>>>>> "B" == Brandon  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Me> Not to mention that it's distasteful from an information
    Me> freedom perspective. Here we have Freenet, which enables one to
    Me> redistribute stuff far and wide, but we're asking users not to
    Me> distribute the program itself? Seems kind of lame.

    B> All of the legalese stuff I agree is something that needs to be
    B> looked into and figured out.

    B> However, I disagree with the point that we can't distribute
    B> Sun's JRE for political-sociological-institutional consistency
    B> reasons. First of all, *we* are not asking them not to
    B> distribute the JRE, we are telling them that the JRE is
    B> convered by Sun's licensing and *Sun* is telling them that they
    B> can't redistribute it and we are letting them know this.

I think that's a fair point. One thing to mention, though, is that the
JRE license that I posted the link to (and will again:


) is not actually between Fred users and Sun, but between the
developers (us) and Sun. I have like zero idea what the deal between
the end user and Sun is.

    B> A couple more points. First of all, obviously server apps don't
    B> bundle a JRE so they make bad examples. Only programs intended
    B> for users with low computer skills would bundle a JRE.

Good point.

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
 "Statements like this give the impression that this article was
  written by a madman in a drug induced rage"  -- Ben Franklin

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