[Chicken-users] understanding the CMake build

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

John Cowan wrote:

  Brandon J. Van Every scripsit:


  Actually, it does matter to us whether you or Brandon are getting burned
out: it would be a huge job to take over supporting even the CMake build

>from zero, 

Actually I don't agree.  I didn't do the "write obscure code so that I 
remain invaluable" thing, I did rather the opposite.  :-)  The CMake 
build is currently feature complete, and it's MIT licensed, so you 
simply can't start "from zero."  

It would be understanding and support that would have to start from zero,
not coding.  And FLOSSfolk have seen repeatedly that unless there's
a maintainer, people stay away from projects, because of the often
well-founded suspicion that nobody knows what's going on.

That's true.  I'm currently the only CMake expert, although I do have
confidence that in time, Felix will pick up what he needs.  I wonder,
why would anyone else want to understand the CMake build?  Unless they
wanted to extend it, I can't think of a reason.  Even a core Chicken
language developer could get by with very little understanding of the
build, if they were working on an aspect of Chicken that doesn't have
build-visible effects.

Turning the build into a CMake tutorial, and pushing it at Kitware via
CMake-Promote, does sound like a good idea.  It would attract people
who aren't really interested in Chicken, but who want to learn CMake. 
It would make the build easier to understand.  Other things are needed
as well though.  CMake online documentation in general is poor.  The
mailing list is great, you can get all your questions rapidly answered
there, but documentation is definitely a serious shortcoming.

Not that people are better off with Autotools.  It's better documented,
but the whole toolchain will drive you nuts.  You still need those
hunting and pecking skills, because you have to figure out whether what
you want to do is an Automake thing, an Autoconf thing, a Libtool
thing, or a GNU Make thing.  I crash learned Automake over the past 3
weeks, already knowing what I wanted the build to do from the CMake
side, and already having an Automake build that worked but wasn't
unified in the Chicken build tree.  I can't imagine getting motivated
to write an Automake build from scratch!

Anyways, the reality is I don't have time for tutorializing the CMake
build right now.  Nor will it be my 1st priority when I do have time. 
1st priority is OpenGL and games.  Actually, those could become vectors
for both CMake and Chicken promotion.  This is all very future-looking
though.  Pretty much the same reason why the CMake online docs don't
improve; everyone's too busy with something more important.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Drat.  I was hoping that file level dependencies would cross
subdirectory boundaries.  They seem to do it on MinGW, Cygwin, and VS71
- or else the build order just happens to work on those platforms.  Do
file dependencies not cross subdirectories on Linux?  Even on the
Windows targets, I had to specify the file dependencies as GENERATED to
get CMakeSetup to quit complaining.  Previously I've not had to do
that, but previously, .scm --> .c was always done in the same

I can put custom targets back in to force the .c files to be built. 
But I'd like to know if this is a bug or expected behavior.  Lately
I've been avoiding "target wrapping paranoia," that is, the tendency to
wrap up all file dependencies in custom targets for fear that file
dependencies won't be honored.  It'll be nice if someday the file
dependencies and target dependencies are handled in the same way.

Brandon Van Every

William A. Hoffman wrote:

  I got this error:

make[2]: *** No rule to make target `match.c', needed by `static/CMakeFiles/libchicken-static.dir/depend.make.mark'.  Stop.
make[1]: *** [static/CMakeFiles/libchicken-static.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs

At 09:39 PM 9/7/2006, Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
CMake 2.4.3 has a bug where static and dynamic libraries clobber each other during the build if they have the same rootname.  The bug affects all OSes.  Previously I thought it only affected Windows, and I implemented hacks during the INSTALL to get around it.  Felix reported a problem on Linux and Bill of Kitware confirmed that it's the same bug.

I decided it is too complicated to do more INSTALL hacks, as I don't really know what suffixes are apropos on Linux or arbitrary OSes in general, nor do I have the ability to test them.  So, static libraries are now built in a /static subdirectory.  This took some refactoring of CMakeLists.txt.  It wasn't trivial but it was doable, about a day's work.  The results are now in Darcs.  I have confirmed that VS 7.1, MinGW, and Cygwin all build and install just fine now.  I am projecting that Linux will build and install just fine now as well, since it will go through the same code path as the MinGW build.

I await your tests.

Brandon Van Every



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread John Cowan
Brandon J. Van Every scripsit:

> >Actually, it does matter to us whether you or Brandon are getting burned
> >out: it would be a huge job to take over supporting even the CMake build
> >from zero, 
> Actually I don't agree.  I didn't do the "write obscure code so that I 
> remain invaluable" thing, I did rather the opposite.  :-)  The CMake 
> build is currently feature complete, and it's MIT licensed, so you 
> simply can't start "from zero."  

It would be understanding and support that would have to start from zero,
not coding.  And FLOSSfolk have seen repeatedly that unless there's
a maintainer, people stay away from projects, because of the often
well-founded suspicion that nobody knows what's going on.

> Yes, that matters.  My strategic thought has been, it's BSD licensed 
> code, and I do have an interest in writing compilers.  So maybe 2 years 
> from now, I'll know the implementation well enough that in the worst 
> case, it won't matter to me what Felix is doing.  Right now I'd be toast 
> though.  Chicken *is* fully understandable by 1 person.  

The question is, is there anyone who has both the motivation and the
time?  I don't hear anyone, so that's why your and Felix's state of
mind both matter.

No,  John.  I want formats that are actually   John Cowan
useful, rather than over-featured megaliths that   http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
address all questions by piling on ridiculous  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
internal links in forms which are hideously
over-complex. --Simon St. Laurent on xml-dev

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

John Cowan wrote:

  felix winkelmann scripsit:

I've put 6 years of my free hacking time into this (nothing else),
and nobody should give a damn about my personal motivations or how
often I get fed up with it, or how it affects my day job.

Actually, it does matter to us whether you or Brandon are getting burned
out: it would be a huge job to take over supporting even the CMake build
from zero, 

Actually I don't agree.  I didn't do the "write obscure code so that I
remain invaluable" thing, I did rather the opposite.  :-)  The CMake
build is currently feature complete, and it's MIT licensed, so you
simply can't start "from zero."  I've designed, modularized, and
commented it well enough to be used by anyone who has a serious
interest in a CMake build system.  In fact if I spruce it up a bit, and
maybe after CMake 2.4.4 ships so I can remove a workaround or two, it
might even serve as good tutorial code for CMake newbies.  I might
promote both CMake and Chicken that way.

I could walk away from Chicken right now, or get hit by a truck, and
CMake will prosper if at least 1 person wants to make it prosper.  It's
the cultural questions that plague me, not the technical ones.  The
technical ones are solved.  My tools for getting people to desire CMake
are very limited.  I doubt it'll spread like wildfire because it's just
a build, and people are awfully "inert" (I want to say lazy, but it's
more fair / responsible to say "inert") about what they like to do on a
command line.  Even on the CMake-Promote mailing list we don't have any
magical answers for this problem of adoption.

  never mind all of Chicken.  Felix, if you bail out, Chicken
probably dies, and that matters to people who are using it.

Yes, that matters.  My strategic thought has been, it's BSD licensed
code, and I do have an interest in writing compilers.  So maybe 2 years
from now, I'll know the implementation well enough that in the worst
case, it won't matter to me what Felix is doing.  Right now I'd be
toast though.  Chicken *is* fully understandable by 1 person.  Felix is
right to pitch "Chicken is a small implementation" as one of its
advantages, especially compared to Common Lisp.  I just don't currently
have a spare 1 year to reach that understanding.  I don't even have a
spare 4 weeks; I gotta stop playing computer guy and start playing
ditch digger.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

I think we are closer to being on the same page now.

felix winkelmann wrote:

On 9/8/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We need to agree what the milestones are.  Or, you need to tell me what
the milestones are gonna be, if you're in a more forceful mood about
it.  Then I can decide what I'm willing to do about them.

I have no milestones, besides getting 2.5 out as soon as I find some time
doing testing which includes booting up that despised Windows notebook...
There are no new features planned, and whatever I muddle around in
configure.in shouldn't concern you, since it is simply not ready.

My only concern is whether the "unity" of the build breaks.  But I will 
endeavor to be more trusting and less concerned.

You are free to do whatever you want, of course. The CMake support is
very good, and I appreciate that and will go out of my way to acknowledge
that properly when the next version will be released. If you could 
just get that
idea out of your head that I'm trying to break your work, or whatever. 

I will admit to being insecure about whether people will adopt my 
build.  I know it is a good build, but there are issues of perception 
and inertia.  Like whether one build is perceived as more stable, more 
tested, or more feature-rich than the other.  You know the old 
engineering phrase, "Build it, and they will come."  Which really means, 
build it and you'll be ignored.  I've never shipped anything with my 
name on it that a large audience ended up using.  I've tried; this is 
pretty much my "Three Times 'A Charm" project.

Also, you
should perhaps keep your private interests in supporting Chicken out 
of the
general discussion, as that is something you have to work out for 

If you want to contribute, contribute. Don't try to get your personal
into the discussion, please. I've put 6 years of my free hacking time 

this (nothing else), and nobody should give a damn about my personal
motivations or how often I get fed up with it, or how it affects my 
day job.

Actually it does matter from a "will Felix go nutters?" standpoint.  
Compare "will Felix be hit by a bus?"

A rapid pace of development is a two-edged sword.  For instance the lead 
of the Nebula 2 project was difficult to deal with, really snappy with 
some bizarre and dictatorial personal views about languages and 
technologies and so forth.  I'm sure this had something to do with 
having a high stress game development day job and doing lots of Nebula 2 
stuff in addition to that.  Did he have anything remotely resembling a 
life?  I'd be shocked.  Anyways I couldn't work with him.  His stress 
level selected for "partners" that were subordinate and super easy 
going.  Doormats, really.  I'm easy going enough, I don't hold grudges, 
but I do challenge people.  This was the kind of guy you'd try to start 
a design discussion with, weigh some pros and cons, and he'd tell you to 
STFU.  I spent about a year hovering around Nebula 2 before giving up on 
it.  The Ogre 3D engine has risen in popularity in the interim, and also 
Irrlicht.  I wouldn't be surprised if interpersonal dynamics have 
something to do with that.  What I recall of the Ogre message boards, it 
did seem like a healthier culture than what was going on in Nebula 2.  
But I never stuck around the Ogre project, I've just Googled their 
forums occasionally, so my perception may be superficial.

Anyways you're easygoing, Felix.  I'm just staying that rapid 
development does create technical stress.  Which then can turn into 
personal stress, for anyone attached to Chicken.  In commercial 
development, people get paid to take the stress.  I think the level of 
stress that open source developers can take is much lower, systemically 
speaking.  I mean, when there's money, you can keep a large team going, 
put people through certain degrees of pain, and they'll just grind it 
out for their paychecks.  But in open source, when people's pain 
threshold is exceeded, people just leave.  And they leave quietly more 
often than they leave noisily.  So for getting a project to grow bigger, 
with more long-term committed developers, the level of technical stress 
does matter.  Sure in principle everyone could - should? - "suck it up" 
and not complain.  But in practice, a project lead might end up saying, 
hm, why am I not attracting more developers?

Of course on the flip side, open source developers have to stress 
themselves.  There is no manager to flog them, no paycheck to bait them.

Help us with your experience, if you want. But don't complain, as we 
all are

doing our best.

This I appreciate more now.

I need to decide the level of technical stress I can sustain.  For now, 
I've decided to go into "passive" rather than active mode.  I will let 
bugs sit around for a week before I look at them, instead of acting like 
a crisis response team.  Maybe someone else will solve them meanwhile.

Brandon Van E

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread John Cowan
felix winkelmann scripsit:

> I've put 6 years of my free hacking time into this (nothing else),
> and nobody should give a damn about my personal motivations or how
> often I get fed up with it, or how it affects my day job.

Actually, it does matter to us whether you or Brandon are getting burned
out: it would be a huge job to take over supporting even the CMake build
from zero, never mind all of Chicken.  Felix, if you bail out, Chicken
probably dies, and that matters to people who are using it.

(If I'm wrong about this, will the backup maintainer please stand up?)

John Cowan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://ccil.org/~cowan
Big as a house, much bigger than a house, it looked to [Sam], a grey-clad
moving hill.  Fear and wonder, maybe, enlarged him in the hobbit's eyes,
but the Mumak of Harad was indeed a beast of vast bulk, and the like of him
does not walk now in Middle-earth; his kin that live still in latter days are
but memories of his girth and his majesty.  --"Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit"

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: [CMake] setting a default build type

2006-09-08 Thread David Cole
Given a very basic HelloWorld application in Visual Studio, there is 
only one way that I have found to force it to choose something other 
than "Debug" by default: eliminate the "Debug" configuration.

In the very basic case (generated by Visual Studio wizard) there are 
only two configurations: Debug and Release. I've re-arranged the bits 
related to configuration in both the generated sln file and the vcproj 
file, to no avail. When there is no .suo file and Debug is one of the 
configurations, Visual Studio chooses it by default. Period. (As far as 
I can tell...)

I have used the following:
to restrict the configurations to 1 and only 1. This works nicely for 
automated builds when you set the only config type you care about from a 

You could do the same, but then you lose the flexibility of just 
switching to Debug in the VS IDE...


Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

Brad King wrote:

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

Brad King wrote:

This would be a nice feature but I don't know how to implement it.  Try
generating a project and then manually editing the project files in such
a way that the IDE selects a different configuration by default.  Don't
forget to remove the .suo and .ncb files between attempts because they
store the user IDE state.

That approach is not desired.  People typically want CMakeList.txt under
source control, not its end products, as the latter differ for every
person.  We don't ship .sln files to people, we tell them to install CMake.

I was not proposing this as a solution, I was asking you to figure out
how to implement it.  I have no idea how to write a .sln or .vcproj file
that will convince the VS IDE to come up with a non-Debug configuration
by default.  I just tried manually reordering the configurations to put
Release first and the IDE still selected Debug at startup.  Even
changing the Release configuration to have the name ARelease (which
comes before Debug lexicographically) didn't fix it.

I have no idea either, nor time to investigate it at present.  I will 
note our lack of knowledge in the feature request.  Maybe we'll run 
into someone else who knows better.

Brandon Van Every

CMake mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: [CMake] setting a default build type

2006-09-08 Thread Brad King
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
> Brad King wrote:
>> This would be a nice feature but I don't know how to implement it.  Try
>> generating a project and then manually editing the project files in such
>> a way that the IDE selects a different configuration by default.  Don't
>> forget to remove the .suo and .ncb files between attempts because they
>> store the user IDE state.
> That approach is not desired.  People typically want CMakeList.txt under
> source control, not its end products, as the latter differ for every
> person.  We don't ship .sln files to people, we tell them to install CMake.

I was not proposing this as a solution, I was asking you to figure out
how to implement it.  I have no idea how to write a .sln or .vcproj file
that will convince the VS IDE to come up with a non-Debug configuration
by default.  I just tried manually reordering the configurations to put
Release first and the IDE still selected Debug at startup.  Even
changing the Release configuration to have the name ARelease (which
comes before Debug lexicographically) didn't fix it.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread John Cowan
Brandon J. Van Every scripsit:

> Are you using CMake 2.4.3 or CMake CVS?  If 2.4.3 then we're using the 
> same CMake.

2.4.3, for the record.

John Cowan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://ccil.org/~cowan
If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on
the shoulders of giants.
--Isaac Newton

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken-setup, csc now broken on CMake MinGW

2006-09-08 Thread felix winkelmann

This should be fixed in the current darcs head.


On 9/8/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

An' I dinna' doit, Felix.  Your bad, no idea what.  Other stuff builds.
- Cheers, Brandon

Brandon J. Van [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/msys/chicken
$ make -k
[ 14%] Built target libchicken-boot
[ 19%] Built target chicken-boot
[ 33%] Built target libchicken
[ 38%] Built target chicken
[ 39%] Built target chicken-profile
[ 39%] Building C object CMakeFiles/chicken-setup.dir/chicken-setup.obj
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `tr6r':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:3267: warning: implicit
declaration of fun
ction `alloca'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `f_1653':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12198: error: syntax error before
')' toke
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12198: error: too many arguments
to functi
on `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12198: error: syntax error before
';' toke
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `f_1657':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12214: error: syntax error before
')' toke
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12214: error: too many arguments
to functi
on `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12214: error: syntax error before
';' toke
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `f_1661':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12230: error: syntax error before
')' toke
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12230: error: too many arguments
to functi
on `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12230: error: syntax error before
';' toke
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `f_1665':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12246: error: syntax error before
')' toke
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12246: error: too many arguments
to functi
on `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12246: error: syntax error before
';' toke
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/chicken-setup.dir/chicken-setup.obj] Error 1
make[2]: Target `CMakeFiles/chicken-setup.dir/build' not remade because
of error
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/chicken-setup.dir/all] Error 2
[ 46%] Built target libchicken-static
[ 51%] Built target chicken-static
[ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csc.dir/csc.obj
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `C_toplevel':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:1003: warning: implicit declaration of
function `all
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_461':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2268: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2268: error: too many arguments to function
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2268: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_2904':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2294: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2294: error: too many arguments to function
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2294: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_2908':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2320: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2320: error: too many arguments to function
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2320: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_2912':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2346: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2346: error: too many arguments to function
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2346: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_499':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3115: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3115: error: too many arguments to function
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3115: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_506':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3246: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3246: error: too many arguments to function
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3246: error: syntax error before ';' token
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/csc.dir/csc.obj] Error 1
make[2]: Target `CMakeFiles/csc.dir/build' not remade because of errors.
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/csc.dir/all] Error 2
[ 53%] Built target csi
[ 53%] Built target csi-static
[ 54%] Built target darcs_changelog
[ 69%] Built target libchickengui
[ 83%] Built target libuchicken
[ 90%] Built target libchickengui-static
[ 98%] Built target libuchicken-static
make[1]: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
make: *** [all] Error 2
make: Target `default_target' not remade because of errors.

Brandon J. Van [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/msys/chicken

Chicken-users mailing list


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread felix winkelmann

On 9/8/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don't make a political thing out of this, Brandon. We are talking
> about the development repository of an actively maintained open source
> project. People involved do make mistakes, bugs appear and get fixed
> (hopefully). If I made a change to Makefile.am without fixing the
> appropriate
> section in CMakeLists.txt right away then it was simply by mistake.

This is not a confidence I would have previously had, but I will take
your word for it in the future.


I'm skating eviction for this fucking project.  Do you have any idea how
much real income I've lost on this?

Why you did your contribution and how that works out with your financial
situation is not of importance here. You've done good work, work that
will make Chicken a better project, and that is all that counts.

But I won't let anybody get away with declaring that I'm not trying
to do the utmost possible to incorporate valuable contributions,
or that I even break things deliberately, even by neglection.

This is a difficult stage, because I can't actually make you stop adding
new features.  You said privately, somewhere like 1..2 weeks ago, that
you had broken too many things, wanted a stabilization period for
Chicken, and that you now saw CMake as a top priority.  That resurrected
my flagging morale.  Previously, I was starting to think that no matter
how much I fix Chicken, there will be double the number of things
waiting around the corner to undo it again.  So tonight, when I pulled 4
significant looking patches, with substantial looking Autoconf changes
for cross-compiling among them, and things broke in several places, I
was not happy.  It did not look like you had taken me seriously, about
the impact it has on my time and finances.  But you say it's just a
Darcs problem, that you handled what was supposed to be handled, and it
just didn't make it in.  So this leads me to a different conclusion...

Yeah, I'm quick with changes and sometimes commit experimental code,
but this is how Chicken is developed, and the pace has made it one of
the fastest growing and improving Scheme/Lisp implementations
in existance.

...we are not communicating with each other about what we're doing.
Darcs is a great enabler for that.  It can in principle let our patches
fly right past each other.  It has worked previously; it is not working
anymore.  We need to start talking about what we're doing, because the
basis of trust is somewhat eroded.

But not due to technical issues. Writing and build-system is just a hard
thing to do and very complicated, especially with a compiler that
bootstraps itself. This silly, tiny issue about parsing the version string
in CMakeLists.txt was just a coincidence.

Yes, I want more stability, but I also want a system that works well - there
is naturally a trade off and fast development has priority (for me, at least).

In fact, I think we've done quite well.

I am unsure what milestones you are trying to hit.  2 weeks ago, I
thought I knew.  But we never made any kind of formal agreement on date,
time, content, or anything like that.  So perhaps you think you're
hitting a milestone 1 month from now.  Or 2 months from now.  I really
don't know.  I worry that we don't actually share goals.  That in
practice, you'll just keep designing for Autoconf to get
cross-compilers, and CMake will become the biggest "eh" I've ever
written.  (But at least a BSD licensed "eh.")

There is no real cross-compilation support. The stuff modified in the
autoconf files was just the start of an experiment - far from being finished.
Adding that bit to CMakeLists.txt would be trivial if I just new more about
CMake (or if the documentation would be better...). I planned to add it

We need to agree what the milestones are.  Or, you need to tell me what
the milestones are gonna be, if you're in a more forceful mood about
it.  Then I can decide what I'm willing to do about them.

I have no milestones, besides getting 2.5 out as soon as I find some time
doing testing which includes booting up that despised Windows notebook...
There are no new features planned, and whatever I muddle around in
configure.in shouldn't concern you, since it is simply not ready.

> This is the last warning.

I'm not at the stage of delivering ultimatums.  Be advised that I'm
capable of them, however.  In the worst case, I do have the willingness
to write off my past 2 years as a failed experiment in open source
business models.  There has to be a point at which I can just use the
results of my work, and not just end up with more work.  I know I won't
be repeating the kind of open source investment I've made into Chicken.
For instance, regarding Chickenizing G3D, I am very cautious.  Not
interested in another 10 months.

You are free to do whatever you want, of course. The CMake support is
very good, and I appreciate that and will go out of my way to acknowledge
that properly when t

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

felix winkelmann wrote:

On 9/8/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah, now I see the problem.  The banner has changed the format for how

it presents >the version number.  My regex is surely failing.

I have fixed this already this morning around 4:30 , but apparently I
must have made a mistake and the patch didn't end up on galinha.

Well, my patch is in now.  And it is 4 am as I finish this e-mail, BTW.  
That was not my plan.

 Felix, it is hereby proven that you didn't touch or even look at 
CMake when
doing your recent Autoconf changes.  :-)  I was serious about not 
Autoconf, and not having things "dropped in my lap," especially right 
with my financial situation.  This one should be easy, but if you 
drop me
something that's hard, I'm simply not going to do anything about it.  
I'm going to get very, very irritated if you break things, in some 
kind of
non-trivial manner, that I've been working hard to stabilize.  I 
don't have

any half-days to throw at CMake anymore; you will have to do them.  So
please consider design impacts on CMake.

Don't make a political thing out of this, Brandon. We are talking
about the development repository of an actively maintained open source
project. People involved do make mistakes, bugs appear and get fixed
(hopefully). If I made a change to Makefile.am without fixing the 

section in CMakeLists.txt right away then it was simply by mistake.

This is not a confidence I would have previously had, but I will take 
your word for it in the future.

Please, don't go on like this. Please don't start irritating _me_, as you
irritated each and every other open source language implementor.

Since you choose to make such aspersions public on this list, you get a 
public response.  If you want to discuss such things privately in the 
future, that is better.

I don't recall irritating Manuel Serrano of Bigloo.  Nor do I recall 
making a 10 month full time contribution to the Bigloo build system.  I 
might feel guilt for having irritated Xavier Leroy of OCaml.  I 
certainly do not feel it for Guido Van Rossum of Python, as once upon a 
time he was in the process of blasting his best web designer.  The end 
result of that fiasco is Python got a decent looking website 2 years 
later than it should have.  If you're going to buy into the "each and 
every..." nonsense that gets bandied about Usenet... well, I will 
refrain from commenting on it further.  Let's just say it leaves a very 
bad taste.

I'm working my arse off for this fucking project, you know?

I'm skating eviction for this fucking project.  Do you have any idea how 
much real income I've lost on this?

This is a difficult stage, because I can't actually make you stop adding 
new features.  You said privately, somewhere like 1..2 weeks ago, that 
you had broken too many things, wanted a stabilization period for 
Chicken, and that you now saw CMake as a top priority.  That resurrected 
my flagging morale.  Previously, I was starting to think that no matter 
how much I fix Chicken, there will be double the number of things 
waiting around the corner to undo it again.  So tonight, when I pulled 4 
significant looking patches, with substantial looking Autoconf changes 
for cross-compiling among them, and things broke in several places, I 
was not happy.  It did not look like you had taken me seriously, about 
the impact it has on my time and finances.  But you say it's just a 
Darcs problem, that you handled what was supposed to be handled, and it 
just didn't make it in.  So this leads me to a different conclusion...

...we are not communicating with each other about what we're doing.  
Darcs is a great enabler for that.  It can in principle let our patches 
fly right past each other.  It has worked previously; it is not working 
anymore.  We need to start talking about what we're doing, because the 
basis of trust is somewhat eroded.

I have a milestone I'm trying to hit.  I've been crunching to hit it, 
thinking, if I just finish this one last item, then I'll be Done.  
Chicken will be pretty much out of my hair.  I can go get my stupid 
ditch digging job or whatever I have to do to survive right now, knowing 
that I shipped, that CMake will be Chicken's bright future, and 
everything will be O.K.

I am unsure what milestones you are trying to hit.  2 weeks ago, I 
thought I knew.  But we never made any kind of formal agreement on date, 
time, content, or anything like that.  So perhaps you think you're 
hitting a milestone 1 month from now.  Or 2 months from now.  I really 
don't know.  I worry that we don't actually share goals.  That in 
practice, you'll just keep designing for Autoconf to get 
cross-compilers, and CMake will become the biggest "eh" I've ever 
written.  (But at least a BSD licensed "eh.")

We need to agree what the milestones are.  Or, you need to tell me what 
the milestones are gonna be, if you're in a more forceful mood about 

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

Ah, now I see the problem.  The banner has changed the format for how
it presents the version number.  My regex is surely failing.

Solved (even as far back as Chicken 2.3) and pushed to Darcs.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] chicken-setup, csc now broken on CMake MinGW

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
An' I dinna' doit, Felix.  Your bad, no idea what.  Other stuff builds.  
- Cheers, Brandon

Brandon J. Van [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/msys/chicken
$ make -k
[ 14%] Built target libchicken-boot
[ 19%] Built target chicken-boot
[ 33%] Built target libchicken
[ 38%] Built target chicken
[ 39%] Built target chicken-profile
[ 39%] Building C object CMakeFiles/chicken-setup.dir/chicken-setup.obj
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `tr6r':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:3267: warning: implicit 
declaration of fun

ction `alloca'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `f_1653':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12198: error: syntax error before 
')' toke

E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12198: error: too many arguments 
to functi

on `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12198: error: syntax error before 
';' toke

E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `f_1657':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12214: error: syntax error before 
')' toke

E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12214: error: too many arguments 
to functi

on `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12214: error: syntax error before 
';' toke

E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `f_1661':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12230: error: syntax error before 
')' toke

E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12230: error: too many arguments 
to functi

on `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12230: error: syntax error before 
';' toke

E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c: In function `f_1665':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12246: error: syntax error before 
')' toke

E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12246: error: too many arguments 
to functi

on `C_mpointer'
E:/devel/msys/chicken/chicken-setup.c:12246: error: syntax error before 
';' toke

make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/chicken-setup.dir/chicken-setup.obj] Error 1
make[2]: Target `CMakeFiles/chicken-setup.dir/build' not remade because 
of error

make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/chicken-setup.dir/all] Error 2
[ 46%] Built target libchicken-static
[ 51%] Built target chicken-static
[ 52%] Building C object CMakeFiles/csc.dir/csc.obj
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `C_toplevel':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:1003: warning: implicit declaration of 
function `all

E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_461':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2268: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2268: error: too many arguments to function 

E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2268: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_2904':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2294: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2294: error: too many arguments to function 

E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2294: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_2908':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2320: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2320: error: too many arguments to function 

E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2320: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_2912':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2346: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2346: error: too many arguments to function 

E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:2346: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_499':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3115: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3115: error: too many arguments to function 

E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3115: error: syntax error before ';' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c: In function `f_506':
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3246: error: syntax error before ')' token
E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3246: error: too many arguments to function 

E:/devel/msys/chicken/csc.c:3246: error: syntax error before ';' token
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/csc.dir/csc.obj] Error 1
make[2]: Target `CMakeFiles/csc.dir/build' not remade because of errors.
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/csc.dir/all] Error 2
[ 53%] Built target csi
[ 53%] Built target csi-static
[ 54%] Built target darcs_changelog
[ 69%] Built target libchickengui
[ 83%] Built target libuchicken
[ 90%] Built target libchickengui-static
[ 98%] Built target libuchicken-static
make[1]: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
make: *** [all] Error 2
make: Target `default_target' not remade because of errors.

Brandon J. Van [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/msys/chicken

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread felix winkelmann

On 9/8/06, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah, now I see the problem.  The banner has changed the format for how

it presents >the version number.  My regex is surely failing.

I have fixed this already this morning around 4:30 , but apparently I
must have made a mistake and the patch didn't end up on galinha.

 Felix, it is hereby proven that you didn't touch or even look at CMake when
doing your recent Autoconf changes.  :-)  I was serious about not chasing
Autoconf, and not having things "dropped in my lap," especially right now
with my financial situation.  This one should be easy, but if you drop me
something that's hard, I'm simply not going to do anything about it.  And
I'm going to get very, very irritated if you break things, in some kind of
non-trivial manner, that I've been working hard to stabilize.  I don't have
any half-days to throw at CMake anymore; you will have to do them.  So
please consider design impacts on CMake.

Don't make a political thing out of this, Brandon. We are talking
about the development repository of an actively maintained open source
project. People involved do make mistakes, bugs appear and get fixed
(hopefully). If I made a change to Makefile.am without fixing the appropriate
section in CMakeLists.txt right away then it was simply by mistake.

Please, don't go on like this. Please don't start irritating _me_, as you
irritated each and every other open source language implementor.

I'm working my arse off for this fucking project, you know?

This is the last warning.

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake problem on Linux should be solved

2006-09-08 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

John Cowan wrote:
_)  |
 | __ \  |  __| |  /  _ \ __ \
 | | | | | (  <   __/ |   |
\|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\\___|_|  _|

It looks like CMake suddenly doesn't like the "\_" sequence in
in the big-print "Chicken" output by "chicken-static -version",
and then gets terminally confused after that.

Ah, now I see the problem.  The banner has changed the format for how
it presents the version number.  My regex is surely failing.

Felix, it is hereby proven that you didn't touch or even look at CMake
when doing your recent Autoconf changes.  :-)  I was serious about not
chasing Autoconf, and not having things "dropped in my lap," especially
right now with my financial situation.  This one should be easy, but if
you drop me something that's hard, I'm simply not going to do anything
about it.  And I'm going to get very, very irritated if you break
things, in some kind of non-trivial manner, that I've been working hard
to stabilize.  I don't have any half-days to throw at CMake anymore;
you will have to do them.  So please consider design impacts on CMake.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list