Re: [Chicken-users] Parsing Simple Markup

2014-09-22 Thread Jörg F. Wittenberger

Did I already recommend this?  Sorry if that's a duplication.

One more example of SXML together with SRFI 110 sweet expressions 
(indent sensitive LISP syntax).  Those two blend well together. I'm 
using them embedded in XML (XSLT) here:
(Be sure to view this as source, not in the browser!)

Remarks: a) this is served from Chicken b) it's a rather simple but 
complete payment system, docs coming up here:
Wilma, Fred and Bamm-Bamm are each running the script above.


Am 21.09.2014 um 22:34 schrieb Arthur Maciel:
Dear Yves, with SXML you could write transformation rules as Peter has 
shown in 

I'm not experienced with SXML, but AFAIK they would generate a similar 
effect as the procedures in your example below.

Best wishes,

2014-09-21 17:06 GMT-03:00 Yves Cloutier >:

> Hello Oleg,
> Thank you for your recommendations too.  I actually just came back 
from the local library where I picked up "The Scheme Programming 

> You know, reading through your reply, it was the last part that made 
me think about something.

> If I can convert my input to the format:
> (bold "text")
> (indent 5 "text")
> (bold (smallcap (size 2 "text")))
> Could I not define each of these as functions (or procedures), and 
then just call an (eval '  ) procedure to do my output?

> For example (keeping in mind I'm only just getting familiar with 
Scheme syntax!):

> (define (bold (text)
>  (print the opening tag for the command 'bold')
>  (print the string 'text')
>  (print the closing tag for the command 'bold'))
> (define (indent (indent-value text)
> (print the opening tag for the command 'indent' with value of 

> (print the string 'text')
> (print the closing tag for the command 'indent'))
> Actually due to the possible presence of nested commands, it should 
probably be something more generic, since in the last example:

> (bold (smallcap (size 2 "text")))
> what the procedure 'bold' would be taking in is not a string "text", 
but rather an this is where I guess things would need 
to be recursive.

> Once my document has been converted into one big "s-expression", and 
procedures defined accordingly, then I could just (eval ) it..couldn't I?

> (eval '(bold "text")
> (indent 5 "text")
> (bold (smallcap (size 2 "text"
> Or something along those lines?
> If this is the casebrilliant!

Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Parsing Simple Markup

2014-09-22 Thread Andy Bennett

> Actually due to the possible presence of nested commands, it should
> probably be something more generic, since in the last example:
> (bold (smallcap (size 2 "text")))
> what the procedure 'bold' would be taking in is not a string "text", but
> rather an this is where I guess things would need to be
> recursive.

The evaluation rules will evaluate things in the "correct" order. So
(size 2 "text") will be evaluated first, then (smallcap <>) and then
(bold <>). It's deliberately unspecified in which order 2 or "text" will
be evaluated in.



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] T-DOSE 2014?

2014-09-22 Thread Peter Bex
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 01:55:26PM +0200, Peter Bex wrote:
> See y'all at T-DOSE!

Just a quick reminder and an update that the schedule has
been published:


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Termite revival

2014-09-22 Thread Kooda
Hello dear users of the fowl,

I’ve been wondering for quite some time now on how to revive the Termite
Looks like I started a new implementation of the API using CHICKEN facilities
instead of trying the (now seemingly dead) original implementation.

I’d like some reviews before going further, because I based my implementation
on the assumption that thread signaling and exceptions handlers are thread

It’s just a draft for now, and many things are still subject to changes.

I also found a very odd bug here: try sending a message to a dead thread, it
looks like the thunk is called again.

Thank you is advance.

;; Code begins here

(use srfi-18 data-structures matchable)

(define mailbox
  (make-parameter #f))

(define lastmail
  (make-parameter '(#t . #f)))

(define ((handle-signal hdl) s)
((and (pair? s) (eqv? (car s) 'message-send))  (queue-add! (mailbox)
   (cdr s)))
((and (symbol? s) (eqv? s 'message-receive))
 (let ((m (mailbox)))
   (if (queue-empty? m)
 (lastmail '(#t . #f))
 (lastmail `(#f . ,(queue-remove! m))
(else  (hdl s

(define (install-signal-handler)
  (current-exception-handler (handle-signal (current-exception-handler

(define (setup-thread)
  (mailbox (make-queue))

(define self current-thread)

(define (?)
  (signal 'message-receive)
  (let ((last (lastmail)))
(if (car last)
(thread-suspend! (current-thread))
  (cdr last

(define (! pid msg)
  (thread-signal! pid (cons 'message-send msg))

(define (spawn thunk)
  ; We need a way to ensure that the custom exception handler is set up
  ; before anybody has the PID of the thread.
  ; One way would be to make a tag in the spawner. The child would send that
  ; tag to its parent, which would receive it with `??` (which is not yet
  ; implemented)
  (let* ((pid (make-thread
(lambda ()
  ; (! parent tag)
(thread-start! pid)
; (?? (cut eqv? tag <>))

; Primordial thread setup

; Tests

; Lots-of-threads-and-messages test
(define primordial (self))
(define message-number 100)
(define thread-number 1000)

(define (spam)
  (let loop ((i message-number))
(unless (zero? i)
  (! primordial i)
  (loop (sub1 i)

(let loop ((i thread-number))
  (unless (zero? i)
(spawn spam)
(loop (sub1 i

(let loop ((i (* thread-number message-number)))
  (unless (zero? i)
(loop (sub1 i

(assert (zero? (queue-length (mailbox

; Ping-pong test
(define (pong-server)
  (let ((m (?)))
(match m
  ((pid 'ping)  (! pid 'pong)
  (else  (pong-server)

(define pong (spawn pong-server))
(thread-sleep! 1) ; make sure the pong thread is set up (see note in (spawn))

(! pong `(,(self) ping))
(assert (eqv? (?) 'pong))

Envoyé depuis ma GameBoy.

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] 'make check' of chicken on alpine linux 3.0.4 i686 with musl c-library (after a successful build).

2014-09-22 Thread Zachary Storer

Below is a log of 'bash-$ make check PLATFORM=linux' on the platform
listed in the subject of this email. I'm hoping to get CHICKEN to
build and check successfully with the musl C library.


Zachary Storer
(aka zacts)


"make" -f ./Makefile.linux CONFIG= check
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/zacts/chicken-'
cd tests; sh
 version tests ...
Checking major and minor version numbers against chicken-version... ok
Checking the registered feature chicken- ok
 compiler tests ...
/home/zacts/chicken- 'compiler-tests.scm'
-output-file 'a.c' -types ../types.db -ignore-repository -verbose
-include-path /home/zacts/chicken-

Warning: in toplevel procedure `foo':
  (compiler-tests.scm:9) in procedure call to `bar11', expected 0
arguments, but was given 1 argument

Note: global variable `foo#bar' is only locally visible and never used

Note: global variable `bla#blabla' is only locally visible and never used
'gcc' 'a.c' -o 'a.o' -c  -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv
-I/home/zacts/chicken- -I"/usr/local/include/chicken"
rm a.c
'gcc' 'a.o' -o 'a.out' -L/home/zacts/chicken-
-Wl,-R/home/zacts/chicken- -L"/usr/local/lib"
-Wl,-R"/usr/local/lib" -lchicken -lm -ldl
rm a.o
1 2 3
1 2 3 :1:2:3
1 2 3
Good, unrepresentable C strings cause errors
 compiler inlining tests  ...
/home/zacts/chicken- 'inlining-tests.scm'
-output-file 'a.c' -types ../types.db -ignore-repository -verbose
-include-path /home/zacts/chicken- -optimize-level 3
'gcc' 'a.c' -o 'a.o' -c  -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv
-I/home/zacts/chicken- -I"/usr/local/include/chicken"
rm a.c
'gcc' 'a.o' -o 'a.out' -L/home/zacts/chicken-
-Wl,-R/home/zacts/chicken- -L"/usr/local/lib"
-Wl,-R"/usr/local/lib" -lchicken -lm -ldl
rm a.o
 scrutiny tests ...
/home/zacts/chicken- 'typematch-tests.scm'
-output-file 'a.c' -types ../types.db -ignore-repository -verbose
-include-path /home/zacts/chicken- -specialize
'gcc' 'a.c' -o 'a.o' -c  -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv
-DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DC_ENABLE_PTABLES -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -w
-I/home/zacts/chicken- -I"/usr/local/include/chicken"
rm a.c
'gcc' 'a.o' -o 'a.out' -L/home/zacts/chicken-
-Wl,-R/home/zacts/chicken- -L"/usr/local/lib"
-Wl,-R"/usr/local/lib" -lchicken -lm -ldl
rm a.o
check fixnum 123
check string abc
check symbol (quote abc)
check char x
check true #t
check false #f
check number (+ 1 2)
check (list fixnum) (quote (1))
check (list symbol) (quote (a))
check (list fixnum) (list 1)
check pair (quote (1 . 2))
check procedure +
check vector (quote #(1))
check null (quote ())
check input-port (current-input-port)
check blob (make-blob 10)
check pointer (address->pointer 0)
check pointer-vector (make-pointer-vector 1)
check locative (make-locative a)
check (struct promise) (##sys#make-structure (quote promise))
check (pair fixnum float) (quote (1 . 2.3))
check (vector symbol) (quote #(a))
check (list string) (quote (ok))
specialize fixnum
specialize not fixnum
specialize string
specialize not string
specialize symbol
specialize not symbol
specialize char
specialize not char
specialize true
specialize not true
specialize false
specialize not false
specialize (list fixnum)
specialize not (list fixnum)
specialize pair
specialize not pair
specialize procedure
specialize not procedure
specialize (vector fixnum)
specialize not (vector fixnum)
specialize null
specialize not null
specialize undefined
specialize not undefined
specialize input-port
specialize not input-port
specialize blob
specialize not blob
specialize pointer
specialize not pointer
specialize pointer-vector
specialize not pointer-vector
specialize locative
specialize not locative
specialize (struct promise)
specialize not (struct promise)
specialize (pair fixnum float)
specialize not (pair fixnum float)
specialize (vector symbol)
specialize not (vector symbol)
specialize (or (list fixnum) symbol)
specialize not (or (list fixnum) symbol)
specialize (list fixnum)
specialize not (list fixnum)
specialize (or null pair)
specialize not (or null pair)
check predicate true boolean?
check predicate false boolean?
check predicate pair pair?
check predicate null null?
check predicate symbol symbol?
check predicate number number?
check predicate number number?
check predicate fixnum exact?
check predicate number real?
check predicate number complex?
check predicate float inexact?
check predicate char char?
check predicate string string?
check predicate vector vecto