Hi in csi when i eval bogus funcall like (foo) and (0) then i get error messages as I would expect:

#;1> (foo)
Error: unbound variable: foo
        Call history:
        <syntax>          (foo)
        <eval>            (foo)   <--
#;1> (0)
Error: call of non-procedure: 0
        Call history:
        <syntax>          (0)
        <eval>            (0)     <--

but if i do the same in my app via CHICKEN_eval_string_to_string then the (foo) case gets caught but the (0) case crashes my app :/

calling eval node 2, input '(0)'
[1]+ Bus error exec build/Release/Grace.app/Contents/ MacOS/grace

i know from tracing that this call never returns:

     res = CHICKEN_eval_string_to_string( (char *)expr.toUTF8(),

does anyone have an idea about what might make the (foo) error get trapped but (0) crash the app?

thanks for any hints!

best, rick

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