[Chat] HUGE Estate Sale this weekend

2015-10-13 Thread macnmum
I've sold my house and headed to Europe.  I've packed up a few items, but
most of the furnishings of my Calvert Street house are up for sale:
 Furniture, rugs, some country antiques, art work,a big collection of
mirrors, lots and lots of books, vintage and antique items, plus all the
usual stuff one collects in four decades of adult life.The sale starts
on Friday, the 16th and continues on Sturday and Sunday.  At 2630 N.
Calvert.  Come one, call all!

Melissa Bristow
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[Chat] For sale: wood pellets for stove

2015-09-21 Thread macnmum
Anyone in the neighborhood with a pellet stove?  I have one ton of
bagged top-quality wood pellets for sale before i move .  Make me an me an
offer!  Email me at macn...@gmail.com
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[Chat] Can someone help find this fabulous young man housing?

2015-09-13 Thread macnmum
Hi all:  I've recently sold my home in the 2600 block of Calvert St. and
the young man who has been house-sitting for me while I was traveling for
the last several months now needs to find someplace else to live while he
completes his MS in biotechnology.  He's mature (27), polite,
*incredibly* responsible,
a pet lover, almost compulsively neat and both very organized and very
willing to help.  He's taken care of the garden for me, arranged to meet
various workmen and others who needed access to my home, prepped my home
for the sale, packing up and staging the home,  and undertaken big cleaning
and organization projects.

Now he needs to find a new house sitting gig or perhaps a reasonably priced
room to rent. He works long hours at the JHU biotech lab and doesn't spend
a lot of time at home. Often on weekends, he's visiting friends and family
in nearby northern Va. Oh, and did I mention he is a Cordon Bleu-trained
chef?  You might be able to get him to prepare a meal or two.  In short, I
cannot recommend him more highly and would very much like to ensure he
lands on his feet after helping me out so much this summer.

If you know of anything, please contact him directly at paulja...@gmail.com
or 262 490 0091 or email me at macn...@gmail.com.


Paul Akre.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
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[Chat] Recommendations for someone to work on terra cotta tile roof?

2014-11-02 Thread macnmum
I've got one of those houses on Calvert St. with a bit of terra cotta tile
on the front roof. Some of the tiles are cracked and need repairing or
replacing and I haven't a clue about who to call.  Would appreciate any
referrals/suggestions you can offer.  Thanks, Melissa
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[Chat] "Extending less costly gas supplies through BGE" door-to door visitors?????

2014-08-10 Thread macnmum
This weekend, I was visited by a man who said he was with the company that
supplied my gas via BGE, and wanted to offer me the option to extend my
contract at the lower prices which I had been receiving and were about to
run out.  This sounded off to me and when I asked some questions I couldn't
get a really satisfactory answer, but acknowledge that it may have been in
part because
I actually wasn't at home and conducted this conversation with him via
phone.One thing I did understand was that he said he needed to see one
of my last bills, to confirm that I was, in fact, eligible for the lower
rates...something I found extremely suspicious.

He finally got tired of my questions and I suspect decided to hunt for
easier prey elsewhere.  But I'm wondering if anyone else in the
neighborhood has encountered these folks and if anyone can confirm my
suspicion that, if not an outright scam, this was a fast-talking sales
pitch to get me to sign up for some other gas supplier?

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[Chat] T Mobile

2014-07-24 Thread macnmum
Emil, et al.   I recently made the switch from Verizon to T Mobile and
regret it.  Yes, it's cheaper than Verizon (though for the amount of data
and phones my son and I use, not by that much).

The service is simply nowhere near as comprehensive as Verizon's  and the
signals aren't as strong.  I frequently find that I have no or only one bar
in my travels around the Baltimore/Washington area.  And if you travel
outside the area...service disappears in many areas.

One thing I did not realize when I made the switch is that you can
essentially do a similar deal with Verizon as with TMobile, in terms of
purchasing phone separately from the contract.  I only  found this out I
cancelled with Verizon, when it was clear they were willing to negotiate
and make some accommodations to keep my business. For me, it was too
late...but if you or anyone else is contemplating the switch, I'd see what
Verizon will do for you first.

Melissa B
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archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/chat@charlesvillage.info/

[Chat] Thanks for handyman suggestions....and a suggestion for cleaners to offer!

2013-07-31 Thread macnmum
I'm in need of a handyman as well (who, living in these old houses, is
not?), so I really appreciated the suggestions offered.  It has prompted me
to offer up a suggestion others may welcome.  I finally found a house
cleaner/cleaning service I like and can recommend!   Jenny's Quality
Cleaning...443-286 6036.Three central American ladies do the actual
work, and I've been very happy with them.  Price isn't dirt cheap, but it's
below what I was paying an independent house cleaner to do a miserable job.

Hope this proves helpful to someone.

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[Chat] recommendations, info on installation of solar tube/ skylight and attic insulation/ exhaust fans ?

2013-06-24 Thread macnmum
I'm interested in getting some attic insulation put in in my typical
3-story, flat-roofed CV row home and am wondering if anyone out there who
has had done so, can provide me with recommendations (or
ANTI-recommendations) for installers and any advice.

And while I'm at it, I'm also mulling installing a skylight or solar tube.
Any input or recommendations on that would be really appreciated as well.
Thanks, Melissa
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Re: [Chat] Where to get wood molding in custom or old profiles?

2012-07-02 Thread macnmum
A few months back, someone mentioned to me that there was a place not
to far from CV which made/sold wood molding that matched the old
profiles used in a lot of CV houses.   For the life of me I can't
remember the name or exact location of this place and, of course, now
I need it.  I'm in desperate need of about 9 feet of the coved oak
molding used for the baseboards in my home on the West side of the
2600 block of Calvert St.Does anyone happen to know the place I'm
talking about?  Or know of somewhere else where I might be able to
find an old profile without paying an arm and a leg for the place to
retool to make it custom?

Thanks, Melissa

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Re: [Chat] Schnappe shop- CV "impoverished"

2012-06-26 Thread macnmum
Looks to me as if whoever wrote the story about the liquor stores being in
poor neighborhoods needs a lesson in grammar more than a lesson in

The author probably meant "located predominantly in poor neighborhoods"
rather than "located in predominantly poor neighborhoods".  Oh the tragedy
of misplaced modifiers.
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[Chat] Need to divide my irises...anyone want some?

2012-05-27 Thread macnmum
They are gorgeous big, ruffley blue, purple and white and blue and white
varities...unfortunately I have long since lost the names and can't even
tell you which one you'll be getting.  But I guarantee they are beautiful!

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[Chat] advice on mattress

2011-11-28 Thread macnmum
Hey Dawna:  I have had a Tempur-Pedic for 15-16  years now.  I have a
touchy back and I adore it.  I will say that it is supposed to have a
17-year warranty and am finding that mine probably needs replacing now.
But, I'm quite heavy and that would stress any mattress unduly.  I also
recently purchased a cheap knock-off version substitute the much cheaper
version for the real thing if I were using it every night.

At the time that I bought mine, they were really only available at
Brookstonemuch easier to find competitively priced now.

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[Chat] still looking for someone good to clean my home...maybe I'm expecting too much?

2011-11-16 Thread macnmum
Hoping I can get some new suggestions for someone to clean my home on
Calvert St. But also some feedback.
I've been here about 2 years now and had two different , highly recommended
folks, cleaning my home...each did
it for a period of several months.  But I really haven't been happy with
either and am beginning to wonder if somehow, I was
spoiled back in the Wash. DC/ No. Va. area.

I'm paying $130 for an every-two-week cleaning of 2 stories of my three
story home...Includes one large bathroom and one half bath,
living room, dining room, large kitchen and two bedrooms plus long
hallway.  Duties include changing linens on one bed, thorough dusting,
including quite a few pictures and mirrors on the walls, vacuuming, regular
kitchen and bathroom cleaning, plus washing kitchen and bath floors.
I provide all cleaning materials and equipment.

I'm finding that no one spends more than 3 hours and a lot isn't done very
well.   Stuff on kitchen counters...eg. breadbox, toaster, fruitbowl, etc.
are not picked up and wiped under.  No furniture is shifted to be dusted or
vacuumed behind or under. Even my knitting baskets are left on the floor
and vaccumed around, rather than picked up and vacuumed under. Mirrors,
window sills, etc.  are given the lightest of once overs, leaving dust
in the corners and window sashes, and any open shelf more than 4 feet off
the floor isn't dusted at all.  Baseboards...forget about it!

Can anyone help?  If you can't recommend someone...maybe you can at least
tell me if my expectations are too high? My price too low?
What's going on?  I had a number of different cleaners over  the past 30
years in Arlington Va., some of whom were better than others. A few were on
par with what I've found so far here in Baltimore. But most did a much
better job, stayed longer and/or cleaned a bigger house for the same amount
or less money.

Getting desperate
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[Chat] recommendations for someone to clean my home?

2011-07-08 Thread macnmum
Now that a torturously long renovation is finally  (mostly) done, I'm eager
to find someone reliable for homecleaning every two weeks or so. I'd
probably prefer an individual, but will go with a service, if need be.
Anyone got a housecleaner that they think does a great job and has time open
to take on another house?

Melissa B
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[Chat] Ikea kitchens

2011-07-07 Thread macnmum
Christina:  You can get lots of great info on Ikea kitchens on this site:


Many folks have done Ikea kitchens top to bottom, but many have also used
Ikea parts:  Cabinet carcasses, with doors and drawers purchased elsewhere
(Scherr's is a popular supplier) ; sinks; butcherblock countertops, etc.
There's even a recent thread about how to use Ikea to get a value-priced
high quality kitchen.

The search function on the forum isn't the best.  You can try using it to
locate relevant threads , but also google " Ikea kitchen gardenweb"

Melissa Bristow
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[Chat] whole house or attic ventilation fan on flat roof

2011-06-15 Thread macnmum
Thanks for the info.  Is it installed on a flat roof, with no real attic or
access to the attic?  There are reportedly a few which are available for
this, but its rare and a lot of folks seem to get squeamish at cutting a
hole for any reason in a flat roof.If it's one of those rare birds, I'd
love to see it.
I've had whole house fans installed in houses with gabled roofs and loved

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[Chat] anyone had an attic or whole house fan installed on a flat roof?

2011-06-14 Thread macnmum
I'm mulling ways installation of a whole house fan or attic fan to exhaust
the hot air from my "attic" above the third floor.  Anyone got
recommendations for folks who do this work?  Or for that matter, anyone had
success in finding a way to cool miserably hot third floors?

thanks,  Melissa
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[Chat] Need some carpentry, minor drywall work done.

2011-01-25 Thread macnmum
Hi:  At the tail end of my epic kitchen renovation, my general contractor,
carpenter and cabinet maker all appear to have abandoned the job.
Fortunately, I have a backup cabinetmaker.  But I really need to find
someone quickly to do a few last things that prevent me from getting final
inspection and finishing this job up.

First priority:  Someone who can install the venting for a small gas stove.
It's an easy venting job...only about 15" directly back through the
wall...but does require breaking through the brick wall.  I have all the
venting components needed.  Anyone know of someone capable of doing the job?

And  I need someone to finish doing some trim work...baseboards, doors and
windows...as well as a bit of drywall...a patch job and laminating over a
damaged area...less than the size of one 4X8 sheet.

I'd really appreciate any names and references for folks who could take the
jobs on.  This   reno has dragged on for 9 months..I want it OVER

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[Chat] in search of some recommendations, please

2010-08-19 Thread macnmum
My son and I are fairly new to the area (moved in last Dec.) and are finally
getting around to seeking out some necessary services.  We'd really
appreciate any recommendations for:

A family doctor ...preferably in the neighborhood?

A local dentist

Good place for my teenage son to get a haircut

home cleaning service?  We've trying out one that was recommended earlier,
but not sure it's a good match for us.

Bike repair shop?

Many thanks,

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Re: [Chat] Chat Digest, Vol 86, Issue 6

2010-08-16 Thread macnmum
Judy:  There are lots of things you can do with your excess peaches to use
them later in the year, but preserving them in their "natural" state isn't
one of them.  As someone else answered, the cell structure won't hold up to
home freezing.  But somethings you can do:

Peel and slice them and freeze the pieces for use as a puree or in
smoothies, for example, where you'll still get the nice fresh taste and
nutrients, but the mushy texture won't matter.

Can them now in a simple syrup (sugar and water) with flavorings such as
vanilla, bourbon or brandy to use with ice cream as a great dessert this

Make peach butter (like apple butter, but with peaches)cook them, spice
them with cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. and can them for a spread all year -round.

Make peach jam (similar to above, but without the spices and with the
possible addition of some pectin to make a more jelly-like consistency).

Dry them using a food dehydrator or your oven.

Make peach chutney and freeze or can it.

I've never been lucky enough to have a peach tree, but I used to do all of
the above with bushel baskets of peaches from the farmers' market.  It's
really not hard and it's so nice to have come winter.


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[Chat] A safe bike route from CV to Baltimore City College HS?

2010-06-23 Thread macnmum
I'm still a newbie here and my 17 year old son is coming back soon from a
year abroad.  He'll be taking a course at Baltimore City College HS this
summer and wants to bike there.   I'm pretty sure a direct route wouldn't be
advisable, but I'm wondering if anyone who's more familiar with
neighborhoods and streets between here and there can help us route him
safely to and from?   It doesn't matter if it adds a few miles to his
routehe wants the exercise.  (Though I don't know how long that will
last in the Baltimore heat!)

Any advice and help would be appreciated.

Melissa B
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[Chat] recommendations for maid service or cleaning person?

2010-04-11 Thread macnmum
I'm new to the area and am wondering if anyone can recommend a good cleaning
service or personlooking for someone to come in every other week or so,
vacuum, dust, clean bathrooms and kitchens, etc.

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