Changeset: 08124a306ac1 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Oct2020
Log Message:

Undo my previous sqlancer fixes. Fixed regression for semijoin by disabling 
can_push_func on projections for now

diffs (187 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/rel_bin.c
@@ -2516,8 +2516,6 @@ rel2bin_antijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *r
        return stmt_list(be, l);
-#define complex_join_expression(e) (exp_has_func(e) && (e)->flag != 
cmp_filter) || (e)->flag == cmp_or || ((e)->f && (e)->anti)
 static stmt *
 rel2bin_semijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *rel, list *refs)
@@ -2562,7 +2560,7 @@ rel2bin_semijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *r
                        int idx = 0, equality_only = 1;
                        jexps = get_equi_joins_first(sql, jexps, 
-                       if (!equality_only || list_length(jexps) > 1 || 
+                       if (!equality_only || list_length(jexps) > 1 || 
                                left = subrel_project(be, left, refs, rel->l);
                        right = subrel_project(be, right, refs, rel->r);
@@ -2572,7 +2570,7 @@ rel2bin_semijoin(backend *be, sql_rel *r
                                stmt *s = NULL;
                                /* only handle simple joins here */
-                               if (complex_join_expression(e)) {
+                               if ((exp_has_func(e) && e->flag != cmp_filter) 
|| e->flag == cmp_or || (e->f && e->anti)) {
                                        if (!join && !list_length(lje)) {
                                                stmt *l = bin_first_column(be, 
                                                stmt *r = bin_first_column(be, 
diff --git a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
--- a/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
+++ b/sql/server/rel_optimizer.c
@@ -1350,16 +1350,16 @@ can_push_func(sql_exp *e, sql_rel *rel, 
        switch(e->type) {
        case e_cmp: {
+               int mustl = 0, mustr = 0, mustf = 0;
                sql_exp *l = e->l, *r = e->r, *f = e->f;
-               int res = 1, lmust = 0;
-               if (e->flag == cmp_or || e->flag == cmp_in || e->flag == 
cmp_notin || e->flag == cmp_filter)
+               if (is_project(rel->op) || e->flag == cmp_or || e->flag == 
cmp_in || e->flag == cmp_notin || e->flag == cmp_filter)
                        return 0;
-               res = can_push_func(l, rel, &lmust) && can_push_func(r, rel, 
&lmust) && (!f || can_push_func(f, rel, &lmust));
-               if (res && !lmust)
-                       return 1;
-               (*must) |= lmust;
-               return res;
+               return ((l->type == e_column || can_push_func(l, rel, &mustl)) 
&& (*must = mustl)) ||
+                               (!f && (r->type == e_column || can_push_func(r, 
rel, &mustr)) && (*must = mustr)) ||
+                       (f &&
+                               (r->type == e_column || can_push_func(r, rel, 
&mustr)) &&
+                       (f->type == e_column || can_push_func(f, rel, &mustf)) 
&& (*must = (mustr || mustf)));
        case e_convert:
                return can_push_func(e->l, rel, must);
@@ -1378,8 +1378,7 @@ can_push_func(sql_exp *e, sql_rel *rel, 
                return res;
        case e_column:
-                /* aliases cannot be bound on the same level, ie same 
projection */
-               if ((exp_name(e) && !has_label(e)) || (rel && 
!rel_find_exp(rel, e)))
+               if (rel && !rel_find_exp(rel, e))
                        return 0;
                (*must) = 1;
                /* fall through */
diff --git a/sql/test/bugs/Tests/rtrim_bug.sql 
--- a/sql/test/bugs/Tests/rtrim_bug.sql
+++ b/sql/test/bugs/Tests/rtrim_bug.sql
@@ -12,6 +12,24 @@ SELECT length("m") as data_length, "m" a
 CREATE VIEW v2 as select "m" from t1 where rtrim(m) in (select rtrim(m) from 
+PLAN SELECT length("m") as data_length, "m" as data_value FROM "sys"."v2" 
WHERE "m" IS NOT NULL AND length("m") > 1;
+set optimizer = 'sequential_pipe';
+create procedure profiler.starttrace() external name profiler."starttrace";
+create procedure profiler.stoptrace() external name profiler.stoptrace;
+call profiler."starttrace"();
+SELECT length("m") as data_length, "m" as data_value FROM "sys"."v2" WHERE "m" 
IS NOT NULL AND length("m") > 1;
+call profiler.stoptrace();
+select count(*) from sys.tracelog() where stmt like '% algebra.crossproduct%'; 
-- don't do crossjoin
+select count(*) from sys.tracelog() where stmt like '% algebra.join%'; -- do 
inner join
+drop procedure profiler.starttrace();
+drop procedure profiler.stoptrace();
+set optimizer = 'default_pipe';
 SELECT length("m") as data_length, "m" as data_value FROM "sys"."v2" WHERE "m" 
IS NOT NULL AND length("m") > 1;
 -- 2 rows returned !! should be 0 rows as with v1 !!
 -- This query produces wrong results!!
diff --git a/sql/test/bugs/Tests/rtrim_bug.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/bugs/Tests/rtrim_bug.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/bugs/Tests/rtrim_bug.stable.out
@@ -43,6 +43,48 @@ stdout of test 'rtrim_bug` in directory 
 % 1 # length
 [ "0"  ]
 [ "2"  ]
+#PLAN SELECT length("m") as data_length, "m" as data_value FROM "sys"."v2" 
WHERE "m" IS NOT NULL AND length("m") > 1;
+% .plan # table_name
+% rel # name
+% clob # type
+% 112 # length
+project (
+| semijoin (
+| | project (
+| | | select (
+| | | | table("sys"."t1") [ "t1"."m" NOT NULL ] COUNT 
+| | | ) [ "sys"."length"("t1"."m" NOT NULL) NOT NULL > int "1" ]
+| | ) [ "t1"."m" NOT NULL, "sys"."rtrim"("t1"."m" NOT NULL) NOT NULL as 
"%5"."%5" ],
+| | project (
+| | | project (
+| | | | table("sys"."t1") [ "t1"."m" NOT NULL ] COUNT 
+| | | ) [ "sys"."rtrim"("t1"."m" NOT NULL) NOT NULL as "%1"."%1" ]
+| | ) [ "%1"."%1" NOT NULL as "%4"."%4" ]
+| ) [ "%5"."%5" NOT NULL any = "%4"."%4" NOT NULL ]
+) [ "sys"."length"("t1"."m" NOT NULL as "v2"."m") NOT NULL as "data_length", 
"t1"."m" NOT NULL as "data_value" ]
+#set optimizer = 'sequential_pipe';
+#create procedure profiler.starttrace() external name profiler."starttrace";
+#create procedure profiler.stoptrace() external name profiler.stoptrace;
+#SELECT length("m") as data_length, "m" as data_value FROM "sys"."v2" WHERE 
"m" IS NOT NULL AND length("m") > 1;
+% sys.,        sys. # table_name
+% data_length, data_value # name
+% int, varchar # type
+% 1,   0 # length
+#select count(*) from sys.tracelog() where stmt like '% 
algebra.crossproduct%'; -- don't do crossjoin
+% .%2 # table_name
+% %2 # name
+% bigint # type
+% 1 # length
+[ 0    ]
+#select count(*) from sys.tracelog() where stmt like '% algebra.join%'; -- do 
inner join
+% .%2 # table_name
+% %2 # name
+% bigint # type
+% 1 # length
+[ 1    ]
+#drop procedure profiler.starttrace();
+#drop procedure profiler.stoptrace();
+#set optimizer = 'default_pipe';
 #SELECT length("m") as data_length, "m" as data_value FROM "sys"."v2" WHERE 
"m" IS NOT NULL AND length("m") > 1;
 % sys.,        sys. # table_name
 % data_length, data_value # name
diff --git a/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/simple_plans.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/simple_plans.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/miscellaneous/Tests/simple_plans.stable.out
@@ -252,23 +252,23 @@ end user.main;
 % clob # type
 % 177 # length
 function user.main():void;
-    X_1:void := querylog.define("explain select 1 from another_t t1 inner join 
another_t t2 on t1.col1 between t2.col1 - 1 and t2.col1 + 1;":str, 
"sequential_pipe":str, 27:int);
-    X_41:bat[:str] := bat.pack(".%1":str);
-    X_42:bat[:str] := bat.pack("%1":str);
-    X_43:bat[:str] := bat.pack("tinyint":str);
-    X_44:bat[:int] := bat.pack(1:int);
-    X_45:bat[:int] := bat.pack(0:int);
+    X_1:void := querylog.define("explain select 1 from another_t t1 inner join 
another_t t2 on t1.col1 between t2.col1 - 1 and t2.col1 + 1;":str, 
"sequential_pipe":str, 29:int);
+    X_43:bat[:str] := bat.pack(".%3":str);
+    X_44:bat[:str] := bat.pack("%3":str);
+    X_45:bat[:str] := bat.pack("tinyint":str);
+    X_46:bat[:int] := bat.pack(1:int);
+    X_47:bat[:int] := bat.pack(0:int);
     X_4:int := sql.mvc();
     C_5:bat[:oid] := sql.tid(X_4:int, "sys":str, "another_t":str);
     X_8:bat[:int] := sql.bind(X_4:int, "sys":str, "another_t":str, "col1":str, 
     X_13:bat[:int] := algebra.projection(C_5:bat[:oid], X_8:bat[:int]);
-    X_15:bat[:lng] := batcalc.lng(X_13:bat[:int]);
-    X_19:bat[:lng] := batcalc.-(X_15:bat[:lng], 1:lng, nil:BAT);
-    X_24:bat[:lng] := batcalc.+(X_15:bat[:lng], 1:lng, nil:BAT);
-    X_26:bat[:oid] := algebra.rangejoin(X_15:bat[:lng], X_19:bat[:lng], 
X_24:bat[:lng], nil:BAT, nil:BAT, true:bit, true:bit, false:bit, false:bit, 
+    X_14:bat[:lng] := batcalc.lng(X_13:bat[:int]);
+    X_17:bat[:lng] := batcalc.-(X_14:bat[:lng], 1:lng, nil:BAT);
+    X_22:bat[:lng] := batcalc.+(X_14:bat[:lng], 1:lng, nil:BAT);
+    X_26:bat[:oid] := algebra.rangejoin(X_14:bat[:lng], X_17:bat[:lng], 
X_22:bat[:lng], nil:BAT, nil:BAT, true:bit, true:bit, false:bit, false:bit, 
     X_35:bat[:int] := algebra.projection(X_26:bat[:oid], X_13:bat[:int]);
-    X_39:bat[:bte] := algebra.project(X_35:bat[:int], 1:bte);
-    sql.resultSet(X_41:bat[:str], X_42:bat[:str], X_43:bat[:str], 
X_44:bat[:int], X_45:bat[:int], X_39:bat[:bte]);
+    X_41:bat[:bte] := algebra.project(X_35:bat[:int], 1:bte);
+    sql.resultSet(X_43:bat[:str], X_44:bat[:str], X_45:bat[:str], 
X_46:bat[:int], X_47:bat[:int], X_41:bat[:bte]);
 end user.main;
 #inline               actions= 0 time=1 usec 
 #remap                actions= 2 time=106 usec 
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