[freenet-chat] Cybercafes in China

2001-10-09 Thread Seth Johnson

(Forwarded from [EMAIL PROTECTED] list)

Seth Johnson
Committee for Independent Technology

 Original Message 
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 08:18:41 +0800
From: "Alan G. Alegre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Very interestingon different levels...

- Original Message - 
From: Michael Prosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 10:54 PM

Geoffrey Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I recently came across a statistic claiming there are an
>estimated 78,000 Chinese cybercafes (or wangba). I am
>interested in learning more about the development of this
>remarkably large "ecosystem".
>Is anybody aware of a good English-language resource on
>the development and present dynamics of the Chinese
>cybercafe industry?


I certainly don't know the answer to your broad question about internet
bars or cafes in China, but I am teaching this year in Yangzhou
University in Yangzhou, China, and am presently sitting in an internet
bar (as it is  called here) at the edge of campus at 10:45 PM. There are
approximately 50 stations and all are filled. Many of the students are
playing games, or watching movies as they have no TV in their dorms (and
we have 24,000 resident students).  Some are doing homework. As I move
around certain areas of Yangzhou from one campus where I live to another
campus where I teach, I certainly have seen several dozen internet bars,
and at certain times, most are filled. Those farther from campus have a
different sort of clientel, less educated, and more likely to play games
on the internet. In Yangzhou, we pay 2 yuan an hour (8.2 Y per US
dollar). I just asked a student who is a  regular here, and speaks some
English, who says that he thinks that there may be about 100 internet
bars in Yangzhou (a city of 4 million), but that the government controls
all internet bars and this limits the number of them. I also understand
from other sources that there are 100,000 internet police in China.

Recently, all of the English language internet services were "down" for
three days two weeks ago, and 2 days the following week. I have been
gone for a week so I don't know if they were down this past week too.
Information from the US indicates that probably the internet police were
scanning messages coming in, perhaps about terrorism, and this slowed
down or caused the English language services to be blocked for the days
that we couldn't get the service. US and British newspapers have been
accessible and then blocked, and some are open a couple of weeks and
then closed for a couple of weeks. The policy seems to be inconsistent.
Chinese language internet sources have not been affected. At the
university (7 campuses) each college or faculty has its own computer
rooms for students, typically filled during the day when they are open.
This adds more perhaps than the 100 mentioned above.

Michael Prosser

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The Internet and Democracy Across Asia: MAY 2001
Online Trends in Governance, Civil Society and Media
More information at:  http://www.e-democracy.org/do

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[freenet-chat] is 0.4 dead?

2001-10-09 Thread David McNab


I can't seem to retrieve anything on 0.4 today.
Not even the ever-reliable Snarfoo, GJ or CofE.

Is anyone else having any luck with 0.4?


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[freenet-chat] Re: License of ezFCPlib

2001-10-09 Thread David McNab

Hi Karl,

Thanks for your email

> if you turn ezFCPlib
> into GPL every program that is linked against it
> has to be released under GPL, too. (thinking of
> programs that are closed source at the moment)
> LGPL does avoid that problem.

Problem? What problem?
ezFCPlib was created initially as part of FreeWeb.
Since FreeWeb was created initially under GPL, then GPL also applies to

> It's not clear under which LICENSE ezFCPlib resides

In the source headers, it's clearly stated that ezFCPlib is GPL.
As you're probably aware, ezFCPlib source was recently relocated to the
Freenet project cvs, which is also GPL.

I did think about the licensing issues, and considered the LGPL option.
The conclusion I came up with was that the whole Freenet concept was
conceived in the spirit of truly free software, and integrity to that vision
needs to be upheld.

While some may feel that LGPL offers client writers more 'freedom', the only
extra 'freedom' is the ability to write non-free software
To me, that feels like writing a constitution for a new democratic
government, and writing in provisions enshrining the powers of a facist
government should people choose such (eg Germans voting in Hitler). The US
founding fathers tried hard to not allow this, and even they have largely

To me, an LGPL on ezFCPlib goes completely against the spirit of the Freenet
In fact, I (and others I'm sure) would seriously question the motivations of
anyone who would want to publish non-free Freenet software !

(But as the author of ezFCPlib, It remains my prerogative to issue an LGPL
license to anyone. If you *first* make a $50 million donation to the Freenet
project, and $5 million to me for my time, and persuade the RIAA, MPAA and
BSA to do the same annually, I'll 'consider your application' and get back
to you 'Real Soon Now'.)


- Original Message -
From: "Karl Dietz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 6:31 AM
Subject: License of ezFCPlib

> Hello David,
> just a suggestion that comes up from talking on
> IRC.
> It's not clear under which LICENSE ezFCPlib
> resides. FreeWEB is GPL, but if you turn ezFCPlib
> into GPL every program that is linked against it
> has to be released under GPL, too. (thinking of
> programs that are closed source at the moment)
> LGPL does avoid that problem.
> Regards, Karl

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