Re: [Chicken-users] Fix for bug in url egg

2007-04-30 Thread Alejandro Forero Cuervo

I realized there was a separate bug that also affected url-encode
(though the other bug was in uri-encode, this one is in url-encode
instead).  I fixed it, creating revision 4014.


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Fix for bug in url egg

2007-04-30 Thread Alejandro Forero Cuervo
Hey, Kon.

I just made a fix for a simple bug I found in the url egg that made
url-encode unusable when CHARLIST is specified.  This resulted in
revision 4013.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] scheme, builds, and virtual appliances

2007-04-30 Thread John Cowan
Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> I've wondered if it would make sense to ship a game with its own OS to
> consumers, so that I wouldn't have to be enslaved to Windows issues
> or whatever.  But the reality is, I can't see consumers cranking up
> a DVD just to play a game on their PC.

That's not what VMWare is about.  The VMWare Player (which can be
installed on Linux or Windows, and is free as in beer) allows you
to execute a foreign operating system concurrently with the host one.
Thus one can run Windows on Linux or vice versa, or Windows XP on Windows
2000, or FreeBSD on Windows or Linux, etc. etc. etc.

The disk and memory of the guest OS are represented on the host by a set
of files which can be copied from one host to another by CD or DVD or FTP
or whatever.  So instead of porting a Linux program to Windows, one can
provide a stripped down version of Linux including the program as a VMWare
image, and then anybody can run it from Windows using the VMWare Player.
Guests can run in a window of the host or using the full screen.

In principle, you could do this the other way about, distributing Windows
guests, except that most people don't have Windows licenses to distribute
in this fashion, as you need a separate Windows license for every guest
copy of Windows.

They do not preach  John Cowan
  that their God will rouse them[EMAIL PROTECTED]
A little before the nuts work loose.
They do not teach
  that His Pity allows them --Rudyard Kipling,
to drop their job when they damn-well choose.   "The Sons of Martha"

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake build

2007-04-30 Thread John Cowan
Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> It suggests that CMake has bugs on Linux, and that people would have to
> resolve them by posting on the CMake mailing list.  There could be 2
> separate bugs here.  At least now we have confirmation that the "make
> install" bug isn't just on Felix's box.

Okay, I've done a whole bunch of Linux installs under various conditions,
and I've found that the problem arises if and only if the installation is
going to replace the EXTANT_CHICKEN it was configured to use.  If you keep
a private copy of chicken-static around and always use that, you never
have a problem with rebuilding on install.  What's more, when building
from a tarball, where EXTANT_CHICKEN is irrelevant, there is no problem.

Does *that* suggest anything to anyone?

The present impossibility of giving a scientific explanation is no proof
that there is no scientific explanation. The unexplained is not to be
identified with the unexplainable, and the strange and extraordinary
nature of a fact is not a justification for attributing it to powers
above nature.  --The Catholic Encyclopedia, s.v. "telepathy" (1913)

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] scheme, builds, and virtual appliances

2007-04-30 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 4/21/07, bryan rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I was reading the complaints of various luminaries over in the scheme
hackers list as to why would one want to choose Chicken? I guess I
would want to choose Chicken because I don't want to get dirty with C,
but I want the portability of C.

C is portably not just across platforms it is portable across
languages and applications as platforms. Many languages allow
interaction with C in some way, probably because the languages need to
drop down to the C level to do some things.

if you want to write a driver or extension module for python you may
have to use Swig or distutils to get it to work with Python, that is
to say there are a number of specialized applications you need to have
working together.

The same thing if you were to bind erlang to C libraries

Now a virtual appliance is a prepackaged virtual machine that has
everything setup that one needs to get started running a particular
suite of applications, tools on an OS or similar things:

what about Virtual appliances that are setup up with not just Scheme,
Swig etc. but requisite tools and eggs to use Chicken for writing, say
as one example Erlang drivers? To do this for a good number of
scenarios, OS's etc. to demonstrate Chicken's portability as a tool
for writing C easily and efficiently?

I'm not understanding what you're getting at.  The VMWare page seems to be
about shipping your choice of OS to enterprise customers.  If you're not
doing enterprise development, I don't see how the concept applies, or has
any kind of economy of scale.

I've wondered if it would make sense to ship a game with its own OS to
consumers, so that I wouldn't have to be enslaved to Windows issues or
whatever.  But the reality is, I can't see consumers cranking up a DVD just
to play a game on their PC.  That's very MS-DOS era usability, running 1
program on your PC at a time, and consumers aren't going back.  It would
make more sense to do it on a console, where people are used to just
plugging in a CD or DVD and having it work.  I worry though that the boot
times might be completely unacceptable.  Modern console users just plug
their game in and start playing, it's an instant entertainment sort of

So the first question is, under what conditions does shipping an OS to a
customer make any kind of sense?  I don't think you've really answered this
in your musings above.  Perhaps you could elaborate.

The second question is, who's going to do all the support work for such a
thing?  People doing enterprise development are investing big bucks in their
undertakings.  Does such an effort make sense for you personally?  It
definitely doesn't make sense for the Chicken community.  We are merely a
small community of volunteers, working on whatever projects are of most
benefit to us personally.  The community resources for pursuing very
abstract "work everywhere" infrastructure simply don't exist.  I can't even
get people to do modest amounts of bughunting for the Visual Studio 2005
Express compiler.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Define-external error

2007-04-30 Thread William Ramsay


I don't know if this is a Ramsay, a Chicken, an easyFF, or a GTK error, 
but I get the following when I use g_signal_connect, which is supposed 
to call back to Scheme when a button is pressed.

The command (g_signal_connect button "color-set" #$setColor 1)

Should call back to:   (define-external (setColor ((pointer 
"GtkColorButton") widget)

  (c-pointer data))

 (printf "got data = ~A~%" data) )

But it gives me a type error:

Error: (location) bad argument type - locative can not refer to objects 
of this type: #

If I change the pointer to "GtkWidget"  I get the same error.

I use this exact same mechanism in other calls and everything works 
fine.When I do it with a GtkColorButton or a GtkFontButton I get 
this error.Both buttons are defined as class GtkWidget, the same at 
the buttons that work.

I'm sort of lost, so any help will be greatly appreciated.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: [Chicken-hackers] VS support

2007-04-30 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 4/27/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Apr 27, 2007, at 6:22 AM, felix winkelmann wrote:

> Hello!
> I finally managed to find the time to get chicken running under
> mingw on Windows. This is a setup I can sort of support, so I wonder,
> whether MSVC/Visual Studio support shouldn't be dropped altogether,
> as we don't have a Windows maintainer (who can dig deeper into
> MSVC-related problems, and who is willing to invest the time and
> effort). This would mean that MSVC is not officially supported (even
> if we try to keep the build files still compatible to it).
> Any opinions?

Do not support. (Frankly, given the lack of a Windows maintainer I am
pleased that it works as well as it does.)

So far I've traveled  3000 miles from Seattle in the northwest USA to
Cincinnati in the midwest.  My destination is Winston-Salem, North
Carolina.  NC is part of "the South" and about halfway up the eastern
seaboard.  It'll probably be close to 4000 miles of driving by the time I'm
done.  I have family in W-S and will be using it as a stepping stone for a
job search, possibly a national job search.  I am on the move.  I have no
idea where I'm going to end up, or what I'll be doing for a livelihood.  I'm
writing this on a Pentium II laptop that I've inherited from my sister.  Rah
rah GMail.  A Pentium II + web setup is slow enough that I've had some time
to think over the build issues unemotionally, after reading about the
Windows build problems that have recently come in.

First the easy part.  Felix, if you feel you can sorta support MinGW, then
by all means do so.  If between you and John Cowan you keep the MinGW and
Cygwin builds working, then CMake will always have a decent foothold in the
Windows world.  The Visual Studio builds may or may not work, but they will
never be terribly broken.

Now, the political part.  Since we're getting bug reports for Visual Studio,
it's clear that people want to use it.  "We don't support MSVC" is the wrong
message.  The correct message is "we can support MSVC if you're willing to
do some testing and bug reporting."  In a CMake build, the incremental cost
of supporting MSVC is quite low.

Also at last count, Visual Studio .NET 2003 (my system) worked just fine.
Visual Studio 2005 Express SP1 is what's broken, because it's Microsoft's
free cheapass stripped down not-a-real-compiler.  Maybe it can be solved, or
maybe the answer is "use a real compiler."  I do know it's real work to
figure out, and I still don't wanna do it.  Seems nobody else wants to do it
badly enough either.  This is open source, so whatever.  Once upon a time, I
wanted MinGW to work badly enough that I Made It So [TM].  It cost me a
man-year.  Because I laid out that groundwork once upon a time, it would
probably cost a completely ignorant person 1 week to diagnose the VS 2005
Express SP1 problem, and fix it if it can be fixed.  Somebody has to
actually want to spend that week though.  Myself, I could probably solve the
issue in 1..2 days, if I had those days.  Right now I certainly don't, and
it may be quite awhile before I'm willing to make the time.

I just don't believe in this idea of a "Windows Maintainer."  Framing it
that way, just sounds like "we want 1 guy who's sucker enough to do all the
gruntwork for us."  I don't think open source should be organized that way,
although it frequently is that way.   I could be the Autoconf maintainer,
frankly, if I wanted to be.  I rolled up my sleeves and got my hands dirty
once upon a time.  I learned what was going on and refactored a lot of it.
I had to do it to unify the build systems.  I had a goal, something was in
my way, so I solved it.  Do I like Autoconf?  No, not in the slightest.  I
think it's a complete waste of time.  But so are lotsa things in computers.
People just have to make decisions about what they want and what they're
willing to do to get them.  We shouldn't have a "Windows Maintainer" just to
relieve everyone of would-be responsibilities.  The whole point of a unified
build system is you get the benefit of other people solving other bugs on
other platforms.  It's a distributed approach to open source.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake build

2007-04-30 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 4/23/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

felix winkelmann scripsit:

> I'm using CMake 2.5 (CVS head). Perhaps that is the culprit.

Aha.  I just found out something; when I thought I was installing
on that system, I really wasn't, because I'm not root.  So
"make install" ran through all the install steps, doing nothing,
and then crashed (unnoticed by me) on the first attempt to move
things to the /usr/local hierarchy.

When the sysadmin ran it as root, everything got rebuilt.

Does this suggest anything to anyone?

It suggests that CMake has bugs on Linux, and that people would have to
resolve them by posting on the CMake mailing list.  There could be 2
separate bugs here.  At least now we have confirmation that the "make
install" bug isn't just on Felix's box.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] build irritations on windows xp

2007-04-30 Thread bryan rasmussen

okay well, I started building with msys, had some problems with CMAKE
at first, when building got to the following part:

Linking C static library libchicken-boot.a
[ 62%] Built target libchicken-boot
Scanning dependencies of target libpcre-for-static
[ 66%] Building C object pcre/CMakeFiles/libpcre-for-static.dir/chartables.obj
[ 66%] Building C object pcre/CMakeFiles/libpcre-for-static.dir/pcre_compile.obj
c:/programminglanguages/scheme/chicken-2.6/pcre/pcre_compile.c: In
function `compile_branch':
`MAX_DUPLENGTH' undeclared (first use in this function)
(Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
for each function it appears in.)
`MAX_NAME_COUNT' undeclared (first use in this function)
`MAX_NAME_SIZE' undeclared (first use in this function)
make[2]: *** [pcre/CMakeFiles/libpcre-for-static.dir/pcre_compile.obj] Error 1
make[1]: *** [pcre/CMakeFiles/libpcre-for-static.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Any explanation? Wrong PCRE?

Bryan Rasmussen

On 4/24/07, felix winkelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/22/07, bryan rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I recently had to do some cleaning on my system, I am sitting here
> with some time for some programming and trying to get Chicken running
> again. Not going good for recompiling. Get half of the way in any
> compile but get thrown by PCRE, this is the case using MSys, MingGW,
> and Open Watcom. From OpenWatcom the error report starts with:
> any help on these?

Sergey Khorev started trying to get chicken with Open Watcom to work,
but it turned out to be pretty hard. We had some issues fixed, but there
still were loads of problems with dynamic linking (IIRC). So consider
Open Watcom currently unsupported.

> by the way, didn't there used to be a Windows binary on the front page
> of the Chicken Scheme site?

Yes, but we removed it - since the installation path is compiled into the
executables, one has to build chicken from source.


Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] easyffi missing foreign-parse

2007-04-30 Thread John Cowan
Mark Carter scripsit:

> Hi, I'm a n00b to scheme, and I thought I'd check out Chicken. I tried
> to get the readline egg installed, which is dependent on easyffi. I
> installed the easyffi egg, but if I type
> foreign-parse 
> I get the response
> Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse

That's because foreign-parse is not a procedure but a new element of
syntax, like "if" or "do" or "lambda".  It is only recognized when in
the operator position of a form.

In general, it makes no sense to use easyffi in the interpreter; it is
meant to extend Chicken's ability to handle embedded C, which is only
available in the compiler.

In addition, nobody uses "foreign-parse" directly anyhow; it is normally
invoked through the #>...<# read-syntax for embedded C.  The only reason
that the readline egg depends on the easyffi egg is that the readline
egg makes use of this read-syntax to parse the C header for getline.

We are lost, lost.  No name, no business, no Precious, nothing.  Only empty.
Only hungry: yes, we are hungry.  A few little fishes, nassty bony little
fishes, for a poor creature, and they say death.  So wise they are; so just,
so very just.  --Gollum[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] easyffi missing foreign-parse

2007-04-30 Thread Mark Carter
Hi, I'm a n00b to scheme, and I thought I'd check out Chicken. I tried to get 
the readline egg installed, which is dependent on easyffi. I installed the 
easyffi egg, but if I type
I get the response
Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse
All the other easyffi procedures seem to exist, as evidenced by the following 

#;3> register-ffi-macro
#;4> check-c-syntax
#;5> foreign-parse
Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse
#;5> Error: unbound variable: foreign-parse

So, what gives?

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