[freenet-chat] Free Dmitry Sklyarov!

2001-07-19 Thread Mr . Bad

Dmitry Sklyarov is a Russian programmer arrested by the FBI at Def Con
on July 16th after giving a talk on security holes in Adobe System's
eBook software. He's also the author of a piece of software that
allows legitimate purchasers of eBooks to exercise fair use rights,
like making backups of a file or reading it on an unsupported platform
(like Linux).

Dmitry was arrested under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act -- a US
law that does not apply in his native Russia -- for creating a
circumvention device. He's been held without bail and apparently is
out of contact of his family and friends in Russia.

The EFF is organizing protests against Sklyarov's arrest on Monday,
July 23, 2001 at US Federal buildings, embassies, and Adobe Systems
offices world-wide. If you're interested in participating, please
check this URL:


I think Freenet people know that liberty has technological
solutions. But we should also remember that there's offline actions
that need to be done, too. So please take a minute and do what you can
to help get Dmitry out of jail and back to his wife and family.

~Mr. Bad

P.S. Yes, I'm still working on 0.3-0.4 merge. B-)

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
   Besides a mathematical inclination, an exceptionally
good mastery of one's native tongue is the most vital
asset of a competent programmer. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra

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Re: [freenet-chat] The End Game From Microsoft. Really.

2001-06-28 Thread Mr . Bad

 SJ == Seth Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SJ The end game is upon us.  The apolitical BSD license is now
SJ being pitted directly against the GPL license, by M$ itself.

SJ It's so very sly.  Just think about it.  But if we see it
SJ right up, we *might* be able to counter it.  I don't know:

SJ http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2001/06/27/dotnet.html

So, I'm just having a really hard time giving a shit about this. Why
do I care about making software that works with Microsoft .NET? Why
would I actually want a Microsoft .NET common language thingy, or
c-sharp compiler, or (gag) ECMAScript compiler? Are you going to use
any of these things? I'm not going to use any of those things.

People who want to make GPL'd versions will be able to, without
recourse to Microsoft source code. Thus has been the Way of Free Men
since the dawn of Freedom. Beaujolais for them.

Does anyone really spend a lot of cycles on bogus proprietary
Microsoft standards?  Does anyone have a Free Visual Basic compiler? A
Free DCOM implementation?  I don't think they do, or even should.

Prediction: .NET is going to eat a shit pie (remember Blackbird?
Anybody?), and if a web of services is going to open up, it's going
to be based on open standards.

SJ Ask me what I mean, if you don't see what I'm saying.  I'm
SJ pissed and anxious as heck about this.

I guess I don't see what you mean. I'm no Microsoft apologist, but I
think people ascribe to Microsoft more deviously subtle motives than
are actually there. 

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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Re: [freenet-chat] Is freenet sick?

2001-06-24 Thread Mr . Bad

 h == heretic108  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

h Hi, After countless days of faultless operation, I'm unable to
h retrieve even the main sites like Snarfoo, GJ and Pigdog.

h Is this just the midnight GMT rush hour or is freenet perhaps
h a bit sick?

It could be your node, in particular. Are you on a Linux box? Try
running a script like this:


PORT=`grep ^listenPort= /etc/freenet/freenetrc | sed s/listenPort=//`

echo Keys: `grep ^Key= $STORE | wc -l`
echo Refs: `grep ^Ref= $STORE | wc -l`

echo Distribution:
grep ^Ref= $STORE | sort | uniq -c

(Yeah, Bash Experts, I know it's sloppy, but it's short and easy.)
This should give you an idea of how many addresses you have in your
data store and how well balanced it is.

If you don't have at least a handful of addresses, try restarting your
node so you pick up some new addresses from the inform database. Note
that this will only work about once per day, so don't toggle your node
up and down.

Also, if you just leave your node alone, it should get healthier over

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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[freenet-chat] Games Over Freenet

2001-06-21 Thread Mr . Bad

I think Brandon gets the Shithouse Crazy Award of the Year for all the
nutty stuff that's going over Freenet right now:


~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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Re: [freenet-chat] Reasonable use Issues.

2001-06-21 Thread Mr . Bad

 MJR == Mark J Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MJR Not much compared to the many uses thought-criminals have for
MJR anonymity.

I think you're totally wrong, man. As an American, I reserve a right
to privacy -- a right to say, None of your fuckin' business. I don't
care if it's my credit card data or my opinion about the 49ers, I
expect to be able to keep what I want private, and to communicate what
I want to other people without snooping eyes getting all nosy.

Even people whose ideas are illegal aren't necessarily evil
themselves. The fact is that many of the people whose ideas have
shaped our world were persecuted for their beliefs in their own
time. These aren't perverts, terrorists, or serial killers -- they
were labor advocates, philosophers, feminists, scientists.

There is -plenty- of use for anonymity for those who may not be
thought criminals in the eyes of the law. For example, people with
unpopular political, sexual, or religious beliefs/practices can use
anonymity to express their ideas without putting themselves at social
or even physical risk.

It'd be interesting to make a list of famous people who published
works anonymously or pseudonymously in the past. I can think of a
couple right off:

- Ben Franklin
- L.L. Zamenhof
- The Marquis de Sade
- Lenin
- Deep Throat (from Watergate)
- Joe Klein (Primary Colors)

Obviously, pseudonyms have been a majorly important part of computer
culture for years and years. BBS handles, AOL screen names, login IDs,
etc. People get up in arms when even their basic personal information
is leaked from Web sites to marketers or law enforcement.

Of course, anyone who uses a handle is a big loser. But still.

It'd probably be worth mentioning the most famous anonymous,
Alcoholics Anonymous. People in AA don't give out last names, because
of the stigma attached to alcoholism. These aren't bomb-throwers and
pedophiles -- they're just people who need to talk to each other but
don't want their life ruined by being branded the town drunk.

As to crypto: Hooke's law was initially published as a cryptogram, and
not discovered for several years later. Leonardo Davinci kept all his
notes in cyphertext. Any other science published anonymously,
pseudonymously, cryptographically? I dunno.

Hmm... trying to think of other sympathetic historical figures who
communicated anonymously. The Underground Railroad?

It might be cool to have a page on FreenetProject.org that talks about
why anonymity is important.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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Re: [freenet-chat] CNet article today

2001-06-19 Thread Mr . Bad

 SH == Stuart Horner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SH More press for freenet on CNet.
SH http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1005-200-6312714.html?tag=tp_pr

SH and they link to the freenet donations page!

SH Maybe we'll be able to keep Oskar on for another month because
SH of this article?

Jeez, man, I gotta say that I really hate some of the coverage of
Oskar getting hired by FPI. I mean, sure, he's not making that much
moolah, but he's doing what's essentially non-profit charity work for
an excellent cause. They make it sound like he's a complete fucking
idiot for taking the job, and that FPI is some kind of slum-lord

I mean, have you ever seen a story on Medicins San Frontieres titled,
Idiot Doctor Works For Free In War Zone Instead of Doing Nose Jobs
Playing Golf? 

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Node Gravity

2001-06-19 Thread Mr . Bad

 m == moritz  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

m it's the keyspace initially assigned to your node, but after
m long times of operation it might change (or: what prevents it
m from changeing?)

Nothing. But that doesn't mean that the initial values you add in
aren't worthwhile at all. They're probably good indicators for how
your routing -should- go. At the very least, you have a new address to
pick up stray items that don't match to any other known nodes.

Me Do you actually run a node? Permanent? Non-transient?

m had, back in 0.2 days.  only playinw w/ it for few hours
m (permanent connection too expensive).

Oh, you've run a node for a few hours, eh? An 0.2 node?

m it got new references, yes.

Really, now? And that kept your routing working well over those few
hours? Beaujolais for you, laddy!

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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Re: [freenet-chat] Has anyone else noticed?

2001-06-18 Thread Mr . Bad

 ST == Stephen Tidey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

ST That there seems to be one node on the network that is
ST providing most of the files requested?  It's just my paranoia
ST kicking in but what gives, I thought the caching was supposed
ST to move the data around not collect it all in one place?

This is actually a characteristic of Freenet nodes and Freenet
routing. It doesn't have anything to do with one node 0wning all of
the network, not to worry.

You should see these stats go up and down over time, as your node
adapts to the network around it.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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Re: [freenet-chat] htl=1 vulnerability for KSKs.

2001-06-18 Thread Mr . Bad

 SH == Stuart Horner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SH I'm sure it's been discussed before, but would you mind
SH posting (or pointing to) a refresh of what the vulnerability
SH is for KSKs?

If I know a particular KSK, I can false data with that same key into
any node that hasn't seen it before by setting HTL=1.

I believe the inform.php stuff only limits you to getting the same IPs
once per day. Personally, I don't like it. I think it makes Freenet
unreliable, and I don't think it's actually preserving anyone's
privacy or anonymity. 

BUT, I recommend that people talk to their friends and colleagues who
have Freenet nodes and add those people's node addresses to your
nodes.config file. Having reliable node addresses in your
nodes.config is the best way to get good performance and reliability
out of Freenet.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Node Gravity

2001-06-18 Thread Mr . Bad

 JT == Jay Tamboli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1) Restart your node each day to get more addresses

JT This is the first I've heard of the advantage of restarting
JT your node.  Is this actually good for it?

No, I just made that up because I'm a big jerk.

Restarting your node means you re-hit the inform.php, which means you
get 10 more new, fresh node addresses to use. This is good for your

JT If so, can it be set to restart itself every 24 hours?

The Debian package restarts every 24 hours. It's actually possible to
write something within the node software itself so it re-reads
inform.php on a daily basis, but I don't think anyone's doing that
right now.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Node Gravity

2001-06-18 Thread Mr . Bad

 m == moritz  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Restarting your node means you re-hit the inform.php, which
 means you get 10 more new, fresh

m not very useful, since you have no associated keys

You know, I prefer when people correct me that they actually know what
they're talking about.

Think about what you said for a second. If it's true, and new
addresses added into your data store have no associated keys (so they
can't be routed to), how do nodes ever get ANY routing information to
begin with? How do they ever find addresses to connect to? What is the
use of inform.php or nodes.config at all?

The deal is that when your node launches, and reads nodes.config
and/or inform.php, it actually DOES add key-address pairs to the data
store. The keys it adds are just the address itself. So, it munges up
the string tcp/ into a big, hairy internal key, and
then maps that key to the address tcp/ That way, you
have some dummy seed keys that can be used for comparison and

See, watch how it works:

try {
String nodeFile = params.getParam(nodeFile, defaultNodeFile);
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new FileReader(nodeFile));
Key tname;
SHA1 sha=new SHA1(true);
while(br.ready()) {
String addrstr=br.readLine();
if(!addrstr.equals()) {
tname = KHK.makeKHK(addrstr);
at.put(addrstr, tname);
} catch(IOException e) {}

Enumeration iterator = at.keys();
while(iterator.hasMoreElements()) {
String addr=(String)iterator.nextElement();
try {
n.ds.put((Key)at.get(addr), new NodeReference(addr), null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Core.logger.log(null, Bad node reference read from 
+ datastore initialization file.,
}catch(Exception e) {

Since these aren't legal Freenet keys, they won't actually be used to
store data (note the null data entity). They're just little nuggets of
routing table data that allow the node to remember some addresses.

 node addresses to use. This is good for your node.

m medoubts


~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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Re: [freenet-chat] Welcome To The Best

2001-06-16 Thread Mr . Bad

 AL == Adam Langley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 P.S. -Could- be another Scott G. Miller, but what are the

AL No, it's our dear Scott and Serapis is based on it

Did you click the link?

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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Re: [freenet-chat] OS holy wars (was: Nostalgia (moved from devl))

2001-06-14 Thread Mr . Bad

 DM == David McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DM Right you are.  But...  I'd be paying a lot more again for
DM hardware that fits into Linux's limited range of drivers.

Hey, you're paying more in Freedom, man. And that shit don't come

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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[freenet-chat] Pigdog Journal No Longer A Threat to Your Anonymity

2001-06-10 Thread Mr . Bad

Hey, so, after much regexp wrangling and keelhauling and scripting and
substitution, I think I've finally been able to scrub the last of the
external links from Pigdog Journal in Freenet.

The result really isn't that big a deal (link hrefs now follow link
text in a little parenthesized ghetto that you have to cut-and-paste
from to actually follow the link, and embedded images show a clear
.gif), but it now stops the anonymity filter from complaining.

So, everyone who was in desperate feer that Pigdog Journal wanted to
crawl up your ass and steal your credit card number, FEER NO MORE!

And to all Freenet Web site owners who've relegated PDJ to the hybrid
site ghetto, I expect FRONT PAGE COVERAGE. Goddamnit, PDJ's been
publishing non-stop on Freenet for longer than any other site. Bar
none! So please give us our rightful place in the fine family of

Oh, yeah, PDJ's at:


The new, precious-anonymity-preserving version should be up midnight

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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[freenet-chat] Flea In Your Ear

2001-06-08 Thread Mr . Bad

Hey, so, when is some clever fellow (or group of fellows) going to
start managing something like ORBS through Freenet?


Considering that the data is currently available:


...but may not be for long.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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[freenet-chat] Freenet's Favorite Valley Girl

2001-06-08 Thread Mr . Bad

Jesus, man! What are they going to do to OSKAR when he gets in front
of the press?


(Got that link one off that there Snarfoo site.) Beaujolais for
Brandon, teen heartthrob with the dew drop eyes! Hell, I think they
should have put this one in Tiger Beat.

Now that I think about it, maybe they should put -all- the Freenet
developers in Tiger Beat. Who's The Most Scrumptious - Oskar, Ian,
Scott or Brandon? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Your description of coffee is how you interpret Sex.
  -- Personality Quiz chain letter

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Re: [freenet-chat] CVS Sourceforge question

2001-06-01 Thread Mr . Bad

 DM == David McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Did you try -P (prune empty dirs)?
DM Yes - but the empty dirs are not being deleted from the SF
DM repository

The answer is: don't do that.

It's part of how CVS works. So just use -P.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
  Cetere, Kartago estas detruenda.

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] fist-fucking!!

2001-05-31 Thread Mr . Bad

 X == Xuxa  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

X horny sexy kinky amateurs Xena boys girls 

Ha! Why would I need this, if I have Freenet?

~Mr. Bad
(glad that WINE doesn't work on my Linux box)


 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
  Cetere, Kartago estas detruenda.

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Yet another damn 'permanence' proposal

2001-05-18 Thread Mr . Bad

 DM == David McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DM OK - I *do* know that the whole Freenet architecture is
DM dependent on ephemeral storage, and the ability of nodes to
DM purge older less popular files.

DM But an idea came to me for how *some* files could be kept
DM available permanently.


~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

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Re: [freenet-chat] Which is why . . .

2001-05-14 Thread Mr . Bad

 SB == Stephen Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SB Only civilised people are against the death penalty.

That's not true. *I* am against the death penalty.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

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[freenet-chat] Never Ceases to Amaze Me...

2001-05-07 Thread Mr . Bad

...what gets on Slashdot about Freenet:


FreeSQL seems like a cool project and all, no mistake. It's got to be
the most ambitious application built on Freenet so far
(notwithstanding the IRC program -- you can drop a chat message, but
you can't drop a data update!).

But anyone whose built anything on Freenet has got to boggle at the
very idea. Can it actually happen? I dunno, but hats off to FreeSQL!

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

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Re: [freenet-chat] Best flavour of Linux?

2001-05-06 Thread Mr . Bad

 GW == Greg Wooledge [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Me The Freenet package is part of Debian now

GW Version  The newest version of Freenet isn't packaged
GW yet.

Grrr. d00d, cut me some slack. How many other .deb's get out even the
week of the release, much less 3-4 days afterwards? Criminy.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Remuneration for artists via Freenet...etc.

2001-05-06 Thread Mr . Bad

 DM == David McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 These posts are on public record and could be admissible in

DM And (in case I need to clarify) that is *not* a threat from
DM me. I would never initiate or cooperate in any action against
DM any Freenet developer or supporter.

DM What I'm saying is that these posts contain email headers. In
DM sending messages to Freenet mailing lists, one may as well put
DM the message in the New York Times public notices section,
DM complete with one's name and address.

No, I absolutely completely agree.

Let me be more clear: what I mean to express is my personal
opinion. That opinion is as follows: a) Nobody owes artists a
living. b) The best art is DIY and almost always goes without
payment. c) I feel no personal or moral obligation to support a
corrupt, criminal* organization like the entertainment business.

Also, 1) I don't speak for Freenet, 2) The aim of Freenet is to
prevent censorship of online publishing and NOT to distribute free
music/images/movies, and 3) (my ultimate point) the aim of Freenet --
a digital world that preserves essential civil rights -- is in my mind
far more important than the profits of entertainment conglomerates.

Lastly: (and more to the original point) I don't think it's the
responsibility of Freenet to figure out a way to bail out
artists. IN PARTICULAR, I resent once again the implication that
Freenet is somehow unfair to musicians and it's somehow our job to
develop an ancillary way to pay them.

Freenet is not about sharing music. It's about publishing. We don't,
and shouldn't, have mechanisms for tipping musicians built into
Freenet, just as we don't have a word processor or Egyptian barley tax
calculation program built into Freenet. It's not what we're for, it's
not what we do.

As for ways for artists to continue surviving while making art: the
vast majority of artists already have a way to do this. It's called a
DAY JOB. Personally, I think the de-professionalization of art and
music will make for a lower barrier to entry, and therefore a broader
base of musicians and artists, and therefore MORE MUSIC and ART.

If people feel driven to give money to improve and increase the arts
-- which, like, how could that be a bad thing? -- here are some
alternate suggestions besides some over-complicated digital hoohaw:

* There are innumerable arts organizations in existence that
  give grants to artists. Most are losing federal and state
  funding. Give them your money.

* Donate to your local public school system's music
  program. Many public schools across America have cut back or
  eliminated their music, art and/or theater programs for lack
  of funds -- this is much more of a threat to America's
  artistic life and heritage than any copyright violation
  could ever be.

* Go see local bands -- especially at cooperatively-owned
  alternative venues.

* Go to raves -- especially ones thrown by rave collectives,
  which are usually the best anyways.

* Buy zines.

* Buy something tangible and non-digitizable, like a
  sculpture or a painting.

* Start a band.

* Make a mural.

* Write a novel.

The thing is, there's so many other threats to good art, music, and
culture, that we should be spending our time worrying about those, and
not just a few traded files.

~Mr. Bad

* That's not an empty accusation -- the Big 5 record companies have
  settled with the Feds, accepting responsibility for collusion and
  price-fixing. That's a crime -- worth billions of dollars. Last I
  checked, there were numerous state lawsuits against the record
  companies, too.

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Remuneration for artists via Freenet...etc.

2001-05-06 Thread Mr . Bad

 TB == Travis Bemann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TB Look - what we need to do is to destroy the entire capitalist
TB system, not to just copy copyrighted media and pay musicians
TB anonymously.

Do you have some user interface ideas?

I'm thinking one big button:

| | ||
| |  Destroy Capitalist System  ||
| | ||

...right in the middle of Fred.

Of course, for those who prefer command-line syntax,

freenet_destroy -what Capitalist System -how-much entire

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Question: FCP Connection/Thread Limit

2001-05-05 Thread Mr . Bad

 LH == Leo Howell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LH His name is Rob. Check out one of the early ( = 100 ) posts
LH in the feedback section.

No, I'm well aware of what his given name is, I'm just saying he needs
a handle.

You, too, for that matter. B-)

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] Question: FCP Connection/Thread Limit

2001-05-04 Thread Mr . Bad

 B == Bad  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

B My thought is that for every thread that you start on the
B client side to get something done, you're going to have 2 or
B more threads on the node side handling that connection. Threads
B are resources, they take up computational time (and usually
B memory space), and the more you have going, the sooner you're
B going to choke your machine.

I forgot to mention that I have had problems with freenetmirror
getting over 10-15 client threads going at a time. This is with a
fairly decent computer for hefty compilations -- 1GHz Athlon, 512Mb

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

Chat mailing list

[freenet-chat] Re: [freenet-devl] JRE License

2001-05-02 Thread Mr . Bad

 B == Brandon  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Me Not to mention that it's distasteful from an information
Me freedom perspective. Here we have Freenet, which enables one to
Me redistribute stuff far and wide, but we're asking users not to
Me distribute the program itself? Seems kind of lame.

B All of the legalese stuff I agree is something that needs to be
B looked into and figured out.

B However, I disagree with the point that we can't distribute
B Sun's JRE for political-sociological-institutional consistency
B reasons. First of all, *we* are not asking them not to
B distribute the JRE, we are telling them that the JRE is
B convered by Sun's licensing and *Sun* is telling them that they
B can't redistribute it and we are letting them know this.

I think that's a fair point. One thing to mention, though, is that the
JRE license that I posted the link to (and will again:


) is not actually between Fred users and Sun, but between the
developers (us) and Sun. I have like zero idea what the deal between
the end user and Sun is.

B A couple more points. First of all, obviously server apps don't
B bundle a JRE so they make bad examples. Only programs intended
B for users with low computer skills would bundle a JRE.

Good point.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage  -- Ben Franklin

Chat mailing list

Re: [freenet-chat] new mailing list

2001-04-20 Thread Mr . Bad

 "TC" == Tavin Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

TC I also propose the creation of a low-volume moderated list,

pleaz cc me with the pr0n annonce as i m not on this news group..

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 "Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage"  -- Ben Franklin

Chat mailing list