},'DBI::db' ),'GLOBAL'
=> bless( {}, 'DBI::db' ),'QR' => bless( {}, 'DBI::db' )};
              $VAR5 = 'TABLE';
              $VAR6 = 'users';

...The important part is $VAR1 and $VAR2, which together are a hash element
defining "DBH" as some meaningful number ( that I got from the DBI library
when opening the database ).  My MULTI_DBI driver added the DBH hash
so that the DBI driver would recognize it and verify against that database.

HOWEVER, after calling the superclass I get:

dumper says   $VAR1 = 'DBHS';
              $VAR2 = { 'ST' => bless( {}, 'DBI::db' ), 'IP' => bless( {},
'DBI::db' ),'GLOBAL' => bless( {}, 'DBI::db' ),'QR' =>
bless( {}, 'DBI::db' )};
              $VAR3 = 'TABLE';
              $VAR4 = 'users';

...Note that there are only 4 VARs.  And there is no DBH hash.  Apparently,
Perl has kindly removed any changes that I made to the options hash/array.

  One thought I had was that $self had somehow changed.  But no:
(top of MULTI_DBI::verify_credentials )

(top of DBI::verify_credentials
....looks like the same number to me....

   Anybody know the magic to get new stuff to stick in $self->options?
(Mostly fighting my own ignorance here, I know )
Thanks in advance,

                            - Jerry

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