Re: [Chicken-users] Possible numbers bug

2011-05-28 Thread Matt Welland
What was the final word on this? Is it a real issue on some platforms?

Anyhow, I found this whole exercise pretty interesting and played with
it a bit more and observed a couple curious things:

1. Performance (see below) of guile was better than the compiled
chicken-4.6.5 for my code. It looked like it might be due to string
operations based on profile (I wasn't exactly trying to be efficient).

2. Taking the inverse exponent (i.e. result^(1/n) ) runs into trouble
at n=144. Anyone care to explain why that is and is there a numerical
methods trick to work around it?

3. Why do guile, scm and STk put out +inf.0 and chicken puts out +inf
(gauche gives #i1/0)? My hazy understanding is that +inf.0 is not the
same as +inf.

The code I used is below.
Chicken 3.4:

csi (load test.scm)
; loading test.scm ...
1000368...(2987 hidden digits)...0846700
Inverse of 144th expt is +inf
Chicken 4.6.5:

Note: re-importing already imported identifier: magnitude
; loading 
; loading /nfs/ch/disks/ch_umg_disk0003/mrwellan/tools/4/lib/chicken/6/
1000368...(2987 hidden digits)...0846700
Inverse of 144th expt is +inf
STk (load test.scm)
1000368...(2987 hidden digits)...0846700
Inverse of 144th expt is inf.0
guile -s test.scm
1000368...(2987 hidden digits)...0846700
Inverse of 144th expt is +inf.0
scm -f test.scm
1000368...(2987 hidden digits)...0846700
Inverse of 144th expt is +inf.0
gosh -b -q test.scm
1000368...(2987 hidden digits)...0846700
Inverse of 144th expt is #i1/0
Speed (on Atom n550)

Chicken 4.6.5, compiled:   0.46s
Chicken 3.4, compiled: 37s
stk -f test.scm  2.9s
guile -s test.scm:  0.16s
scm -f test.scm:   1.49s
gosh  -b -q test.scm: 0.46s

;(use numbers)

(define vals #f)

(define (print . strs)
  (map display strs)
  (display \n))

(define (sum-of-exponents n lim)
  (if ( n lim) 0 (+ (expt n n)
 (sum-of-exponents (+ n 1) lim
(define (pp-bignum num)
  (let* ((str (number-string num))
 (len (string-length str)))
(if ( len 45)
(string-append (substring str 0 7) ...( (number-string (- len 14))
 hidden digits)... (substring str (- len 7) len))

(define (cmpit lim)
  (set! vals (make-vector (+ 2 lim)))
  (let loop ((n   1)
 (sum 0))
(vector-set! vals n (expt n n))
(if ( n lim)
(print (pp-bignum sum))
(loop (+ n 1)(+ sum (vector-ref vals n)
  (let loop ((n 1))
(let ((invexpt (expt (vector-ref vals n)(/ 1.0 n
  (if ( (abs (- invexpt n)) 0.0001)
  (print Inverse of  n th expt is  (pp-bignum invexpt))
  (if ( n lim)
  (print Done)
  (loop (+ n 1)))

;; (print (message-digest-string (md5-primitive) (number-string
(sum-of-exponents 1 1000'

(cmpit 1000)

On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 2:00 PM, David N Murray wrote:
 On May 27, Kon Lovett scribed:

 Chicken x86:

 sauron:chicken-4.7.0 dnm$ csi -v

 (c)2008-2011 The Chicken Team
 (c)2000-2007 Felix L. Winkelmann
 Version 4.7.0
 macosx-unix-gnu-x86-64 [ 64bit manyargs dload ptables ]
 compiled 2011-05-26 on sauron.local (Darwin)

 sauron:chicken-4.7.0 dnm$ csi -b -n -q -e '(use md5 message-digest
 numbers) (define (sum-of-exponents n lim) (if ( n lim) 0 (+ (expt n n)
 (sum-of-exponents (+ n 1) lim (print (message-digest-string
 (md5-primitive) (number-string (sum-of-exponents 1 1000'

 Yup, that doesn't match.  I have a debug build of x64-64 (macosx)
 available if someone wants to give me an idea on where to look.


 Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Possible numbers bug

2011-05-28 Thread Peter Bex
On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 11:03:41AM -0700, Matt Welland wrote:
 What was the final word on this? Is it a real issue on some platforms?

Probably. I will look into it when time allows.

 Anyhow, I found this whole exercise pretty interesting and played with
 it a bit more and observed a couple curious things:
 2. Taking the inverse exponent (i.e. result^(1/n) ) runs into trouble
 at n=144. Anyone care to explain why that is and is there a numerical
 methods trick to work around it?

You divide the inexact 1.0 by the number.  Try doing an exact division
like (/ 1 n) or just (/ n). This will produce a rational number which
is exact and not limited in any way.

 3. Why do guile, scm and STk put out +inf.0 and chicken puts out +inf
 (gauche gives #i1/0)? My hazy understanding is that +inf.0 is not the
 same as +inf.

I think it's the same.  Only flonums can be +inf and hence the .0 is

The process of preparing programs for a digital computer
 is especially attractive, not only because it can be economically
 and scientifically rewarding, but also because it can be an aesthetic
 experience much like composing poetry or music.
-- Donald Knuth

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Possible numbers bug

2011-05-28 Thread Matt Welland
On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Peter Bex wrote:
 On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 11:03:41AM -0700, Matt Welland wrote:

 2. Taking the inverse exponent (i.e. result^(1/n) ) runs into trouble
 at n=144. Anyone care to explain why that is and is there a numerical
 methods trick to work around it?

 You divide the inexact 1.0 by the number.  Try doing an exact division
 like (/ 1 n) or just (/ n). This will produce a rational number which
 is exact and not limited in any way.

Ah, yeah, I forgot to mention that I tried both 1.0 and 1 and got the
same result.


 The process of preparing programs for a digital computer
  is especially attractive, not only because it can be economically
  and scientifically rewarding, but also because it can be an aesthetic
  experience much like composing poetry or music.
                                                        -- Donald Knuth

 Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Non-finite number I/O (was: Possible numbers bug)

2011-05-28 Thread John Cowan
Peter Bex scripsit:

 I think it's the same.  Only flonums can be +inf and hence the .0 is

Superfluous, maybe, but now standard.  R6RS prescribes it (for systems
supporting IEEE floats) and so will R7RS-small, despite being much more
like R5RS in most ways.

Existing implementations use either +inf.0 or something specific to
that implementation.  Specifically: Racket, Gauche, Guile, Kawa, Chibi,
SCM, Ikarus, Larceny, IronScheme, Ypsilon, Mosh, and STklos all use
+inf.0.  Bigloo uses +Infinity.  Scheme48/scsh uses #{Inf}.  SISC uses
infinity.0, which is not even rereadable.  MIT Scheme and Scheme 9 do
not have non-finite values; they always report floating overflow or
divide by zero errors.  (Scheme 9 is non-IEEE; it handles flonums up to
10^10^10 - 1.)

What is more, Chicken is not even consistent: on Linux it prints +inf,
but on Cygwin, which uses Newlib instead of GNU libc, it prints +inf.0.

My recommendations:

Use wrapper logic in number-string to print +inf.0, -inf.0, and +nan.0
in the appropriate circumstances, and make sure that string-number
always accepts them.

Remove the divide-by-zero exception when dividing by inexact 0, which
does not represent a mathematical 0, but any number between the smallest
positive flonum and the largest negative flonum.

We do, doodley do, doodley do, doodley do,John Cowan
What we must, muddily must, muddily must, muddily must; 
Muddily do, muddily do, muddily do, muddily do,
Until we bust, bodily bust, bodily bust, bodily bust.  --Bokonon

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