As a years ago single parent, I hope your parents are proud of you.
In fact I get the feeling that you might have more common sense than a lot of 
Dysfunctional 2 year old s (Commonly called Spoiled Brat Syndrome)in America. We have 
a Bunch of them in the White House right now.
I still did not find any answers to my ? Back window 72 Malibu (Glue or Gasquet?  
Again thank you for just being what Indians call a HUMAN BEING.

--- Begin Message ---
In two weeks I'll go up to my parents place again & MY CAR :-)
Back in business again after an economically depressing disaster in Juli :-(
Going to change the front coils (at last) & maybe the rear ones as well & perhaps also
the front brake discs.
Haven't found a garage in Stockholm yet that I can afford & I'm still feeling bad about that
I maybe messed things up a bit for the club I was supposed to join, but sh_t happens :-(
Lesson learned.
1. Have a $ buffer.
2. Be realistic about your economy.
3. Check everything out BEFORE or you'll get stuck with your beard in the letterbox!
4. Food IS more important than spare parts.
Best regards

--- End Message ---

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