This is from "Team Chevelle"

P._. :   The interior of my 1967 has been repainted
once. Most of the interior plastic pieces were
repainted. My primary concern is the console because
it has already been repainted once. The grain is not
as pronounced as it was originally, and I am concerned
that it will be noticeably less so after painting it
again. Besides that, I have already run into problems
repainting the metal pieces because the repainting was
with enamel and not lacquer. I had paint wrinkling
problems even after priming over the old finish. I am
concerned that I will run into the same problem on the
console, so I would like to strip it first if

D._. :   Easy Off Oven Cleaner is what a lot of model
car guys use, so it should work. You may want to use
spray dye instead of paint on the plastic parts. I
used dye on my plastic kick panels. The dye soaks in
better and makes it look like it was molded in that
color and not painted.

J.S. :   Conventional paint strippers used in auto
paint processes will ruin most plastics. There are a
few dry strippers on the market that can be used on
plastics, but they may also deteriorate the integrity
of the plastic. I have used Dow as well as Easy Off
oven cleaners to remove paint from plastics. Both
products work extremely well. Be sure to wear the
latex gloves since these products are tough on the
skin. Spray on an ample amount of foam and the paint
tends to melt away. Use soapy hot water with a
Scotch-Brite pad to get the paint completely out of
the grain. Let the console air dry for at least a week
and then begin the re-paint process.

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