Re: [freenet-chat] Re: [Tech] Crazy idea: How trust in darknets enables secure democratic censorship

2005-07-13 Thread Anonymous Remailer

Hash: RIPEMD160

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 20:58:13 -0500, you wrote:
> Dont implement this. I dont like CP, but once you start down the
> slippery slope, there's no going back.
> my $.02

Exactly my point!

As a matter of fact, How about implementing something very much 
the reverse?

Make censorship of ANY kind as close to impossible as can be 

The same goes for ANY kind of ability to trace back to the 
insertion point or identify an author (excepting of course any 
clues or slipups on the author / inserter's part, that's their 

and then make sure that freenet will work if the connections to 
and from it are piped through an anonymizing proxy such as TOR.

- --
My gpg public key (0x92769D7E) can be found on my freesite:
http://127.00.1:/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mytwoce
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[freenet-chat] "TOR" and 'onion routing'?

2004-08-16 Thread Anonymous Remailer

is this something that freenet can incorporate or use ideas / concepts

for that matter, is it something that can possibly be trusted given that
the us navy is behind the development of it?

it looks like some kind of 'remailer for tcp' setup, is that right or am i
being overly simplistic?

or am i just plain wrong?

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Re: [freenet-chat] censoring freenet?! not in THIS universe!

2004-08-16 Thread Anonymous Remailer

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Toad
>On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 10:34:09PM -0400, An Metet wrote:
>> I think that previous suggestions should be implemented:
>> Additional layering of encryption to handle keys in local datastore.
>> make it so that it is 'unreasonable effort'(as in mathematically almost
>> impossible) for anyone including developers to determine what is in local
>> store of any one node.
>That's mathematically impossible. If the node knows what's in the store
>(and it needs to to function), then the operator can find out. The only
>workaround is for the store to be wiped on every startup using an
>ephemeral key. The cost of this in terms of data longevity means that
>it's probably not a preferable option.

allright, fair enough.  i'm willing to admit that i don't know a whole lot
of what i'm talking about technically speaking, and it's obvious now.

however, i still believe that there must be *some* recourse that can be
taken.  some means of handling data, keys etc so that it becomes not just
an 'unreasonable effort', but so that it becomes bloody well all but
impossible for all but those few who are intimately involved with the
design/coding/technical aspect of freenet to even have a chance of being
capable of complying with any demand to censor freenet content.

i dont personally agree with or like a lot of what i've found on freenet,
but i believe patrick henry or one of his contemporaries said something to
the effect of "i may not like what you say, but i'll defend to the death
you're right to say it."

this to me is what freenet is all about.  preservation of that freedom of
speech.  something that the usa used to hold dear and is now giving up left
and right.  i dont like soandso's piracy, i dont like joe schmoe's kp
collections, but rather than allow any hindering of my freedom of speech i
will defend both and their right to privacy, free speech, and expressing
who they are, what they like, what they believe in. and so on.  i'm not
interested in anarchy, but i'm even less interested in some snotwad govt
agency telling me what i can and cannot say... regardless of the medium be
it freenet or preaching on a street corner.

the reason i got involved with freenet at all is because of this very
thing.  i see freenet as possibly the last champion of the right of free
expression in the modern world and we cannot, we DARE not allow it to be
compromised by police states, big brother wannabes, or some self righteous
(or even well meaning) individual or court or legislative body to tell us
that x content is illegal and must be removed.

therefore freenet developers have a hell of a job to do and i hope, i
believe, that they are up to it... and that is to work out a means to
preserve that freedom and the anonymity of freenet.

long live freenet

long live the ideals of free speech.

and if that means hosting pirate music, warez, kiddie porn, or whatever
else then so be it as long as the important things are preserved in the

we have the technology

we have the BRAINS

we can have the ultimate tool for privacy, anonymity, and free expression
in freenet if only we use both to the fullest extent possible.

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