[freenet-chat] self description

2002-01-11 Thread coderman
krepta at juno.com wrote:
> ...
> I haven't had a job in over 5 years, and every interview I've had went
> down the drain the moment I mentioned either my knees, ADD, or both.

do NOT mention ADD, your knees, your faith, or any other non technical
related aspect of your life in a job interview.  Just a tip for future
reference.  They can't legally ask you about those kinds of things,
and it is a very, very good idea to keep them to yourself.

> ...  I believe in GOD and Jesus Christ and the Holy
> Ghost, and ghosts in general, and angels and stuff.  But I also believe
> in the Big Bang and Evolution theories.  My parents don't like this, they
> swear completely by the Bible and think I'm nuts for believing the BB and
> E.  So, I guess I'm a very strange, very intelligent person who also
> happens to be disabled.

My only comment is that the LDS environment and teachings make it very
hard to separate the good done in a community environment with the skewed
one sided representation of the church history and doctrine.

If you really want to tweak your parents and satisfy your curiosity, read
about Dr. Michael Quinn, who was a history professor at BYU.  He was one
of the few who had access to the LDS archives, and was a leading researcher
on LDS history.


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Re: [freenet-chat] anarchists in america

2001-10-19 Thread coderman

martin chao wrote:
> Perhaps you don't respect my freedom of speech?
> Don't worry, I've got all the research I need for
> freenet.
> Funny how this is the only extreme philosophy in the
> peer to peer arena. I wonder how successful it will
> be? I'm sure corporations and service providers have a
> lot of use for a technology which supports breaking
> the law.

Do you work for the RIAA?  MPAA?

If extreme philosophy is the unhibited transfer of
digital information, then there are numerous projects
which fall under that category.

You cannot control the flow of digital information in
large peer networks without totalitarion control over
every router/switch and fool proof identity at the

At one point it was illegal to sell alcohol.  At one
point it was illegal for a black to sit in the front
of a bus.

Laws are not a 'GREAT TRUTH' that must be obeyed
without question.  They are human contructs tainted
by human flaws.

Copyright in digital networks is a non issue.  You
cannot control the flow of digital information in
peer networks.

Peer networks are not about corporations or 
governments.  They are about individuals.  The
corporations and governments will not like peer
networks because they invert traditional power

Finally, I dont know where you got the idea that
all of us love child porn, or think copyright is
a violation of free speach.  You are taking extreme
statements and applying them to a whole group.

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Re: [freenet-chat] Interesting post on /.

2001-09-15 Thread coderman

Jim Carrico wrote:
> Osama bin Laden comes home to roost: http://www.msnbc.com/news/190144.asp
> Salon article on "blowback":
> http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2001/09/12/blowback/
> there's no mention of this in any mainstream media - I guess it must
> be 'unpatriotic' to criticize anything that the US gov. does, has
> done, or will do.  

I dont think thats true.  A good many people already knew about CIA training
islamic militants to fight communist powers in Afgh.  Its simply old news.
Even the movie 'The Seige' or something like that covered the topic in detail.

But for most americans, they probably dont care.

> That means, when W announces that
> encrypted/anonymous communications are to blame for the disaster,
> there will be no rebutal or critique in the media - and running a
> freenet node will very quickly be equated with 'harbouring terrorism'.

Yup.  And I dont know about you, but even being 'suspected' of running
a service that aided terrorist communications (whether or not it is true)
is not a situation I would like to be in.  Confiscated computer equipment
is almost never returned (maybe 2 years later) and a few nights in the clink
isnt much fun either.

> already people are shutting down remailers, ISPs are installing
> carnivore - and I have a hunch that the SSSCA will sail through
> congress without debate...

The SSSCA is something entirely different, and I doubt it will sail through.
It has far to wide reaching impact, such as making it illegal to attach a
computer without DRM controls to the internat, or internal school networks, etc.

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